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Everything posted by vtaenz

  1. I think too many people miss Chamberlain's clear understanding that the England was in no position to fight a war that early. I think there is some evidence that suggests he knew he didn't really buy peace but he bought time for them to catch up with production. And yes, Trump is not a Chamberlain.
  2. Finished the season track and all objectives last night. May still play a bit to knock out some other stuff, but t his was enjoyable (SB quill volley of course). Wasn't a huge fan of the expansion campaign story. I felt like it just wasn't very good.
  3. Yeah, I had read that as well this morning. Just terrible all around. ...dude
  4. There's a big assumption here that the real Putin was at this event and not one of his doubles. It could also be a reason (if true) of the US persuading Ukraine not to move forward with it.
  5. So how does one pronounce ATACMS? Is it like Attack 'Ems?
  6. I thought Greece was in NATO (along with Turkey). Member states can attack each other?
  7. It's not just producing said tanks, they also need to be able to repair and maintain them... laughable I know.
  8. I mean good. Russia hasn't adhered to any fucking treaty ever. Staying the high road doesn't mean jack all in a fight. At the very least they get that a real fight doesn't have rules. Looks like Poland (like everyone else) recognizes it and is doing something about it because someone has to be first.
  9. vtaenz

    Helldivers 2

    100% you pretty much need to party up or join a random team. Most missions are really hard at low levels trying to solo them. It's a lot of fun if you get into a somewhat competent group. Some of the movement feels wonky and I wish I had a 1st person view. It does feel like a pretty good gameplay loop and it's a lot of fun. Real Helldivers fight Robots.
  10. I just picked this up after watching a few vids. Seems like they had bad server issues initially but that's been figured out. It has real Starship Troopers vibes to it and it would be amazing if they somehow were able to drop a total conversion or DLC, that would be amazing. Anyway, here's a video of two missions from Neebs gaming.
  11. Haven't kept up on this thread. S1 was not received well. S2 was pretty fantastic. S3 started off terribly, like for real traps aren't fun and interacted with in an intuitive way in the first place and you built a season around that? They've effectively made that whole piece not matter anymore and generally everyone enjoys the season more. I purposely started late and I've really enjoyed it for the most part. I still dislike farming steel despite the increased drop rate in S2.
  12. Didn't ChatGPT start going insane a few days ago for some odd reason? Now phone issues are plaguing us? This is 100% the Skynet timeline.
  13. Same thought I had. I thought the loss of a car was greater than the loss of part of the rail line.
  14. Once reached though, could they not just unlink a few cars then use a tracked vehicle to push or pull them over?
  15. Or, more likely, another russian propaganda artist since they're a brand new member and their first two posts happen to be this thread. Maybe we can ask for a minimum post count before people can post on this thread.
  16. Cool you responded as a totally different user... Also, I just wanted to get a Russian to admit they were rooting for Ukraine in writing.
  17. Perhaps, but China, Russia, and Iran are allies of convenience. Like you said they're opportunists and definitely seems like they could just as easily fuck one another over.
  18. Who are you rooting for victory-wise in the Ukraine - Russian war?
  19. That reads like a middle school student's research paper for the 3rd 6 weeks.
  20. Saw that we sent an AC-130 to light up a militia camp from where the launches came from.
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