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Everything posted by BradInATX

  1. You obviously don't follow Texas football very closely. It was very well known that we reached out to all three of those guys (Mora, Briles, Patterson) and were shut down. Imagine thinking Charlie Strong was our first choice.
  2. Remember when you came on here and told us about conspiracy theories that you read about on your Q message boards? muh stolen election! There was a discussion about which of the low-information DT posters are Q types, because there's obviously a lot of you here who don't want to admit it publicly on a message board that skews educated. The first two that came to mind were you and dcar00. He'll out himself eventually too. Can't wait for the military to throw Biden out and put Trump back in in August!!
  3. Actually, Jim Harbaugh was. Now do 2012.
  4. Charlie Strong was our fourth or fifth choice that we know of. Sarkisian, we don't really know because CDC keeps things so close to the vest, but we know he wasn't our first. Chris Beard was our guy and we got him. We've been turned down by Gary Patterson, Jim Mora, Art Briles and lord knows who else. Comparing those guys to Coach K and Mark Few is one of the stupidest takes on the basketball board in awhile. Two of those chumps aren't even employed at the college level anymore.
  5. I'm just in shock that we managed to separate amicably with a coach without a huge buyout and shit show following, and then got our first choice coach almost instantly. I thought Texas coaching searches were supposed to be very public dumpster fires that make our AD look stupid in front of the whole world.
  6. You think Mark Few and Coach K are available for programs to poach? LMAO. Yeah, I'm definitely the one spouting off dumb shit here. While we're at it we should have called Gregg Popovich! Chris Beard was easily the top guy out there that was reasonably available.
  7. So football strikes out on every elite coach they go for over the past decade. Basketball gets the top candidate and the consensus best "available to a big program" guy in the country. We basketball school now?
  8. Fuck yeah.
  9. The months before the pandemic was here in any meaningful way? Those are important to you?
  10. Being an insecure, humorless pussy is a strong move for, well, you. It's kinda your thing. What kind of Longhorn gets mad at an aggy joke? Stop crying. Take a deep breath and remember that tomorrow you get to go to work and figure out more ways to charge poor sick people exploitative amounts of money to stay alive. Feel better?
  11. I have some doubts about the technology they used though. Shit might all be borked.
  12. Lol. Anyway I have the study. There's an appendix I want that has the actual details of the model that is probably worth looking at, asked for that piece too. Won't post the whole thing since its paywalled but their study shows that the excess deaths per the model they used jumped substantially in summer of last year when Florida removed Covid restrictions They also mention a couple of times that they believe their conclusion is conservative They do acknowledge the potential unaccounted for increase in deaths from disease etc as discussed. As well as the reduction in accident-typs deaths which none of us touched on. All in all their conclusion was more "look how dramatically excess deaths jumped up after Florida started ramping restrictions down" than "here's the exact number of unreported Covid deaths". The article originally linked seems to have missed the spirit of the study to focus more on raw death numbers.
  13. Lol at Austin. Really? Comal County of all places had a simple link to remove myself from the vaccine which I did. APH wants me to remember my username and password, go link hunting, then fill out a form? Pretty sure it's gonna make me find all the squares with crosswalks too. Maybe send a blood sample. Fuck outta here with that. Y'all's property taxes pay for this. Lulz.
  14. Maybe one day you'll find the talent to be a business owner instead of a soulless, devastatingly replaceable shill for a pharmaceutical company. I'm rooting for you and I'm happy to give you tips on getting started and coach you up when you're ready.
  15. If they fix and expand the I-10 bridge over Baton Rouge I'll put a goddamn Biden statue in my yard.
  16. I missed that. Just like you missed that the 5k number was over six months, not a year when you did you your back of napkin analysis on an annual basis instead of the correct time period. They stopped in September which means they missed peak pandemic and that 5k is probably closer to 10-15k over the entire year of Covid. The article also isn't clear whether the 14,000 has overlap with the 33,000. I'd say you already know that but you obviously don't. You miss a lot for an alleged data guy that's allegedly above the partisan fray (lmfao)
  17. Yep, that all makes sense, especially if I take your word for it about the numbers you're seeing via your work, which I'll go ahead and do. It's too bad reporting on those deaths from CV, stroke, etc. lag, or else we'd be able to inform the discussion even better with March to March numbers. But sure, I agree that there could be a bump in deaths due to people not being able to get care, or even avoiding it. So does the study, as they didn't assign all 19k excess deaths to Covid. I asked my brother who is in academia to see if he has access to that report. I'm curious as to how they took 19k excess and attributed 14k to Covid, but I'm assuming they did it similarly to the way you did with more tangible data behind it. Whether it's 3k or 5k or even 10k of the 19k attributable to other stuff (put my money on about 5-7k), in the least shocking development ever, Florida definitely seems to be underreporting their numbers.
  18. Ya'll need to stop using words that you don't understand. Let Anastasis carry you. Maybe PM him some points that you think you want to make and filter it all through him. This shit is word salad that someone who googles "how do stats work" vomits out.
  19. You're right. About 20% of the funding went to hospitals with high Covid caseloads. It doesn't pay for those insured privately or via Medicaid. It's just a Medicare replacement. It's not a financial incentive. Not a single hospital has been caught faking Covid numbers. No data supports it. Logic doesn't support it. It's a viral Facebook conspiracy spread by stupid people like yourself that has been debunked repeatedly.
  20. This page rules. We've got one guy posting QAnon/texags conspiracy theories and another posting links that completely disprove the point he was trying to make. Ya'll are bringing the heat. Real strong work boys.
  21. Holy fuck you are dumb. It literally says right there on the link that the Covid relief amounts are determined based off of prior year revenue. It has nothing to do with how many Covid cases they have. "These funds are allocated proportional to providers' share of 2018 patient revenue. "
  22. Relax guy, they're going to overturn the election and put Trump back as POTUS in August.
  23. Haha. I knew your dumb ass was a Q guy. Muh stolen election!!! @DenverHorn @TtomTerrific your boy needs some help here. It's the back 9 of the Masters!
  24. Fired for insubordination after she publicly stated that the state was manipulating data. We now know that Florida is drastically underreporting their data. "Definitely not fired because of that!" -super rational objective thinkers
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