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Nice Guy Eddie

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nice Guy Eddie

  1. In his statements in open court, the ex GOP lawmaker said that he understood that the age of consent was lower in the Czech Republic than in the US but he didn’t know the ages of the boys/men that he paid to have sex. Presumably he googled age of consent for European countries but failed to check US law. from the stories, the US attorney and judge let a lot slip including that the defendant was not fully abiding by the conditions of his bond. Hopefully he will get a life sentence which shouldn’t be long for a 80 year old in federal prison. and his travel costs to Europe were apparently all paid by a school district and state funds because he was there on “official” business.
  2. New Chinese rocket breaks up into 700+ pieces in orbit. I assume this isn't good. https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/09/science/china-rocket-stage-orbital-debris/index.html low earth orbit will eventually will (has?) become the tragedy of the commons. We will eventually not be able to send manned missions into space. And then it will become less and less important to prevent space debris, leading to an even worse mess.
  3. Not a good look for Hildalgo when her office says that she was hangry from the long day. There may be valid reasons to be angry but she needs to be calm and collected during public meetings.
  4. damn you. I saw this pic and thought we lost Les Nesman.
  5. I watched the CrossFit founder in interviews with relation to training gym owners/trainers and supporting the gyms. His attitude was that poorly planned gyms or bad trainers would naturally get weeded out as they fail. It wasn't his job to help with their success. He's very much a "survival of the fittest" leader. Wouldn't surprise me if this attitude is carried over with games mgmt. Not that they want to see a competitor die but that the game hosts will get weeded out if competitors get hurt or even die. It reminds me when I've heard some libertarians talk about the desire to eliminate all housing codes and regulations. If a new house collapses on someone, the builder won't get new build orders. Simple.
  6. More evidence that Trump and therefore the GOP wants a king/dictator. Trump, as President, wants a say about interest rates. I doubt they want a Dem president to have this power. And again Trump feels that his instincts are more informed than PhDs with decades of experience: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/08/08/trump-says-he-should-get-a-say-on-federal-reserve-interest-rate-decisions.html
  7. My mom always said that she never wanted to end up in a nursing home because she saw what life was like there for her mom. This was in the late 1980s-early 90s. Then my mom preceded to do nothing to keep herself healthy for the next 25+ years. In fact, she was actively unhealthy: smoking, drinking way too much, no exercise, etc. She ended up immobile in an assisted living place hating life the last 2 years of her life. It didn't seem like much of a life to be honest. I'm thinking about how I don't want to follow both of their paths. When I start to heavily decline, maybe I will take up non-parachute sky diving as a short term hobby.
  8. Guarantee that Trump was flipping out that JD has gotten more attention the past few days. "Why are people talking about whatshisname walking around the small Air Force 1?"
  9. Your post is the reason why Walz needs to talk about the issue. Your sentence implies that storming Fallujah was part of the equation. It wasn't. Walz put in a request for retirement and it was accepted PRIOR to the unit being told they were deploying to Iraq. He may have even hit his retirement date before the deployment was announced.
  10. Is it though? I'm not saying that someone earning 200K is going to walk into another 200K overnight but there are jobs out there.
  11. I give Vance credit for serving and he did serve in a combat area. I also think it's fine if our leaders haven't served in the military. I don't see it as a positive or negative.
  12. 100%. Harris/Walz need to use this story as a opportunity for him to brag on his service especially in relation to vance and especially Trump being a draft dodger. It's wrong that some want Walz to say "GOP is stupid" and ignore the situation.
  13. He could because he's the only one of that group that has had any real personality shown on the TV show. The others have been in the floater camp so far. But Quinn could also have earned more fans for that. I guess we find out in a few hours.
  14. Harris/Walz should care because it gives them an opportunity. Or we can let MAGA and others talk about the MSM not doing their job.
  15. That was the CNN story about the military facts and timeline. The one unknown looks to be the exact date that Walz submitted his retirement papers but as CNN wrote that doesn't matter because Walz' retirement date was before the unit received the Iraqi orders.
  16. When I read stories from legitimate news sources, they state the facts and known timeline. And they state what they don't know, and most likely cannot easily find out in 2 seconds on their own. From the latest CNN story about Walz.
  17. some of y'all are becoming as bad as MAGA crying about mainstream media.
  18. Walz should go on any and all networks that will have him and explain his service. If Fox News wants to put Walz on so he can explain how he gave 24 years of service to the country, so be it. And if Walz even remotely misrepresented his service anywhere, it allows him to give his side of the story. We already know TexAgs type of people will never believe anything except what the Russian bots tell them, so there is no reason to worry about changing their mind. But it does help if Walz tells the story so supporters can speak up when they hear a moron spread lies at a neighborhood bbq.
  19. no idea who america will select since the more outspoken players are safe or already on the block. https://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/vote/ I know it's the show's edit but I know next to nothing about T'kor. I would vote for her.
  20. We need the inevitable where RFK Jr. drops out and endorses Trump in exchange for Trump outlawing vaccines. The latter part perhaps not being broadcast.
  21. Has JD referenced the couch rumor at any level?
  22. I have no doubt that we will see a county election official destroy, or at least attempt to destroy, all vote records other than the total votes summary. It will be in a red county that either flipped to Harris or at least Trump won by a smaller expected percentage. The election official will use the unofficial vote tally as evidence of fake votes.
  23. Cori Bush went after AIPAC today in that they were the major backer of Bell. While AIPAC has been major backers of Dem primary opponents of the Squad, they've also given large amounts to other Democrats like Hakeem Jeffries.
  24. yes. and you have had ads that included an OU helmet before and after.
  25. My only comment is that someone should not look to use a life insurance policy as a inheritance upon their passing. It's a poor return on your money. Life insurance should only make sure your current dependents are cared for and/or your burial and estate can be settled. If you have a young family, a policy should be structured to replace your income and maybe slightly more. If you're older and have a spouse, you may not need any life insurance since your death may not impact the income. If you're older and single, life insurance is a waste. There used to be a life insurance commercial, maybe MetLife. It pissed me off. A older woman is helping her adult son and his family put up the groceries. The woman is talking how MetLife is making it so she can leave a little something behind to make her family's life a little more comfortable after her passing. If you want to do that, just give the premium amount to your son instead. My mom had a post-retirement policy where she ultimately paid 1-2x the payout via the premiums because she lived into her mid 80s. It was like gambling that she was going to die early into retirement to come out ahead. Weird bet.
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