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Everything posted by BradInATX

  1. Cool, and whoever is guarding Curry (probably Bird's slow ass) will just get 3s bombed in his face all day. Team modern wins 21-14. It would be much uglier than that. It the old heads got 10 I'd be shocked, unless it's 80s/90s Pistons WWF Rules.
  2. This will be unpopular but for most teams (Milwaukee excluded), I'd take Dantoni over Bud. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  3. Yeah. Maybe I'm an ok boomer. I turn 40 this year. But I always dapped the opponent up win or lose. Doesn't even have to be heartfelt or genuine but it's a nicety that keeps sports civil. No matter what, Chris Paul is a fuckin bitch. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  4. Switching gears.. can we talk about CP3 leaving like he did? I don't remember the finals losers completely disregarding the post-series handshakes like that. Did any of the suns go dap the Bucks guys? Am I just being a boomer guy expecting that to happen? Is Chris Paul still a passive aggressive bitch?
  5. Eh. Covid sort of ended for me and my family when we got vaccinated, combined with a newborn and a deluge of work, plus the most insane period of (no politics) politics of my life ending and I ain't got time for all that. I was always on record thinking Cuomo was a disingenuous idiot. Fuck him. Where I ultimately landed on covid was: - Politics of the states didn't really matter spread wise. Masks and policy maybe worked superficially but end of day people are going to gather privately with family and friends and spread it no matter how much they virtue signal or tout on Facebook to "mask up!!" - it's a shame how political the whole thing was. It's a shame how unvaccinated some areas of the country are. It was a serious thing that killed probably 700-800k people end of day in our country and it's a shame that politics caused people to downplay that many deaths. It's also a shame that the media continued to fear monger even after about May of this year (and to this day) when being vaccinated almost guarantees your safety. - it did spread in schools, especially high schools. Pretending otherwise was silly. - I don't really give a fuck anymore. My wife and I are vaccinated. Neither of us have risk factors. Our kids are in the age group that's more likely to drown in my pool than die of covid. It's not a thing for us anymore. I don't even know where our masks are. Some day I'll look at the studies done on the data, but shit is so incomplete that I'm not ready to throw gotchas around. A lot of people died. A good portion of the deaths may have been preventable, but it was never gonna happen. Way she goes.
  6. "Kevin Love has a better case than Draymond" "Let's not build silly narratives" Pick one.
  7. You mean using basketball reference's "hall of Fame probability" metric isn't a reliable predictor of actual hall of Fame chances? You don't say! Amari Stoudamire isn't going to be happy with this revelation.
  8. 😂
  9. Love isn't, obviously. Kyrie probably is, but shouldn't be. I should have gotten you on the hook for some cash early in the season when you were convinced the Nets were inevitable. I'll get you next season.
  10. What KD's career has taught us is that he needs three hall of Fame teammates to beat an opponent with a single hall of famer. Two HOF teammates just doesn't cut it.
  11. On a serious note, there aren't really enough superlatives for Giannis. He's ascendant, generational, elite. What a talent, what a performance. Impossible to root against. And what a playoffs. We avoided championships by nephew Kawhi, LeChina and AD, the dick kicker CP3, and the second most unlikeable team in history out in Brooklyn (nobody will beat the Kobe/Shaq//Payton/Child rapist Malone Lakers). And probably the most likeable guy in the league ascended and won the title. Fuckin awesome. My favorite playoffs outside of Spurs title runs. Basketball fuckin rules.
  12. Member when I said the Bucks should get Jrue Holiday? I member.
  13. Worth it. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  14. Sideways eyes emoji Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  15. Kyle can you save it for the other thread? I'll concede that you are a super big brain guy if you stick to the DT: Covid thread Thx kyle
  16. I had to unhide you on this thread because I knew you'd have something good. Don't worry my dude, you're just on ice for a little bit like my balls and my short game.
  17. This is such a slam dunk hire.
  18. Big ice is important the first few days. Then you guilt your wife into 3 weeks of blowjobs. I walked 18 Wednesday and I'm still leaning into it. How sore am I actually? That's between me and Jesus.
  19. Y'all would have to get Penelope in the Popemobile to visit Pennsylvania
  20. One of my old salespeople lives in Garland, super Trumpy, thinks the election was stolen and all that, and only wanted J&J because it's "traditional". Whatever, put that shit in your shoulder.
  21. The fuck is up with me? I don't care about traffic. I'll never neg rep you either, you fat bastard. I'm on record in the CR as being anti-neg. Some reasonable posters have been run off. I like GRhorn and DonkeyCigars and even immortal sometimes. Basically, you can suck my balls guy
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