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Everything posted by vtaenz

  1. we need to win offensive zone faceoffs and fix our zone entrances they are horrendous
  2. Now that that is out of the way, we can stop fucking around.
  3. Not a weak call, just a dumb penalty to take. and fuck they score
  4. vtaenz

    2019-20 NHL

    I hope the Bruins lose.
  5. When are we starting the regular season thread, Thursday?
  6. Perry has a broken foot and hasn't played.
  7. Only been watching since the third. I am not a fan of whatever the hell Comeau is doing tonight.
  8. Idiots at ESPN could also say the same thing. Stupidity doesn't care about age.
  9. Oettinger looked the part of an NHL goalie.
  10. Preseason game is actually on FSSW+ tonight. Yesterday's game against the Blues wasn't so hot. Nice to see the young guys. Keeping an eye on Kiviranta and Dellandrea. Currently up 1-0 off of Hintz PPG.
  11. We know honka, we've been trying to trade you but there's no value there.
  12. I don't disagree with the Hanna comments. However, the eyes is being played at the speed that VRD had it played it. As he had said, it's the school song not a funeral march.
  13. I hope it's like last year. He struggled with accuracy on easy screens against Maryland last year. The next week he looked sharp throwing those same passes.
  14. Re-reading the first page of this thread...
  16. Big fan of goruck. https://www.goruck.com/bullet-ruck-usa-colors/?gdffi=4c30ccc9695f4aa39c0430cdb3c70909&gdfms=B755A37C4BCD4DB9B6FFCB6FC5E96088&gclid=CjwKCAjwtajrBRBVEiwA8w2Q8OBP-bp7AAn0fUE-YlKQADzOnnxNv07LU1mJRFGzPd5fqzlUE5IEgxoCEhMQAvD_BwE
  17. Would really hope to have a healthy Johns this season.
  18. We are really shooting for comeback seasons for badly injured players.
  19. If you look at Sam last year between Maryland and Tulsa? you can see how much he improved in just simple swing passes and screens. He was awful at those simple passes in the first game and it could have been nerves. He has been pretty crisp since then. I'd like to think we see continued improvement but who knows.
  20. He loves to play the victim. Where's his cross? He clearly died for our sins.
  21. Or maybe you go on a mini quest for them. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  22. Fallout is my number one game all time. Just anyone that plays the first hour or two of it, you get a real sense of the hopelessness and survival mentality of it. Maybe because it's so bleak and desolate. Would love to have lockpick and hacking rolled into one card or some type of internet ability. Such a pain that it takes up 3 slots each and you pretty much just swap them out whenever you need them. Maybe have a safe zone loadout. Think of it as dual specialization. On the wasteland you have your normal combat loadout. In a designated safe zone you could utilize a very specific crafting focused one, meaning all your special abilities and everything are changed to what you set without you having to swap out special points. I like the card system, maybe a way to have different or improved versions of cards. Maybe those are dropped by enemies. Better cards drop off harder enemies. Could even just be a cosmetic effect added to a card. It might really break the game though for some people. The enclave quest line into the nuke silo was fantastic. I love the stories and exploration it can't be said enough, the problem when churning that out is we consume it once and then it's been exhausted. Not sure how you could create a type of story line that could provide a whole lot new depending on the path you take. I guess that would fall more under traditional rpg quest lines where you could talk your way through, fight your way through, or sneak your way through. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
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