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Los Borracho

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Everything posted by Los Borracho

  1. We won in '05 when Mack Brown's ability to recruit was greater than Greg Davis' ability to screw up an offense. I am afraid we might be in a similar predicament.
  2. In Santiago now. It's a strange feeling walking into the Cathedral square. Take care of your feet and stretch! Buen Camino!
  3. Feet and legs tired at end of each day. One blister on heal - Compeed working well. Pretty much eat and go to bed. I think we are getting out of the big ups and downs! Just miles now.
  4. Random thoughts: On the Camino del Norte now. Just left Bilboa. We did the first 3 days of the Frances route to see the Pyrenees (St Jean to Pamplona). Took a bus from Pamplona to Irun to start the del Norte. Lots of shorter ups and downs on the coast. You can't take a bad picture over here. It's beautiful. You go through lots of small towns. From old church to old church. Unfortunately all the churches have not been open. Much fewer people on the northern route. Trail is less well marked as well. Buen Camino app has been most helpful. Pretty much walk from 6:30 - 1:30 or 2, check in to hotel, eat lunch and go to bed around 8. We are pushing 60 so recovery is slower. 12-20 miles a day. We took an extra day in San Sabastian and Bilboa. We didn't train enough. I am a life long runner and thought it would be easier than it is. Legs and feet very tired at the end of each day. It is like doing a 1/2 marathon every day. At some point it wears you down. Had to stay in a hostel the first night. I wanted to smother the snoring MFer in the same room. Stayed at hotels since. Buen Camino!
  5. That's a graduate level engineering course in College Station.
  6. It's in lieu of
  7. I guess it's better than Urbans fist...NTTAWWT. if it's anything like a prostate exam, I would prefer a smaller marker. Again NTTAWWT.
  8. From one degenerate to another?
  9. Don't believe she was in his geometry class...can he proof it?
  10. “What starts here changes the world” might be an understatement.
  11. Before 9/11 a friend of mine brought a gasoline powered blender on a flight from Hobby to Biloxi. X-ray lady called her friend over, we thought we were screwed, to show it to her. They had never seen anything like that. It was full of gas.
  12. Good luck! Friend went through all of that about 7 years ago. He plays lots of golf and is wade fishing this weekend.
  13. Plus you get to fuck with control freak Saban.
  14. Looks like the Longhorn Network needs to transition to a cooking channel. Might be more interesting to watch.
  15. I would think he would want to move IN to the new house.
  16. Wife (when she let's me take pics, I will share) going to grad school at ND. Kelly about to finish a new house. Don't see him not moving in.
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