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Everything posted by Shenanigans

  1. So I swapped to using SteamVR's supersampling setting rather than the in-game one and the graphics are tremendously improved. This game is badass. If you enjoy Skyrim and have a VR headset it kind of is a must buy.
  2. OK Skyrim VR is pretty remarkable. I loaded up a good amount of mods increasing texture resolution and NPC model quality and am pretty blown away. The melee combat doesn't feel great since you don't get any feedback for swinging and you can cheese it up just wagging your controller around to swing super fast, but the magic and bow gameplay is GREAT. Fighting a spider that is 8x larger than you or seeing a dragon breathe fire on you is super trippy. I'm planning on going through the game with a magic/archery build currently and the immersion is unparalleled. This game runs way better than fallout does. The UI is a fucking trainwreck. Easily the most difficult menu navigation in any game I've ever played. The Vive trackpads make it super easy to accidentally swipe up rather than left/right and you have to constantly access your favorites menu to swap back and forth. The radial menu for FO4VR was lightyears better than this stupid shit. I'm not sure if that is something that someone can mod to fix but that will fix the greatest downfall of this game. The interactive environmental items like chests and drawers etc still are just point and click rather than physically opening, which breaks the immersion a bit but I never really expected them to change how you interact with these. Resolution still isn't as good as I would like, but thats a hardware limitation. Supersampling only does so much. All in all I'm very excited about this game, this is the first time I've been looking forward to play a VR game while I'm away at work in quite a while.
  3. Secret Aardvark is wonderful, I just picked it up for the first time a few weeks ago. Pain is good - Medium is my general go-to. But recently I also picked up Humble House Ancho & Morita, which is a great sweet and smokey sauce.
  4. Just saw this last night. Really really enjoyed it. Krasinski and Blunt were wonderful as well as the deaf daughter. Quite a few very tense moments. I highly recommend this if you enjoy suspenseful movies.
  5. Yea I had it for a couple of days when I first started but haven't had any issues since then. All over the internet people complain about it lasting for a long time. They might not be as vigilant on their food as they should though.
  6. Keto flu can last weeks, guess that's really what I'm talking about.
  7. This is super dorky but this book about the construction history of the major highways in Houston is super fascinating. http://houstonfreeways.com/ The whole book is available for download for free. Lots of pictures showing construction, before and after, and city planning info.
  8. I've had this for a few years now: http://ezraarthur.com/products/no-8-wallet/ They have smaller wallets and phone case/wallet hybrids. All of the stuff is built to last but as a result it is quite pricey. Had too many Coach wallets fall apart so I wanted something a bit higher quality.
  9. The Keto diet is the ketogenic diet. The idea is that you get the vast majority of your calories from fats (oils, cheese, nuts, fatty meats, butter) and severely restrict your carbohydrate intake. Macronutrient splits would typically look like 75% fats, 20% protein, 5% carbs. When you have been doing this for long enough your body will adapt and begin to use stored fats on your body as the primary energy source rather than the carbs that you have recently ingested. This process is called ketosis. Once this occurs it is easier to lose weight. Think of it as trying to convince your body that you are starving and that it needs to use the emergency fat stored in your body to survive. Benefits of the keto diet is that due to the high fat diet, people often remain less hungry while eating less. It can take 1-4 weeks to enter ketosis, and once you are in, having a carb heavy cheat day can knock you out of it for multiple days until you return. So it is a bit restrictive of a diet, but if you enjoy eggs, avocados, nuts, butter, bacon etc you likely won't have too much trouble with it.
  10. Vince was the GOAT but Swoopes brought Texas BACK, don't you remember???
  11. The first time I saw it, during intermission a young woman in her twenties was attending with her older mother. The mother was absolutely appalled at the show and asked "Who would ever want to see such filth?". The daughter informed her that the show was sold out and just about everyone else was having a wonderful time. It had me rolling. I'm assuming that they had season tickets and the mother had no idea what she was getting herself into.
  12. Styx and REO Speedwagon...I think about age 13.
  13. I've seen it twice and it is my number 1 recommendation for people who aren't interested in musicals. They come for the laughs, stay for the actually legit music. It is a good gateway into musical theater. Pretty soon you will want to go full jazz-hands but then you realize that you just need to TURN IT OFF!
  14. I've had good luck with Adidas climalite.
  15. Started Keto in early January. Down 25 pounds so far. Almost back under 200. I really need to hold back on my liquor drinking, but drinkin sure is fun.
  16. ' Spawned this classic picture.
  17. I actually bought a Saitek X52 pro for Elite Dangerous when the Vive was announced because I wanted to play it in VR, but when the VR patch came out and the rendering was borked on the Vive I gave it up. I wan't to pick it up again and try it out, I think it would be a pretty great experience seeing the scale of everything.
  18. Smash bros is going to be the shit, I played the N64 one so much as a kid but didn't ever get a chance to play the later ones much.
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