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Nice Guy Eddie

Certifiably Surly
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About Nice Guy Eddie


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    Let's get ramblin'

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  1. That's how it is for me. 3 drinks, especially later in the night, and I barely sleep. Maybe I'm technically asleep for a few hours but I feel like it was close to zero hours and I'm functionally at half speed the next day. And in terms of the original post about drinks and health (cancer), I'm fairly certain that poor sleep is bad for your health. For those that can handle more drinks, no judgement. I used to be able to but not anymore.
  2. My drinking level is so low these days and hangovers are so bad, I couldn't imagine the hangover with 10 drinks. Much less if I followed that up with a day of 10 more. A friend of a friend was mentioning how he normally went through a case of beer per night. That can't be good for you.
  3. not sure if serious. You're stuck on dividing your total weekend drinks by 7?
  4. 2014 analysis of drinking. Crazy how much the highest 20% of people make up of the total drinking. You have to assume that the health problems are mainly with them.
  5. Im not saying that the filing of a lawsuit indicates how it will end, but at least one lawsuit has been filed against PayPal for this.
  6. You might want to check to see if any of your banks can display your credit score whenever you log onto your web portal. I see that via Chase. Regardless it’s good to check the full reports once per year. IMO.
  7. Different people read a situation differently. Failing to cooperate with the authorities is not a sign of guilt. As others have posted here, Richard Jewel is the perfect example why your interactions with law enforcement need to involve a lawyer.
  8. I can see that a mosque advises their members to have legal representation when talking to the FBI. I would do the same. The FBI would not be interviewing you to find out what you knew about the terrorists, they would be interviewing you to see if you’re also a terrorist. This is the sole purpose of an investigation into someone who is already dead.
  9. Is this video some type of resume or dating profile? My bet is that this guy was unsuccessful in life which led him to be self radicalized.
  10. Say that @immamac had an affiliate link here for NordVPN and he would receive a decent referral bonus for anyone who clicked a link to NordVPN and purchased a subscription. Then as the customer is finalizing their purchase, the Honey extension flips the referral affiliate code to themselves. Honey and perhaps NordVPN conspired to limit @immamac’s revenue when he linked customers to NordVPN site. He operated in good faith in fulfilling his side of the transaction and perhaps lost out in a $25 commission. Multiply this scenario with thousands of referring websites and millions of affiliate link purchases. I’m not a lawyer but I would think there are some very smart lawyers who would see a liability in the billions for PayPal. PayPal’s stock price and reputation would suffer from some suits against them.
  11. Update my will max out retirement contributions including an after-tax additional option Add more to my “emergency” expense account. In retirement I want to be aggressive with my stock portfolio so I need a multi year cash position for down years. put 5k away for my next vehicle down payment Diligent about excess funds going into my brokerage account.
  12. This was my house’s tv schedule for Sunday night in the late 70s. 6:00 PM: 60 Minutes 7:00 PM: All in the Family/Archie Bunker's Place 7:30 PM: One Day at a Time 8:00 PM: Alice 8:30 PM: The Jeffersons 9:00 PM: Trapper John, M.D Given this was 45-50 years ago, I can’t imagine many main actors are still with us. Flo, Gregory Harrison, rob reiner and Sally Struthers must the older casts that haven’t made these threads. And many of the then <21 cast. Tommy from Alice being an exception. And I’m only counting cast that were there for the majority of the early seasons. Not the ones who pop in for seasons 9-10.
  13. I wouldn’t but I bet 25% of America would in a heartbeat.
  14. Impossible to find Americans that will take those jobs?
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