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Everything posted by vtaenz

  1. Will there be any catchup or bonus mechanism for the season? I got started pretty late and I'm only at like level 34. Not sure I'll be able to get to 100 in the next 20 days or whatever is left.
  2. Horse shit. The other team didn't score. This is completely not Stars like.
  3. We don't get to score on a power play without paying penance.
  4. vtaenz

    2019-20 NHL

    Refs swallowing their whistles for playoff OT. Per usual.
  5. Yeah but look how many periods it took them. Fucking slackers.
  6. vtaenz

    2019-20 NHL

    Are all games at the same stadium for the respective conferences? If they are, what happens if you have ot? Do they delay the start of the other game or have they scheduled around that?
  7. This team seems like it's much better as a puck control team than a dump and chase, trap, or grind team. It seems like Dickinson had regressed badly these past few weeks. He is really selfish with the puck which works if you have good shooting lanes but he's passing up easy outlets to enter the zone and not forcing d men to give him space or commit. He's making it easy on them. It's like he's not seeing the ice like he was earlier in the year. The team as a whole looks uninspired. The team should probably try to move Rads next season. He's good when he wants to be and will win some puck battles. He also coasts a bit.
  8. He's been bad for all of the bubble play. But with Johns injured now I'm not sure they can bench him. The teams has flashes of good but this old school dump shit is aggravating. You're dumping it to get your change in the 2nd in? Fine sounds good, doing it in the 1st and 3rd... why? Circle back and regroup to get your change in. Quit giving the other team the puck without making them work for it.
  9. To no one's surprise, Russia is trying to sell an unproven cure that could work but is probably shit. I fully expect a vaccine dick measuring contest to take place now among some countries...
  10. They broke the losing streak so that's cool. Also, get fucked blues
  11. I finally played Nuclear Winter since its first inception. Wow that was a LOT of fun. I bet it's even better with friends but that mode is a nice break from normal adventure mode. I really enjoyed it.
  12. Bowness* No one takes a Bowness team seriously.
  13. Working on it. Not sure if I'll finish the season before it's over. I'm barely into the wastelanders quests. I've been catching up on a bunch of old stuff. Pioneer scouts for a backpack and other things. Question though, if I want to go Gatling Gauss, why does everyone take explosive damage increase? Does it have two types of damage associated with it? Is that intended or a bug? Should I anticipate nerfs to the build? I like the M2 but fuck me if I never have ammo.
  14. New patch today. https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/article/2Z8aZWK1CISDkxWAcwQhw8/fallout-76-update-21-patch-notes-august-4-2020
  15. vtaenz


    Oh damn I remember seeing a handful of episodes of code monkeys, don't remember much but it was enjoyable.
  16. This is classic fucking bowness. Refuses to adapt and is stuck in this mentality of going into a shell when up a goal.
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