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Nice Guy Eddie

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nice Guy Eddie

  1. When thinking about Apple and their AirPod Pro 2 hearing test/hearing aid feature, I give them props that they work to release new features for existing products. It would be easy for them to have added this feature plus a tiny hardware improvement and call it AirPod Pro 3. Other companies do this all the time. Now I wish Apple Intelligence would work on more older iPhone models but I give them the benefit of the doubt that there is a hardware limitation preventing it.
  2. Imagine that telling an NFL young star to take $1m out of their income, invest it in the market, and it will be worth $1.08m in a year. or possibly $950K in a down year. They wouldn't believe the return and potential loss is worth the opportunity cost of not having fun with that money. They're about spending, and at that age I wouldn't have been much different.
  3. What’s the over/under of remaining games where Deion starts to make noise that he’s the victim and hints he needs to leave CU? My guess is 4 games. he won’t say, “I’m a victim and need to leave,” but rather start to complain about the treatment he and his family are receiving. He will have to build the argument so his defenders will invite him to leave that horrible place.
  4. Car washes are actually up there with restaurants and bars in terms of athletes losing money. And many athletes just trust the wrong people who also don’t know what they’re doing, or worse do know how to make themselves wealthy as the advisor. While it’s great if they can turn millions into tens of millions after retirement, many athletes would be much better off if they just bought CDs with half of their income. It’s about capital preservation with low risk. I’m not seriously advocating all of their wealth in CDs but it’s better than being bankrupt at 39 with the vast majority of your lifetime income in the rear view mirror.
  5. A private business doesn't have to give someone the unlimited right to distribute on their platform. The only factor that should be considered is whether they are applying their rules equally, especially in relation to the channel size.
  6. I had a regular pair go static-ey on me and Apple replaced them for free. They also sometimes struggle to quickly pair with my phone to handle an Incoming call but that has improved.
  7. Abbott can run for president on 3 things: false narrative of Texas winning for businesses, cruelty towards illegal immigrants and cruelty to those seeking an abortion. Maybe a 4th on voter suppression. This will be his 2025-28 focus for Texas.
  8. I don’t know the backstory but sickening that the governor is celebrating police violence.
  9. The Vison goggles get so much attention, good and bad, but I find the AirPods to be one of the best tech products that Apple has ever made. In terms of AI everyone envisions a VR or AR in your line of sight but it’s more achievable to have AI in your ears talking to you. Whether from giving you info to perhaps translating the person talking to you in another language. i suffer from being unable to distinguish voices in loud environments. Everyone has that to some extent but I really struggle in loud restaurants and you can feel left out. While admittedly I don’t want to be wearing AirPods at dinner with people, I would love tech that would drown out inconsequential noises and focus on nearby voices. Maybe eavesdrop of the couple fighting at the next table as well.
  10. YouTube works with creators and prefers to temporarily punish them. After all YouTube is also losing money by suspending her ad revenue. When that happens they don’t keep 100% of the ad revenue, they remove all ads. Sometimes they permanently demonetize a channel if the reason is strong enough or consistent. Wasn’t that guy Milo permanently demonetized?
  11. I can understand this talk at the Sanders' dining room table but I would have guessed Deion would have taught his son to not trash the line in an interview. If only to look like a leader. Then again Deion may say that calling trash teammates trash is a sign of a leader. Who knows.
  12. critical anecdote of Ballard
  13. Just like with flags, the right seems very infatuated with movies that appeal to them. Lately I've noticed that many of them are raving about the Reagan movie just as they did with Sound of Freedom. I wonder if the Reagan distributors are working to convince their viewers to buy large amounts of ticket for family, friends and employees. Resulting in perceived high demand but many empty seats.
  14. The Sanders will use Hunter to get a 4 for 1 deal. All 3 Sanders and Hunter will agree to only play/coach for the same team.
  15. Did GWB endorse Trump in '16 or '20? I can't recall.
  16. those dragon drones are terrifying. I can only imagine what ideas are being drawn up daily in other countries including the US.
  17. If it had been an Hispanic player, the security detail would have had a justified shooting given Biden/Harris' lax immigration enforcement.
  18. SIAP. We almost had a new governor on Saturday. Wisner stopped in time.
  19. I've only had experience as an account joint owner. I would hate to wait on the letter of testamentary to act. In my limited experience that could take months. Obviously without joint ownership but if you have the account login or debit PIN, you can functionally pay for items/services out of the bank account. However it sounds like it's questionable of whether you should be doing that if you only have a POA. Perhaps it's illegal to do so. Don't know. When my mom passed and I informed the bank, they just said that the funds were mine to do what I wanted since I was the joint owner. Also being a joint owner, I had my own debit card and login. I could have had my own checks. Another benefit of joint ownership is that, the setup paperwork at the bank was simple. I still think that having a POA and MPOA is important for other reasons too.
  20. During film, guarantee that Deion will shut down any murmurs that Hunter gave up here. Hell he may even praise Hunter for not risking an injury that would hurt him in the pros.
  21. CU is in the bottom 10 of the teams in the top 4 conferences. Maybe bottom 5. Fight me.
  22. Good rule of thumb that if you don’t understand, stay away. And this requires that you’re honest with yourself. I don’t mind saying that I must be too stupid to understand so I’ll pass. And complex products are not necessary for a large percentage of investors.
  23. Not to defend banks but they get grief from regulators for not quickly releasing funds when checks are deposited or ACHs received. Here they give their customers the benefit of the doubt and said customers steal from them.
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