Awesome. Is Chris still the lead? I don't this is something you can change and I get the lore behind it, but I hate the UI. It's awful for PC and I wish it could get an update. It feels clunky and difficult to use. My screen feels very busy and I wish there was a way to scale the UI. I don't need the quest text to take up half my screen. When I log in, I don't always feel like I know what I want to do. I can see the quests on the map but I'm not sure if it's worth my time to do them. I love exploring but I sometimes need that incentive, the "what's around this corner?" motivation. The what should I do today with my limited time doesn't feel real fluid. I guess think about how the division 2 does their daily stuff. It's not perfect but it gives me some guidance on daily and weekly things to do. Also wearing power armor indoors, there's a bug where you can't move until after you hold down wasd for like 10 seconds. Fix that please. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk