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Nice Guy Eddie

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nice Guy Eddie

  1. It’s very possible that an influencer taking money from a sponsor can include a provision that they can never criticize the sponsor. Now perhaps that can be fought in court but most like to avoid legal problems. i feel most for influencers or website owners who were not paid by Honey but are kept from earning with their affiliate links.
  2. You can make this argument about any business. Lower your prices and be satisfied with lower profits.
  3. Someone might see this story and think, screw Mr. Beast for losing some affiliate sales revenue since he already earns millions and Honey paid him to promote Honey in the first place. But Honey appears to harm others who have zero connection. say Surly runs an affiliate promotion for NordVPN or a Longhorn appparel store to help offset the website costs. You click the link here and buy from the online store. Your Honey browser extension applies another promo code, or maybe just confirms you have the best deal. For that action, Honey snakes the commission from Surly, who is ignorant that the purchase even occurred. Surly is out $20. I also don’t think honey is alone in this practice, they’re just the largest company.
  4. YouTube channel spells out the shady practices from the Honey browser extension that is “sold” to find you the best coupon deal on the internet. If you have the honey browser extension installed, the following may be happening to you. if you followed an affiliate link from someone who actually convinced you to buy, Honey automatically takes the affiliate deal so they receive the affiliate commission. Even when there isn’t a coupon available, Honey poaches the affiliate commission. (This doesn’t appear to directly impact the buyer) Honey previously advertised as finding you, the buyer, the best coupon on the internet. This claim was quietly removed when some realized that the stores, via a contract with Honey, can prevent large promo codes from being applied by Honey. Bigger kickback to Honey. Honey no longer actively makes the “best discount coupon available” claim. This change was after a Better Business Bureau investigation. But thousands of older but active, sponsored YouTube videos still state this fraudulent claim. Honey has a reward program that actually gives them more avenues to poach a sales commission while sharing an extremely small kickback with the buyer. Once again you could have saved more NOT using Honey. feels like this opens PayPal to some class action lawsuits from affiliate marketers and consumers. FYI, PayPal bought them in 2019 for $4B.
  5. Read that an anonymous gop representative told a reporter that gop leadership was well aware of her cognitive issues but the gop majority was too slim to let her resign. I assume they could have flown her to DC to vote if needed.
  6. This is a classic Trump misdirection. He doesn’t want the media talking about his debt ceiling loss this week or keep talking about President Elon. Instead he makes a wild claim and the media jumps at it 24/7. the worse the real story is for him, the crazier the comment he makes.
  7. Huh, no one is a saying that employers are taking a cut. But employers are the ones who advise insurance administrators on the coverage. They’re always conveniently forgotten about when it comes to denials.
  8. I’m in my mid 50s and came up in tech where I would guess that 80-90% were straight, white guys. Or at least they projected they were straight. At that point, I believe we were at the end of a decades long run of how the office looked the same in terms of people. I know some of the same guys today who indicate their annoyance that the office is more diverse and they don’t like that 1990s actions or words can have consequences.
  9. I dont know your EOB but i thought the top was the amount before contractual amounts and discounts. That is what the doctors office charged the insurance administrator. And I'm using the doctor and doctor’s employer interchangeably. Sometimes the doctor is on their own, sometimes they’re part of a small practice, other times they’re 1 of 1,000 employed doctors. Kelsey seybold receiving $4k for a 15 minute family medicine doc visit is improbable. i agree that it’s a silly game that the doctor charges thousands, the insurance administrator lowers the amount to hundreds, you pay $20 and your employer pays like maybe $300. I’m working on the scenario where your health insurance is through your employer and they’re self insured like many. If you buy it directly, or receive it thru govt benefits, it’s slightly different.
  10. Siap. Apple released a free ebook called severance the Lexington letter. It’s about another data refiner and her outie experience and it includes the data refiner handbook. Not necessarily any spoilers in there but it provides more severance background.
  11. You paid $20. I’ve read or watched so many stories the last few weeks where people are upset about the top line of the bill but the story frequently ends with them paying nothing or a low amount. A doctor is not receiving $4,000 for a 15 minute wellness check. consuming healthcare can be expensive. There can be decades of training, millions in r&d going into technology, fully staffed doctors office, admin costs, computer systems are big bucks. Healthcare isn’t a country doctor who was taught by his pa in the 1870s, and accepts an apple pie in exchange for appendectomy. But then again a good apple pie is $12. Half of your appointment cost. Why don’t we flinch on spending thousands on trips to Disney world, Vegas or Europe but we’re pissed when asked to pay for care for our loved ones. I’ve seen someone rant about healthcare costs and then drive home in their $75k truck.
