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Nice Guy Eddie

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nice Guy Eddie

  1. A belief in Jesus doesn’t mean that you’re a good person. And it doesn’t mean you’re not. If you’re outspoken about your beliefs, it just indicates what you think about yourself.
  2. The govt has never taken away anyone's doctor. If the doctor decides to not accept your new insurance that is on the doctor? Or do you want the govt to force doctors to take exchange insurance plans?
  3. You know that one part of their plan will be to ensure that as many of their changes as possible cannot be overturned by a potential Dem admin or liberal court in the future.
  4. Trump is pandering to every constituency by throwing out a day 1 promise, and then his campaign might walk back the promise. Or maybe they won’t. It wouldn’t surprise me if this is a tactic. if Americans are dumb enough to fall for this tactic, we deserve him. How are the coal miners doing after Trump promised in 2016 to get their jobs back?
  5. We haven't experienced a former President running again in our lifetimes. It makes any "Day 1" promise complete bs and he should be called out on it. If any of Trump's Day 1 ideas are so great, why didn't he do it while he was in office? The exceptions would be something related to a new issue over the last 3.5 years. Immigration ain't new.
  6. When you're that rookie, you look at the next in line and tell him that you're quitting right there unless he gives you $500. Gotta use your leverage when you can.
  7. Another loss for Trump. He endorsed a pastor, Mark Burns, to win a SC GOP congressional seat and Burns lost the GOP runoff tonight. Is Team Trump getting sick of all of this winning over the last 6 years? I'm under no illusion that the winner is much better in terms of the GOP but it once again shows that Trump's endorsement is of questionable value. still it was a close race: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/06/25/us/elections/results-south-carolina-us-house-3.html and the winner of the GOP primary is almost ceertainly going to win the seat in Nov.
  8. Did Tate ever get over his knockout from Greta?
  9. From articles that I've read, the DA has not confirmed that she was raped and they're awaiting test results. I imagine if the DA, police and responsible media all declare that she was raped and then tests say otherwise, then the defendant gets to argue even more that they cannot get a fair trial in Houston. Even your tabloid article doesn't confirm that she was raped. Only the headline declares it which is not the story. Why not wait for the facts to emerge before you are outraged.
  10. I thought McCarthy had some good roles in the 80s but turned to bad roles in the 90s. maybe my recollection is wrong but I liked heaven help us with Mary Stuart masterson. Estevez basically went the same route as McCarthy but his films were more successful. Weekend at Bernie’s or mighty ducks can destroy your career if you also don’t create more critical praised films. if I understand right McCarthy has done well as a tv director in the last decades. Maybe that doesn’t buy you Iron Man’s Malibu mansion but not exactly a failure.
  11. Galveston subthread Tragic story of a LA teen drowning in Galveston this week. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/trending/article/galveston-drowning-death-boy-19529883.php 5th drowning since Memorial Day. One month ago. Death trap down there
  12. I still find it unlikely that America will become the fascist state that some want, but the percent chance has grown significantly over the last 10 years. Think about how the GOP previously revered Reagan. The extreme right has now pulled the gop from that path which would have seemed impossible in the 80s and 90s. It’s an internet troupe to compare anything to hitler but he went from a prisoner of an attempted coup to German chancellor (effectively prime minister) in a decade. I’m sure that when he was convicted, the average German would have said it was ridiculous to imagine what would soon be reality. my fear is that the seeds have already set and it will only take a younger version of trump to set it off.
  13. I don’t see how Richmond rail would have killed Afton oaks. I understand that neighborhoods don’t want it but saying it would kill a neighborhood is a stretch. Besides afton oaks is already bordered by 610, Hwy 59, westheimer and a freight rail line. It’s not like it’s Mayberry. If anything rail would push vehicle traffic away from Richmond. I avoid light rail streets.
  14. Not only do they not realize that the stock market is at all time highs right now, they think it’s down over Biden’s administration.
  15. I've been told that arguments can occur at strip clubs at 2:15am when the credit card bill is presented.
  16. Besides just being an overall ugly message, I never get the whole, “America. Love it or leave it” attitude. It also makes zero sense even when considering their “make America great again” motto. Because apparently they don’t love American today so why aren’t they leaving? in reality, we know what they mean which is that we should accept their view of America or leave.
  17. When it's family, emotions and past history almost always get involved. Someone will think they're getting screwed, even if they can't come up with a counter offer. If family relations want to be kept, I could see it best if everyone sells. Then if anyone still wants to own land, go do it on your own in a separate transaction. Of course you have some who get sentimental about land that paw-paw's father bought in the 1920s and their desire is to leave it to the next generation. IMO, land is just land.
  18. When someone takes the stance that news is fake, it's not worth even attempting to talk to them. It's impossible to reason with them, and the only option remaining is to make fun of them. I don't think we're far from GOP leaders talking about flat earth and fake moon landings. Perhaps not that they fully agree with that opinion but they have to accept it's their constituency.
  19. Glad they caught this guy but reminder to never talk to the police if you're detained for a crime. Of course 6 beers @ 10% ABV isn't exactly the time when you're at your best.
  20. I'm far from a scholar on the topic but I gather that basically each group of people living at that time had their own god(s). Walk three hills over and they have a different religion and gods. Somehow the god of Israel became the popular one and the other faiths died out or were assimilated.
  21. I would drop 10k extra for that at my reception.
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