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Nice Guy Eddie

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nice Guy Eddie

  1. A commercial passenger plane will soon find a bullet hole in its fuselage.
  2. so disgusting but expected. Trump likes to dangle a benefit in front of you if you're willing to play ball.
  3. I never fault anyone for profit selling but I’m uncertain if we will see 80 again. But congrats on the profit.
  4. Michael Saylor of microstrategy announces another 15k btc purchase. I wonder if their inclusion in the nasdaq 100 gives him more borrowing power. At some point his flywheel of Borrow USD to buy BTC to borrow USD, etc. must find a maximum amount, right? I believe he’s borrowing with convertible equity bonds so if the stock price grows faster than the btc price, maybe it won’t stop. Until btc faces a large correction or crash.
  5. It’s fine to reimburse yourself now. You basically receive a discount because you never pay tax on the income. Or you can invest it and let it grow tax free. This will eventually pay for even more free healthcare down the line. It can all be tax free.
  6. I left out a third point of failure with hardware wallets: if you die or are incapacitated and no one has the ability to find the passwords/seed phrase. couple of wallet (hardware or online) tips: Make sure you know what you’re doing before sending money. Selecting the wrong network or not filling in a field may lead to loss. First time or rusty, send a very small amount to verify your knowledge. This mitigates item 1 above. Yes, it doubles any transfer fee but that’s ok. dont panic if the coins don’t immediately show up. Some networks like Bitcoin may take up to an hour to fully confirm. Most likely you will see the transaction amounts in progress but not fully released to your wallet. A watched pot never boils. also there can be other delays. If transferring from an exchange or service, they may give themselves a day to send it. Just check the exchange transaction status.
  7. @Tailgate The hardware wallets are solid. There are two points of failure. One if you forget the seed phrase AND lose the device/forgot the day-to-day password. That’s up to you to remember and store the info somewhere safe. Two if someone shows up to your house and threatens you with harm if you don’t unlock and transfer your funds. Don’t tell people you have crypto or a wallet. for anyone new to the game, the coins or tokens are never on a drive or device. The coins are only on the blockchain. the blockchain is just a giant ledger of accounts and Ledger, or whatever device, gives you access to your page of the blockchain. You could transfer $1M to a Ledger, smash it with a hammer and access your funds in the day or two to buy a new Ledger.
  8. The postal service will be a good bellweather of how Elon and DOGE’s performance. If they publicly focus on the USPS it means they either are failing elsewhere or they never were serious. So I expect the will be talking about the USPS constantly. DOGE isn’t supposed to just be about cutting costs. It’s about waste and the USPS provides a great service to many Americans. and for anyone anti-postal service, you can easily opt out if you dislike the service. Seinfeld was wrong. You can opt out by just never checking your mailbox again and don’t mail anything. Email or send via one of the private services.
  9. Watching “A scanner darkly” tonight . Hadn’t seen it in years. Directed by Richard Linklater with a great cast. Odd but I’ve always liked it. First time I realized that Alex Jones is in it. I guess I never noticed or haven’t seen it since I was aware of who he was. kinda ruins it for me, but at least his character is tazed and hauled off by the cops.
  10. As someone quickly approaching old guy status, one change I wish I had done as a younger person was to push the 401k limits at work. I could have found a way to live on 1-2 percent less. Pack a few more lunches to work. It would have made a difference 25 years later.
  11. The guy,DeJoy?, in charge of the USPS has been an advocate of getting rid of the usps. He's a Trump appointee that Biden could t get rid of because the senate stopped Biden from filling open usps governor roles. The usps has undergone many structural changes under DeJoy which doesn’t seem to have improved the service. You have to wonder if this has been a slow plan to privatize them and instead outsource mail carrying to ups or fedex. one thing that might stop Trump is that many gop senators and reps are wary of changing if not eliminating the usps. Rural citizens depend more on the usps than urban. Personally I find it amazing that I can hand a mail carrier a letter and they will effectively hand deliver to someone across the county for 60 cents within a few days. FedEx something and you’re paying a helluva lot more.
  12. Perhaps NASA can come up with a plan to straighten the earth to keep consistent sun rises and sun sets.😀
  13. Just finished a rewatch of season 1. Can’t wait for next month for season 2. i have to think that Mark’s sister will have to lead the charge from the outside since none of the outies will be aware and Helena will be actively working against them. Burts retirement party was about as sad as it gets.
  14. Thinking more of this story makes me shake my head. Guy puts an arguably large amount, perhaps as high as $500k, into some magic internet money and withdrawals millions a few years later that puts him on easy street. Instead of paying the govt 15% or 20% of the profit, he goes far far out of his way to hide the transactions including exchanging bitcoin for cash with people. The results are that he is paying those taxes plus penalties and will spend most of the next 2 years in federal prison. Greed is amazing. Thru friends, I’ve been told about a Texas billionaire who would not only frequently talk about tax avoidance strategies, to a point of being obsessed, he eventually spent his final years fighting a federal criminal conviction. He was spared prison by dying. wonder how bitcoin boy got caught.
  15. Sounds like a problem if America or at least Trump can’t agree on which time is better. Do we just default that he gets to make the decision? Populism-authoritarianism at its best.
  16. I thought the plan was the opposite. We would keep the summer clock year round. People don’t want the sun setting before 6 in the winter months.
  17. Microstrategy is joining the nasdaq 100 on Dec. 23rd. More legitimacy. Amazing what happened to crypto in 2024.
  18. You can pay with either. If you wait to take the money out of the HSA, you can reimburse yourself whenever. Snap a photo of your receipts and throw in an online folder. Personally I would keep the money invested in an hsa investment account hopefully earning 8% per year.
  19. Crypto can be tough to always identify gains but really stupid to not pay Uncle Sam his share, as best as you can calculate it.
  20. I don’t care if we want the sun up later in the evening but doing away with day light saving will have the sun not rising until 9am and even 10am in some places. The further west you are in the time zone, the worst you will see it. Any law will not change the number of daylight hours. its what the people say they want so let them have it. Guarantee some will complain that they wanted a 12 hour daylight and why didn’t Congress deliver it,
  21. Vance’s special guest at the Army-Navy game is the guy who was recently acquitted of killing the mental illness guy. Nice.
  22. People quietly or partially quit the job in all roles and industries. If someone isn’t gong to give 100% on the field you don’t want them on the field. I watched Arian foster mention how he knew in the middle of a game that he was done. Not due to an injury but rather he didn’t care about playing. also bs when another player calls you selfish for you actions. They have no idea what is going on with him.
  23. 30 years ago a person would be laughed at for wanting to move to Montana. Or at least by many. Now it sounds cool. If you want a deal you have to get ahead of the curve. What’s going to be cool in 10 years. Or not just cool, but someplace where new residents are going to invest in new homes, restaurants, stores, etc. or pay top dollar for a place that has already transformed.
  24. Interesting based on his families ties to old school Galveston mafia, the maceo crime family. Not exact Michael Corleone buying legitimacy from the Vatican but not exactly 100% clean either.
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