  12. What do you mean that you just can’t walk into a doctors office? Are you complaining that doctors require you to schedule an appointment in advance so they can learn how much you will owe. I scheduled a same day appointment with a new specialist recently. I paid a $50 copay and then another $200 a week later because I have a high deductible, no one stopped me from seeing the doctor. i realize that im fortunate that i can drop $250 for 30 minutes of time from a doctor and her medical assistant, but that felt fair to me.
  13. I fell into a rabbit hole of severance theories on YouTube. I won’t link them all but they’re easy to find. my favorite theories Others in that town are severed and are “innies” while out in the world. Think of all the weird characters who are in Ricken’s home; dinner and then at the book reading. The one woman mentioned a wound on the back of her head from birds pecking her. Or was it the severance procedure? Ricken is part of the black sheep side of the Eagan family. He apparently has a fair amount of money and it’s not from his book sales. Family money? He also has red hair like Helly. Even more out there, Ricken is a clone of Keir Eagan. Keir looks to have spent more time philosophizing than anything else. Sounds like Ricken. why is Ms. selveg/cobel so interested in Devon/Ricken/baby except her religious devotion to the Eagan family. clones are a possibility since Ms. Casey was supposed to have been killed in a car accident and says her life has only been 100 hours awake. The data refinement team’s work is about improving their own feelings, thoughts and desires via programming. It’s why they can’t see each other’s scary or other “numbers.”
  14. You’re reading why too much into either my inclusion or exclusion of a single word. 100% there is greed. And that can be used for good or bad. Pharmaceutical companies create great products because of that greed. And that greed creates overpriced drugs as well. its a bit like tragedy of the commons that everyone in the healthcare industry is working to extract as much money as possible from the system. Like any non-charity company or industry.
  15. I’m unsure how a risk product is not financialized. Besides a fair amount of the money is kept by employers not insurance companies. im not arguing that there aren’t inefficiencies but the vast majority of the money involved ends up with the healthcare industry not insurance providers.
  16. We’ve never had as good of healthcare options as we have today. There is zero argument against this. John D. Rockefeller may have been the wealthiest people ever, relatively speaking, but a simple skin cut could have led to his death from tetanus in 1910. Our trained individuals, technology and pharmaceuticals are perhaps the greatest achievable in history especially in the last 75 years. The US capitalist system has led to this, and the people behind healthcare want to be compensated for their work. we definitely can give healthcare away for low $ amounts but that will greatly slow the continuing progression of healthcare. You also are not going to have a Level 1 Trauma center fully staffed by offering the medical professionals $70k per year. Personally if I’m in an auto accident I want the neurosurgeon with 20 years of training and he now earns $750k per year. I don’t want the 1870s barber/surgeon who accepts payments in chickens. finally ever healthcare system in the world rations healthcare in some form. It’s a lie to say otherwise.
  17. Recent stories have detailed how Granger last voted in Congress back in June and is now living in a memory care unit. Still collecting a congressional salary because why not. I know we’ve had reps or senators that appear to have dementia but don’t recall one living in a dementia center while collecting federal paychecks. I guess the House could force a resignation but it’s now only a matter of days before she’s replaced and she may not have the capacity to resign of her free will. most likely her staff is also collecting their salaries even though her offices in Ft Worth and DC were cleaned out in November. https://dallasexpress.com/tarrant/exclusive-where-is-congresswoman-kay-granger/
  18. Has a president-elect ever had as many losses as Trump has experienced the past few weeks? He may be looked at as lame duck before he is even inaugurated.
  19. $10 sounds cool to me
  20. remember when it cute that George Soros allegedly controlled the govt by funding campaigns?
  21. Good to see how Mike Johnson handles a crisis when the future president is upset with the current funding bill. I don’t see how Johnson even remotely makes everyone happy. And now that Trump has jumped in, trump cannot compromise one inch.
  22. When do we discover Laura loomers role?
  23. Pull together a group of young Dem activists, and the meeting will turn into endless discussion about how to best support each subgroup in the room. The autistic, transgender Inuit group needs to be recognized. Dems would be best served with a single platform: anti-MAGA.
  24. dumb question but is it possible for you to submit the claim to UHC based on the documentation that you have from Ascension? I'm sure UHC doesn't want you to do this but that doesn't mean you can't.
  25. Could there be a shareholder suit against Disney (ABC) for settling a lawsuit with Trump, and perhaps stop it? I know shareholders give a company's execs the power to make decisions that they feel are best but that doesn't mean they can waste corporate resources. Personally I would love to see Trump's lawyers argue that while Trump was found guilty of sexually assaulting someone that doesn't make him a rapist.
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