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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BradInATX

  1. Let's do process of elimination starting with districts that elected fitlump
  2. I was born and raised in south Austin and lived there for 40 years. Sit down kid. The only thing South Austin about Travis Country were the basketball games that we used to play there. It's nothing but a poor man's Westlake or Tarrytown.
  3. 78735 is central Austin, which of course is full of yuppies. Impressive to have lived there for 20 years and still not realize that Southwest Parkway is north of Ben White. Only yuppies and Californians think Travis Country or SoCo are south Austin. Maybe @Armybrat because when he moved to Austin it didn't go past the river.
  4. See, that's more culture than has existed up there in two decades. Thank your city council person.
  5. You couldn't pay me to live north of Ben White. Central is full of yuppies and north is full of people like you. South Austin is the only place that still has any Austin left in it. The rest is a hodge podge of pool halls, California, and white people that watch cable news
  6. So is Plano. Mostly at this point what it lacks is Austinites, though.
  7. To be fair he's had two good games this year 2 out of 25.. not bad
  8. This group of young guys and random parts is bizarrely clutch. If they're not getting blown out by the 4th quarter, they win a lot more than they lose. I like this squad. They're blue collar and mentally tough.
  9. I've got the Warriors game on my second TV. Steph dragging that team into playoff contention is just unreal. Generational talent. If they make the playoffs he should easily win MVP. He won't, but he should.
  10. Wife just sent me this, it's just getting rolling but it's definitely going to end up a shit show in the comments
  11. Got two kids under 3. Two days two nights is about all we can manage for the next few years. The point of my post is basically telling you and your Turks and Caicos to go fuck yourself
  12. Depends what we're talking about. Cases might spike at some point. But I'd bet a substantial amount of money that we won't see another spike in hospitalizations or deaths that's anywhere close to the two previous spikes. We're going to see a pretty near perfect downward trend in those for the long haul. For me, cases without deaths are "who cares".
  13. Yep and based on polling only about 130mm are going to take it right away. We're going to be in "if you want it you can find a shot with a small amount of effort" territory by April, and "they'll be knocking on doors trying to give it out" by June. Wife and I booked Vegas for early May last night. Can't wait. Fuck a pandemic.
  14. It's amazing and terrible that basic logistics like that are so impressive.
  15. What's overall demand for pools looking like? 2020 going to be a monster outlier year or are you still seeing huge new demand even as the end of Covid is near?
  16. You're like two posts from challenging me to meet up in the HEB parking lot to fight. You might consider taking a bit of a break. Or at least a breath.
  17. Parler? But the recent trend towards anti-science and anti-fact types getting super triggered when called out for stupid shit is pretty hilarious. "How dare you call me out for saying dumb things! What is this, 1984?!?!" I don't have the power to hall monitor anything. If my calling out your posts makes you feel censored or stupid then perhaps you should put more thought and effort into your content.
  18. Not a single person on this board believes that you didn't know that the "OK" hand symbol was a white power thing. Literally not a single person.
  19. There are people who are dull enough to take something like your post and go repeat it to their idiot friends on Facebook. That's how it starts. It's how we have people who think Covid is the flu and that the government is using pizza parlors to traffic children. We have several of them on here.
  20. This is some really, really stupid shit. You should try harder than this because you are presumably an adult.
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