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Everything posted by BradInATX

  1. I had a few family members take and and no surprise ronas. I feel like if anything everyone thinks they've had it when they haven't. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  2. Thank goodness Joe Biden is focusing on important things like vaccine mandates for optics and pork filled jobs programs that won't even be able to find labor and not silly shit like wealth inequality, corruption, prosecuting insurrection or healthcare. I guess we all just prayed for a rewind to the corporatist good ol days of 1910-2016 but it's unbelievable how Democrats just refuse to grasp why they keep losing despite everyone supporting their policies. Christ. Nobody will be to blame for Trump 24-28 except the geriatrics in charge of the DNC.
  3. Man. Our little one caught RSV in spring and that was terrifying. Darth Vader breathing and all that. Glad your little man made it ok. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  4. I got 150 and I've been maskless in comal county for 6 months sans covid. So I've either got the best luck in the world, covid is a hoax, or my 12 inch dick is warding covid off like an antibody mosquito zapper. I'm assuming it's option 3. I'm not going to read back, way too many pages. But has anyone had covid and tested zero for infection antibodies? Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  5. Got my UTH results back. Negative for the infection antibodies, 148 spike count. Pfizer in early March. Pretty sure I'm gonna die. Do I win the low score prize? Was a little surprised to be negative for the Covid antibodies. I've been sick a couple of times during the warm weather, thought one of them was the Rona since I had some lingering symptoms for a few weeks afterwards that tracked with post-Covid stuff. And we have not been careful at all post-vaccination. Been flying, going to concerts bars restaurants etc. In a city that gives zero fucks about Covid. I don't even know where my masks are. But there's all kinds of nasty stuff going around, both of my little ones had RSV and Hand Foot and Mouth, so who knows.
  6. Nice. Got drawn Friday. How long are results taking? I'm semi expecting the asymptomatic result. My toddler had it. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  7. Imagine thinking a guy who just wants to play out his contract is a malcontent. "How dare he want to live by the terms of a mutually agreed upon business agreement!"
  8. Anyone do the Texas Health antibody study? Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  9. My dudes never quit their sport for two years...
  10. That's a fair point. We know Steph and LeBron have the mental toughness. My third is kind of a pussy, but he doesn't have AIDS at least
  11. 10 year old lab and 3 month old half boxer half lab. She's a fuckin nutjob. Love her.
  12. We've already watched Curry shield Durant from Lebron's shit talk. He'd protect him from MJ too. Bird, Jordan and Curry are the only three dudes that intimidate anyone but we already know Steph isn't scared. He and LeBron would do enough to keep KDs confidence going as long as they locked him out of his Twitter burners
  13. Imagine thinking that KD is a better rim protector than LeBron James, Magic Johnson and even Larry Bird. Yikes. You're in too deep dude.
  14. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] You know that's less common now though (@matt)
  15. He was also playing against this
  16. Kinda the point though right? We're not talking Bird in bizarro world where he spent 80% of practice reps shooting 3s. We're talking about actual bird vs. actual Curry confined by a ruleset where 3 pointers are worth 33% more, relatively, than they are by NBA rules which is huge. Curry's true shooting is like 10% higher than Birds in the normal NBA which would translate to something ridiculous. I'm not shitting on Bird. He's my dad's favorite NBA guy and I grew up watching him. But his play style would get crushed. We're not talking "Bird if he had 5 years to adapt to the modern game". Derka pretty clearly stated modern rules. 80s rules the old dudes win easily. My answer is just a product of the parameters.
  17. Pretty sure I'm older than you, you fuck.
  18. Conceded. You're right. He shot 130 that year. That's less than half that Giannis shot this year. Doesn't change the point that Curry would absolutely Shred Bird. Larry shooting 3s is a best case scenario for team avocado toast because it's the most inefficient shot on the floor.
  19. That's fair too. He was a good defender in maul ball 90s NBA. But defensively he was at his best on the prowl between the paint and the arc. Curry would have so much space to shoot. Imagine curry running around a LeBron screen and Bird trying to run around it (Or Magic trying to switch). So many open shots. It'd be ugly.
  20. Do me a favor and tell me what his best finish in 3p% was. I already know the answer but it'll be a good learning experience for you.
  21. Man fuck you, I see what you're doing but I'm not going to stick up for KD
  22. You're actually right, with today's rules and 2s and 1s scoring, team modern embarrasses the old guys.
  23. LeBron would dominate Magic on both ends. MJ Durant would be a great great matchup that I'd love to see. I think they'd kinda both score at will because MJ, as good as his defense was, would have no answer for KD's rise up jumper. And obviously KD can't guard Jordan. But Curry would just abuse Bird on offense. It'd be horrific. And Bird wouldn't have the range to keep LeBron from packing the paint a bit vs Magic and him. Not a lot of range on team old head.
  24. So Bird is guarding KD? LOL Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  25. Siakam to GSW is championship level stuff. I've seen the rumored trade but I don't see anything that makes sense. Siakam is kind of the perfect prototype of a player with a shitload of potential and athleticism that will never be the alpha but will be unreal with some floor spacers and ball movement. He solves so many problems the Warriors have, and it worked out well the last time they had a Siakam caliber player in KD. I just don't know why they'd let him go. It's not like he's a free agent that knew he'd never win one by himself. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
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