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Burnt Ends Dinner with Gunnar Helm March 28th ×

Nice Guy Eddie

Certifiably Surly
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About Nice Guy Eddie


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    Let's get ramblin'

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  1. Twitter reminds me of Hornsfans. Say something not positive about the owners and they would give you a temp or perm ban. <Insert flashing letter icon.>
  2. Isn’t the cyber truck only assembled in the Austin factory? Someone here must work for Tesla or know someone who does. What are the production numbers like now?
  3. I like the idea of a different Dylan showing up but that will be more unsettling to Mark and Helly. Perhaps Drummond does that with Milcheck not being consulted.
  4. Cedrek has an odd website for a surgeon but perhaps he is more interested in being a media personality. https://cedrekmd.com/.
  5. If someway, somehow Canada started going down the path to being annexed, I would bet any amount that Trump would slightly change his tune. He would start to refer to Canada as a future American territory without voting power. Same with Greenland. No chance they would get statehood even if their citizens wanted to become a state. Most of his offhand comments are sourced by what he reads on Truth Social
  6. I hate to think that race comes into play but it made no sense that Cedrek voted to keep Sai. Cedrek flat out said that he bonded the most with Justin and they had a plan for an alliance to the end. For Justin, the mistake he made was choosing Cedrek for that alliance. It would suck to finally get on survivor and just sit there powerless and be voted out by your best friend on the show. Of course Justin could have pointed out more of Sai's (obvious) flaws but he seems like too good of a person for that. I'm looking forward to Sai voting out Cedrek, hopefully this week.
  7. they're just on a tear to eliminate whatever they can regardless of the consequences.
  8. How exactly would the average voter be able to prove their citizenship status? And realize that Trump is fighting to remove birthright citizenship. If that occurs, then showing up with a certified birth certificate means nothing other than you were born here. And just saying your parents were citizens, and therefore confers citizenship on you, may not be enough. Whos to say that your parents were citizens or their parents?
  9. An 8 year old should be able to handle being left with others for a few nights. Not to mention that it's healthy to create boundaries. Like I wrote earlier I know of one situation of high school kids still sleeping in bed with mom. It's no surprise that Dad finally says enough.
  10. great point. We've learned that outie Dylan is unhireable because of his current connection (severed) with Lumon. Outie Dylan also appears unmotivated and perhaps lazy. The flip side is that he is mad and jealous of innie Dylan. Of course Lumon only cares about Mark finishing Cold Harbor which is supposedly 1 day away. Will they want to rock the boat by allowing Dylan to resign? I would expect they will ignore the resignation request with the idea that they will fire Dylan by the end of the week.
  11. Tough episode for Dylan.
  12. The Bitcoin is gone. Most likely the QR code is the wallet. Bitcoin balances live on the online ledger. They never exist on a wallet in your pocket or USB drive. You basically need a password to get to the coins and the QR code was the wallet/qr code combo. On the off chance the scammers didn’t get qr code picture, I would quickly learn from the ATM company how to transfer the bitcoin from the paperwork they provided her. what was the scam? Was it where someone convinced grandma that they transferred $10,000 to her when it was supposed to be $100. And how they would lose their job if she didn’t “refund” them $9900?
  13. I always like to ask bible thumpers why the first commandment mentions other gods. Who are those gods? I thought they said there was only one but bible says there are more.
  14. I don't know if I would call this common but I've heard some horror stories that a wife allows the kid(s) to sleep in the parents room every night for years. Even to an extreme that high school kids are sleeping in the same room as their parents while the kid has a perfectly bedroom of their own.
  15. in other words, "all of you people under 150K, give us free reign to reduce the govt and we will reward you with no income taxes." This is the illusion of a bribe that will never happen.
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