Lot of angry people on here because reasons...
Hanna should have quashed this instantly but didn't.
LHB is a class and he has the right to fail them but it sounds like he didn't make any threats.
No band members do not think football games are about them, not in high school and sure as fuck not in college, they're there to watch the game or socialize, just like you. If you've met someone in band that did not fall under that description then congratulations you found the 1%.
LHAB by and large has the same feelings most people here are expressing but there is also a small contingent that is siding with LHB
Like most things, once an adult puts their damn foot down (new director may be needed) then it will be back to business as usual. If need be they can roll with a pep band; even half the band is still larger than the normal pep band taken to away games.
For the LHB members that don't want to play, fine, good for you, take your F, and continue on with your life. You'll look back on that moment and probably forget about it. There are some battles that should be fought, this doesn't feel like one of them, but I've been wrong plenty of times before.
We should focus our energy on stuff that actually matters, like a football team that wins.