It's general commentary on the intellectual dishonesty and bold-faced partisan hackery that you and others are displaying on this thread.
You've been a member here since April 2018. Incredulity, GRHorn, etc. have been around longer. Over the course of the pandemic, we've sat through our President saying the following things:
Throughout the entire course of the pandemic, the entire group of you who parse through and bitch and moan about literal individual words that Biden said has been completely silent. Not a single world about absolutely a constant flow of terrible and misleading statements by POTUS over an entire year. And yet suddenly you're in here parsing the minutia of the grammar of what our current POTUS said.
My point is that this sudden great concern for how the POTUS is messaging his Coronavirus response cynical and partisan hackery. It's a joke. Accurate pandemic messaging is not important to you and it never has been, meaning that your opinion isn't to be taken seriously.
*** A few excluded, as I've actually seen or had conversations with them that sort of amoeba across party lines and are generally intellectually honest even if we disagree on a lot of things politically or otherwise (Hate, and even Cheese and GR at times).