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Everything posted by BradInATX

  1. Okay. Yeah. I agree with you there. But I you and I both know it's not going to be enough of a driver to materially change anything in Florida. Maybe a state like Mississippi as I mentioned above. Sauce of charts: http://www.bu.edu/articles/2021/is-pro-trump-bias-leading-some-us-counties-to-lowball-covid-19-deaths/ https://www.statnews.com/2021/01/25/undercounting-covid-19-deaths-greatest-in-pro-trump-areas-analysis-shows/
  2. To summarize you and Cheese's posts "we got nothin" At least you didn't try to talk stats and science and then pussy out when called out like he did. You already know better.
  3. Nope, I'm not. I'm sure it's a small piece of the pie, which a) appears to be accounted for by the study (can't get the full text right now, but they attribute 4,000 of the 19,000 deaths above expected to non-Covid) and b) is not going to be drastic in Florida, given that it's in the bottom 10 of heart disease mortality in the country. I'm not sure what your point is/was. Does Florida only being 48% fraudulent instead of 50% materially change our conversation?
  4. We had a basic baby shower at our house. I smoked a briskey and made old fashioneds and mint juleps, the guys watched football outside and the girls did girl stuff. It ruled.
  5. Social media man. Plane gender reveal parties. Engagement parties. Promposals. Everything is so fucking extra.
  6. Higher cardiovascular incidence, obesity rates, etc. would already be accounted for in the baseline "expected deaths" numbers unless your assertion is that just prior to Covid, there was a one-time, historic mass migration of fat people to specific states. But you already know that. Or you should.
  7. Agreed. To date I haven't seen a state by state comparison of excess deaths vs. expected. We'll get one eventually.
  8. "We just can't know whether the Pacific Ocean or Lake Travis is bigger because we don't know exactly how many gallons are in each"
  9. I wasn't lazy with the stats. I made a direct statement. If you accounted for the estimated 14,000 unreported deaths in Florida, they'd be #6 currently. That's absolutely true. The underlying point of my post is that Florida, broadly used as a "see masks don't work look at how well Florida is doing!", is full of shit and had much, much worse Covid death numbers (by about 50%) than they would have you believe. And with Florida in particular, we absolutely know it was being done intentionally. You could sell me on the argument that very rural areas lack reporting capability. I could feasibly believe that, say, Mississippi underreported just due to being a poor shitty rural state without capacity to really properly report. Florida fired its statistician because they told her to underreport and she refused. Which is, I assume, why the article focused on Florida. We'll learn more in the coming years, but anyone rational and without the partisan hackery boat anchor around their neck knows what we're going to see. NY, probably NJ, Florida, a bunch of southern states, the Dakotas, and maybe California are underreporting their numbers.
  10. LMAO. There are thousands of posts on this thread talking about how masks and restrictions don't work because the numbers show that red states and no-restriction states are doing just great. You were all over that weren't you. But now that the data is completely predictably showing that was all bullshit, you don't like the numbers? Once again, and let me try to dumb this down because stats clearly aren't your forte, we won't know exact numbers or exactly where Florida "ranks" for awhile. But we can, with certainty, conclude that they are underreporting numbers. As are NY and other southern red states. The numbers from Florida and other states are so far outside of a normal confidence interval when compared to excess deaths that there is literally no way to conclude anything other than Covid deaths are being underreported. There is no "we don't know". We know.
  11. We won't know precise numbers for awhile, if ever. But we know a few things, without any doubt. Florida is cooking their books. NY is cooking their books. The majority of the south and very rural areas are cooking their books and fraudulently underreporting their Covid numbers. There is more than enough information out there to definitively draw those conclusions.
  12. Agreed, which is why you've avoided addressing the actual point. None of the data supports your partisan view of the pandemic so let's just distract, deflect, then retreat when called out. Many of us who aren't approaching every piece of information about the pandemic from a partisan hack corner have criticized Cuomo and NY harshly for their poor decisions and obfuscation. Of course I don't expect any of the "but muh florida" folks to do the same, but the data is there nonetheless. You know. You won't admit it, but you know.
  13. It's not my job to do your research for you. Literally on the first page of google if you're actually interested (you're not). I presume the authors of the study started with Florida because they've blatantly and unashamedly submitted fraudulent numbers. But yeah, you're absolutely right, there's definitely undercounting going on elsewhere. It's almost all concentrated in very red rural areas. So yeah, maybe Florida ends up #10 or so after a bunch of other SEC states who are also cooking their books jump above it. Cool. Go Florida!
  14. They actually injected you with AIDS for Austining their New Braunfels. True story.
  15. I know just a little bit about statistical analysis. I'll play. What are the outliers that you speak of?
  16. I bet this dude wins. He gets it. Whether he's actually a Texan or a northeastern carpetbagger isn't relevant. He, of all the candidates, will trigger libs the most, which is what's important.
  17. Well, they have to put things like that in there to engage people who they know won't take the time to read the underlying study.
  18. https://www.orlandoweekly.com/Blogs/archives/2021/03/30/florida-is-undercounting-covid-19-deaths-per-new-report I know we're all shocked. If you account for their fraud, they jump from 27th in deaths per capita to 6th. but muh florida
  19. Of course Trumpers are going to show tremendous respect for these officers.
  20. Had the exact same setup in ours. Gonzaga loss put it all on this game, with me playing the POD role in ours. Just in time cause they gonna get smashed next game.
  21. Bruins just won me our seed draft thing. Two in a row, three years as champ. [emoji123] And I thought I was drafting Izzo. Better lucky than good.
  22. That's such an America thing. We've had data for like a month showing this and most everyone has already acknowledged it. But the CDC wants us to know that they've vetted things and have it under control. Same thing historically with our FDA. Even though everyone knows it, it's not official til we say so.
  23. double post.. and not even on tapa this time. I'll use this space to brag that with a deal signed today my company now has two years of forward running money including all payroll/benefits/retirement/expenses. That's been a goal of mine since I started the business about seven years ago, when I started it with about two months of running money. Feelsgoodman.
  24. Yeah, same thing here. Honestly though I haven't really chased it that hard. I'm operating under the same general assumption that Cheeseweasel said, that government is slow and it'll get forgiven eventually since I did everything right. I'll probably call and harass the lender if I don't have it by tax day. I'm not stressing on it yet.
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