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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BradInATX

  1. I thought to myself, "who is the oldest old I know that can barely use a computer? Someone who probably thinks the CD Rom is a cupholder? Once that person is able to get signed up and vaccinated, I feel morally safe getting my shot" Then Armybrat posted pics of him getting vaccinated. Scheduled my shot that day.
  2. Turn them off and go to native language with English CC. Netflix should make that the default, dubbing sucks.
  3. Pretty sure Anastasis is the arbiter of the Surly official vaccine guidelines @Anastasis
  4. Got first shot earlier. Am drinking. But I have the immune system of an alligator and the penis of Ron Jeremy so I'll be alright.
  5. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/02/24/nation/jj-one-shot-vaccine-appears-fare-better-against-worrisome-covid-19-strains-than-first-reported/
  6. So, is the penny stock game basically that you're going to enter and exit a bunch of losers like you're Vic Mackey at 2am at the dance club, but the occasional gem will keep you afloat? Because AMYZF is basically just offsetting losses from every other stock in my Surly ETF except for Restoration Hardware which is up a few points. Edit: RXMD is up a good amount overall too, I missed that amongst the sea of red.
  7. My surly stonks ETF is up $48 since I started messing with it a few weeks ago. I could have made more money on an hourly basis working at McDonald's. But then I wouldn't get to be doing stupid shit with the rest of you, so.. worth it.
  8. I exited at .85 myself. Like Hefe, this one just gave me a bad feeling the whole way.
  9. PFMS just blew right by parabolic and went straight vertical.
  10. Penelope, what are we going to do with NAKD?
  11. I cashed out about half of my AMYZF to profit-take, but otherwise diamond handsing the rest. Not selling at a loss so we're either riding them to bankruptcy or going full YOLO. This is the way. #Stonks.
  12. We have two Cloak Rooms now. The Cloak Room, and the Cloak Room for people who don't want to post in the Cloak Room. This threading the needle and not just moving all CR threads to the CR is going great.
  13. Didn't like when Trump did it. Don't like Biden doing it. Fucking cut the perpetual war bullshit out.
  14. I went to the doctor and all he did was suck my blood. Never go to Doctor Acula.
  15. Speaking of, hot wheels said today that he's going to end the state mask mandate soon. Which means cities won't be able to have their own since his order overrides theirs. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  16. I'm not that deep into any of them and the one I am (AMYZF) survived mostly. Sorry dude. Green days comin'.
  17. "Look at me, I'm not poor enough for a vaccine!"
  18. Well, my penny stonks currently have no commas in my total loss for today, which I can't say about my core retirement (100% SPY/VOO). So there's that.
  19. This is good info. My strategy is to set limit orders to trigger at a certain point where I'm selling back to get my initial investment back and then freerolling what's left. The number where that happens depends on the stock, my feel, and what you've said. For example AMYZF I've got set up to trigger at 2x (I'm a nickel away from this one triggering), so I'll cash out my initial investment which is half the shares. I've got UUUU and SPSO and 1.5x, RXMD at 1.75x and ALPP at 1.75x, and TSNP at 2x. Positions that look shitty I'll cash out of as needed like XMET. But most of us understand this is risky and the majority of us are just fucking around so no need for disclaimers or anything. Keep stonking.
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