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Everything posted by vtaenz

  1. I'm just glad our stadium's seats all face toward the field. I hope that continues. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  2. Yeah the spirit of the rule of offsides is to prevent a team from being an unfair advantage. The letter of the rule gets applied though. Now a hand pass well I guess nothing applies.
  3. Exactly what I said up top. Methot can bring the physicality that Polak brought but is a bit more dynamic and smart/clever with the puck. Johns is physical and skilled at moving the puck. We were let down at times by our defense in game 7. I know it doesn't seem like it but when we can't win battles in corners to regain control of the puck or get good breakouts going that usually means your d men are having trouble.
  4. I don't know about Hanzel since it never felt like we saw what he could bring. We definitely missed oleksiak. How much different is this team this year with methot and johns?
  5. Chick behind the Stars bench: https://www.instagram.com/nataliesng/ Her comment on BBQ and being at a Michelin Star restaurant cracks me up.
  6. Stars playing passive as fuck all. Blues playing exactly how they fucking want (because the refs are letting them). Start dropping some fucking bodies and get strapped in for game 7.
  7. I like the victory green as well. Not as high on the logo though. Someone had a mock-up of the current uniform but with some gold accents instead of the silver and it looked awesome. I liked the old star looking jerseys as well from 99 on until the shity template jerseys after the lockout. Home uniform are dark because teams are wearing 3rd jerseys. If a team was a 3rd jersey at home fans see it and buy it. If it's worn on the road the exposure isn't as much.
  8. I mean, great goal. What am i missing? not sure if serious... you're playing it with sound right?
  9. Spezza is channeling playoff Shawn Horcoff. Oleksiak is doing exactly what we need him to do. Sucks I would have preferred to swap this performance with last games performance, we'd be up 3-1 at this point. Just come ready to play on Saturday and hope the Preds try to press.
  10. This was the most hilarious thing I saw tonight. https://streamable.com/ww5uy
  11. What a bitch ass win. Fucking turtle team. One goal lead and turtle immediately. Fuck this team, they are shit.
  12. Are you fucking kidding me, all that and the stick fucking breaks. Fuck us right?
  13. Bishop is choosing a weird night to play poorly.
  14. Can't go 0 for 6 on the power play. They need to clean up zone exits when even strength and clean up zone entries on the power play. If they do that everything else should take care of itself.
  15. So when we push them down it's interference. When they do it no call. Got it.
  16. Wait did we get called for interference by trying to avoid a hit?
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