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BradInATX last won the day on February 15 2021

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    fuck around and find

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  1. Leftover brisket, terry blacks sauce, string cheese That all went in the air fryer. String cheese is resilient af
  2. I still like you Fozzz, or Turkey Chew or whatever you call you self these days. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Can anyone catch me up on the following two things? - How mad is bad teammate at Biden? - Is Anastasis still pretending to be a centrist? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Fucking lawyers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. All Them Witches new album is strong
  6. As someone who has WFH for 15 years nothing makes me smarmier than watching the rest of the world realize that going into the office is completely useless. Fuck an office.
  7. You’re slipping bro, as am I. I don’t even have the energy to fuck with you with my multiple kids these days. Got bored during Covid and doubled down on the children. [emoji51]
  8. Good day boys. I love D White but he’s been overrated by Spurs fans and NBA nerds for awhile. Top end role player, not a cornerstone. He’s 27, he is what he is. A first for Young is a coup. Love it. The rumored Jak almost trade weirds me out some but if we can keep him and DJ for awhile I like the future. We have three shots to find a fire shooting 2. Throw some front court depth in, let KJ keep developing at his natural 3 spot. DJ, shooter, KJ, Collins (plus prospect), Turtle. That’s a playoff team easily. We just have to find a creator at the 2. Easier said than done and I don’t follow college well enough to know if there’s anything there. I think at some point we’ll have to let go of one of DJ, KJ or Jak because we can’t expect all of our creation to come from our theoretical shooting guard and that will suck. You can’t have a whole roster of scrappy off-ball guys. But I trust the front office to do it right.
  9. That was actually a video of kids learning that the casinos stopped letting their dads spend their disability checks at the sportsbook. They get shoes this winter.
  10. Lol at all of you nerds talking about plot and character development and glossing over the fact that black chewy fucking rules That’s all I have to say about that
  11. [emoji23][emoji23] clearly Nut up and take the bet bitch! I’m actually on the fence on the trade. The only way Philly wins it is if they ring this year and I don’t see it. Harden is on a fast decline. Embiid isn’t an alpha. On paper Simmons slides in nicely to the Nets, but I hate Kyrie as a player, vaccine bullshit aside. I like the Warriors this year. Maybe Milwaukee. How you liking the full rebuild? Hopefully we can find some scoring with three firsts.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Anyone want Brooklyn and Philly vs. my field for even money? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. The wrong kind Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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