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Forty Acres

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Everything posted by Forty Acres

  1. So the SEC can’t afford to lose this dicknose as the voice of their conference and I find that hilarious on so many levels.
  2. So it’s like The Road except these guys have a better chance of ending up at a James Franco house party than at a house of cannibals?
  3. A dude who racked up 95% of his college stats against directional schools and willingly chose to go to a school whose entire fan base rides the coattails of their conference over their own success chooses to call out the back to back NBA Final MVP? Have fun in Cleveland douche and enjoy your 3 year NFL career.
  4. aggy works by one true code: Silence of the lambs.
  5. The guy was so good at his job that I feel like this is a loss of someone I actually knew.
  6. Is Plonsky still Excutive Director of Lesbo Affairs?
  7. I found a candid behind the scenes shot from the Dave Campbell photo shoot:
  8. aggy continues to find ways to dodge Texas.
  9. Somebody beat be to it but they should be the By Mornins.
  10. I can’t think a worse way to ruin what could be a fun baseball weekend than inviting the cucks of college station to come civilization and ruin it for all of the other normal people. Win or lose, everybody still has to deal with aggy doing all their aggy stuff which makes us all losers. Kind of depressing.
  11. If you go back to their first year in the SEC, Texas has averaged a stronger strength of schedule than A&M. This doesn’t take into account the embarrassingly huge number of FBS schools they have played or them having 8 homes games on several years. Outside of 1 game, the entire Manziel era was nothing but losing to good teams while beating the shit teams. . The shit just FAR outweighed the good...and that continued on through the entire Sumlin era. If you want to see almost professional level squirming, ask aggy to name Manziel’s top three wins of his career.
  12. At least aggy has reverted back to their “good ‘ol boy/ country values/ salt of the earth/ redneck like us” routine of delusion. The crunk ag swag delusion was just too confusing for me.
  13. I recently saw this fact somewhere: Texas A&M's only national championship is closer by date to Abraham Lincoln's assassination than to today.
  14. By running a slow/plodding offense that is in direct opposition to what all of the high schools in Texas run, of course.
  15. My grandma used to give me $2 bills for my birthday. I have loads of ‘em.
  16. That ending was amazing.
  17. Aggy loves them some things. Heifers and testicles are way up on that list. And talking about themselves. Can’t forget how much they love themselves.
  18. Please make a follow up sequel (as long as Billy is in it). Fucking loved that movie. Both King of King and Hands on a Hard Body are at the top of my all time list. Off to Youtbe I go.
  19. Are any of the hosts really dead as long as there is either another host or human who wants to fix them? They have all died countless times already.
  20. aggy is a community that has the type of honor, dignity, and respect where they are glad somebody famous died (who really has nothing to do with their school) so they can “be on a national stage ” being all honorable, dignified, and respectful. They are salivating waiting for for the death of her husband now. Yeah, look at us!
  21. This been posted yet? aggy run out jars? why is everything all about ejaculate with them?
  22. I would love to watch this again. It brings back great memories. One of y’all need to put it on YouTube or something
  23. I’ve definitley enjoyed watching him go 0-10 so far against Texas so far in the series.
  24. Aggy had one small trick in their bag when they went to the SEC SEC SEC. The uptempo Big 12 style offense full of Big 12 players and Manziel confused the shit out of these teams for a bit. Post Manziel, it remained their only hope to pull off upsets as they could ocassionally put up cheap scores (mostly on the back of Kirk). Now they are going out of their way to get rid of this advantage. In their minds, they think they can become a big tough SEC team. However neither their coach, fans, or anybody else who has ever jizzed in a jar seem to you understand that this new plodding offensive scheme is like oil and water in terms of their Texas recruiting base and how high school ball is now played in the state Good luck, gomers. Y'all are fucked.
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