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Everything posted by BradInATX

  1. I think he's just a man that realized his polite little club of white millionaires who limit their racism to the 19th hole at the club has been infiltrated and taken over by Cousin Eddie and his family, possibly permanently. Shitter's full!
  2. They won't 25th him but as Trump spirals down his pit of having to accept being a loser and ego death, he'll also have to cope with the paranoia of knowing even his closest inner circle of confidantes is abandoning him and plotting behind his back. And I think that's just great.
  3. If he actually took a shit, that's kinda funny. Not gonna lie.
  4. Boomers think anyone under 70 is 25 years old.
  5. Maybe you can use Lump's consulting firm
  6. Lol, these socks aren't even trying
  7. Damn, so their little wimpy riot actually caused their great last stand to end up being 1/6th of its planned scope. The five states that are no longer going to be objected to and debated would have taken ten hours. Their costume party will have lasted about half the time that the electoral debate and grandstanding by the biggest whiny bitches it the GOP would have lasted. Good job, hicks. Owned.
  8. Lol look at this hillbilly little bitch mad that he didn't get his way like a toddler in his trailer park.
  9. I would make a joke about thanks to the six of you who told me that, but I get that the thread is moving at peak-Urban or Bust speed
  10. Yeah I opened the Tweet and saw the comments right after I posted that. Ah well.
  11. I'm sure you're going to catch shit for it, but I'm on record giving you props for being willing to admit that you regret a past decision you made politically. Pretty rare these days.
  12. This is the first post I have ever negged unprovoked. Congratulations, you fucking moron.
  13. So what happens once these fucks get run off? I assume they won't pick the certification up today. Rescheduled, I assume for sometime between now and the 20th?
  14. He's encouraging them to continue the coup, just not violently.
  15. There would be dozens if not more dead on the capital lawn if the police weren't on the same team as these terrorists.
  16. Attack Iran - 10% chance Trump runs to foreign country - 10% chance MAGA riot/terrorism somewhere - 50% chance Trump doesn’t leave WH - 0% chance Trump tweets a shitload of conspiracy theories and blames Pence for his loss - 100% chance
  17. I did the same damn thing. I wasn't going to check at all because I was prepared for another disappointment where the Dems underperformed expectations. Got sucked in in the middle of watching Idiocracy with the wife once it looked promising. But I'm not going to watch today's circus. I actually have shit to do today. Got a last minute request dumped on me by my second biggest client out of the great state of Georgia.
  18. Trump's little brain is exploding right now. He desperately wants to separate himself from the loss, blame Mitch and say "I tried to save Georgia!". But he also is painted into a corner where he can't acknowledge the loss. He has an opportunity to suck his own dick and show everyone what happens when you oppose him. But he can't play the card. Hate to see it.
  19. You'd have to be really convincing to sell me on any conclusion other than Warnock and the black vote carried Ossoff over the finish line with them.
  20. Nah. Neither will be recountable.
  21. It still gives the crazies a foothold for their deep state bullshit.
  22. Sterling clearly hates Trump and it's hilarious but I'd rather him play it a little more detached than he is. He needs to be clearing up procedural questions and whatnot, not giving opinions and projecting the race. Whatever though.
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