Yeah, I wasn't a huge fan of the first part of the DLC, Elysium was cool to look at but the story didn't real me in. Really thought Hades was great and aside from the odd navigation at first for Atlantis, it was really cool to see and I enjoyed that story line. The Layla story line confused me more than anything. I assume she was affected by the staff but it felt like they kind of hit you in the face with it as I didn't feel like there was anything subtle about her transition.
I agree, I enjoyed it as well. As more news comes out on Valhalla hopefully they don't do anything drastic or terrible. I still miss the old AC formula that was in Unity and Syndicate. I'm not sure which I prefer more though since the games are so different. If you had all the elements from Odyssey in Unity, would I prefer that game or how Unity currently is?
Legacy of the First Blade was more of the same for DLC. I enjoyed the story and characters for the most part. The one thing that stood out were some technical and consistency issues. References to things that I hadn't done or choices I didn't/hadn't make/made. Characters not being present at all in cut scenes so the dialog never was spoken (that was really odd). Cut scenes seemingly starting at odd points and dialogue being spoken over one another. At first I though, oh cool it's like a heated conversation where one person cuts the other off, nope it was definitely a glitch. Still enjoyed the hell out of this game and I know why, I could tell I was a bit saddened by finishing the game and ending the tale of the protagonist. Or the sense of dread when something happens to the protagonist. Not too many games really evoke that type of emotion but this one did a great job of it.
I hope as far as story and those little character hooks, they keep up the same level they set in Odyssey. I think I need to mention, I played as Kassandra the whole way through. I don't think I would have cared nearly as much if I had played as Alexios, but I would be interested in seeing the differences in the cut scenes in the DLC. I'll just look it up on YouTube.