I was thinking about Abbott and his governing style. At one point, I do think that Abbott had the ability to search for some consensus and/or find nuanced solutions. However he's completely pivoted to hammering home whatever his extreme supporters want. They don't want (new) Mexicans in the state, he sends state military to the border. They want vouchers, he's actively purging the GOP of non-voucher supporting politicians. UT has people/students protesting Israel, send in the riot police.
Perhaps his governing policy was like this earlier than I imagine, but Jade Helm 15 really sent him over the deep end. Whether Abbott believed in the conspiracy theories or not, he then realized the benefits of pandering to the far right.
IF Abbott decided to find a softer touch or look for consensus before acting, I have to assume that his base would turn against him for being weak. He's now set a course and cannot pivot for any issue.