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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. In other, probably already discussed news, the superintendent's wife is a fucking milf. I'd post a picture but most of them have one of her granddaughters in them.
  2. Interesting. I'm looking at her Facebook friends and I only see 1 that appears to be in Texas. She's from Wisconsin originally. Must be some distant relatives. And her mother in law lives in Portland, Oregon. Wonder who these relatives are that made them move 1000 miles, must be important!
  3. The mom is Sandi Nellor. https://www.facebook.com/sandi.nellor/ https://twitter.com/nellorsandi Must have found a pretty important job in 3k person Mt Vernon to move there, hell she was the District HR Manager for Home Depot back in Denver, must be an amazing job in that podunk East Texas town.
  4. Not if Brock and Cameron Nellor get disqualified for the rest of the year. How did 2 brothers from Thompson Valley High School in Loveland, Colorado end up moving to Mt. Vernon, Texas of all places this summer? And end up playing? I mean, I doubt it has anything to do with the guy known for developing system quarterbacks at all, right?
  5. This guy seems like some sort of bad performance art. It's not funny, it doesn't seem to have any payoff, it just fizzles every time. I bet the brothas in San Quentin are gonna enjoy him. Well, at least his asshole.
  6. Bexar County Officials Select Sheriff's Deputy For Precinct 2 Constable Seat The hearing on the TRO is on 10/11. This woman is a fucking idiot. The former constable is unfit for the job, she apparently had no clue when she opened her mouth and said she intended to run for sheriff what that mean. HA HA. If she stays in office, I can see the commissioners court severly cutting back her funding and limiting her office to just paper serving, like they are supposed to do. Of course she'll get her panties in a wad and the sheriff's office will state that they'll happily do the traffic enforcement parts of her department, as they already cover the entire county.
  7. Damn shame Edwin Edwards aint doing all that great, and is ineligible to runn until 2028, he may have won a 5th term as governor.
  8. Looks dry AF.
  9. In her office's case, go back to McDonalds?
  10. Once again, I still don't understand how the constables were allowed to expand their power so broadly. Can't the sheriff's department handle 99% of what constables currently do? Keep them, let them be the baliff for the JP, serve some warrants, but this duplication of services seems a little silly.
  11. Fuck. I'd swim through Houston to eat that. (needs to be quoted because got damned).
  12. I'm just suprised LCRA didn't use eminent domain and just buy the land under the lake level(s). Most Corps lakes (Lake Travis is not one) that I know of are like that. Your land goes to a certain level, past that, it's open land and you either can't build a dock or you can with very controlled requirements. And that government land is free for anyone to use.
  13. Capitol Rod & Gun Club v. Lower Colorado River Authority So, things I learned. LCRA paid for inundation easements, early on. And also increased the dam height by 45 feet between the original plan and the final build.
  14. AFAIK, all the land under the lakes belongs to GBRA/state of Texas. All the property lines in the appraisal website go up to the edge of the lake but not into it. There was some early talk early on about someone researching their titles because they thought they might own land under the lake, but that chatter stopped months ago. I think the lawyers in the 2 cases would have brought it up if someone had been able to find something. That's crazy. Looking at the map, there's whole swaths over in that area where there is land owned all the way down to the original riverbed. I wonder why on earth LCRA didn't buy them out.
  15. Next Review Date: 2030-2031 Review Cycle - 92nd Legislative Session Last Review Date: 2018-2019 Review Cycle - 86th Legislative Session They were actually reviewed this past session, and the sunset staff made good recommendations. I don't think GBRA has been fully open about known issues in the dams until Dunlap exploded. And the people living along the lakes (other than Lake Wood) were pretty quiet about any issues, too. It's been covered in the annual financial reports that the dams needed repair, but for some reason GBRA didn't seem to go asking the state for help with the finances - they have no authority to tax, can't take money from the water supply side to repair unrelated dams, don't receive state appropriations. Now the state might listen, in 2021.
  16. I would guess no since they (almost all) don't own the property all the way to the origibal river bed. Let me ask it a different way. If my neighbor builds a pond that goes up to our property line, do I now have riparian rights? Because that's the same situation.
  17. This is definitely a win for the school districts - that is the #1 thing that people on both sides kept bringing up... what would the draining do to the district budgets. Now it's a win win. The lakes stay filled, the schools stay funded. Good job on both sides.
  18. I think that's fair. But you know someone is going to violate whatever the closure rules are. Hell, people couldn't stay off the dams last time GBRA reminded them, once again, that it's dangerous and illegal.
  19. Yep. One of GBRA's jobs is to develop water resources. Done. I think it's currently in vogue for those against GBRA to say "oh no, they are taking that water and redirecting it to other places"... that are in the same watershed. One of their major jobs is to supply water to the growing number of people and GBRA does that job pretty damn well. Edit: And let's be clear about where that water getting diverted from Dunlap is being diverted from. Both sets of pipes are at the dam or in the canal. They don't have those pipes under I35 ,they are at the very end of Dunlap.
  20. Not really a way for GBRA to make natural gas more expensive other than hopes and prayers, because that's really the majority of the underlying issue. When the lakes were built, there wasn't abundant electricity. Corporations were formed to bring hydro electricity to the rural areas around the lakes. Now that there are other ways of making electricity cheaper... the dams don't pay for themselves, they in fact lose money each year. So I don't know how we get past that very basic fact. They could de-energize them (I've heard rumors that some may have already been) but then there is even less money coming in to pay for dam maintenance - they have been maintained over the years, just not to the highest quality and most extensive. There has to be a viable funding plan developed. That is the fix. Do we want the state to hand over money from the other 28 million Texas citizens? Allow the adjacent landowners to form a water improvement district and tax themselves for the repair and maintenance?
  21. "until the court hearing is over and the judge makes a final decision"
  22. Honestly, unless someone was directly below the dam (or on top of it as GBRA has documented), probably not much. Lake McQueeney folks didn't get too much when Dunlap failed, the boat dock at The Bandit had some water issues but I don't remember anyone else having problems. That's assuming it fails in the same way as Dunlap, if something else changes - like all 3 gates failing at once - then it might be different. Edit: Or if people are on the banks/in the river at the Dam Camp which is immediately below McQueeney Dam, those people might be f'ed. Go from ~200 CFS to 10,000 CFS instantly = not a great outcome.
  23. There's already people floating Dunlap. I hear the rapids about a mile downstream of the interstate are a problem and that the wind sometimes works against you since the channel is kinda wide and shallow.
  24. Judge grants the temporary restraining order, that delays plan to drain lakes And I think they were also trying to get an injunction, which would have paused it all until the case(s) ran their course, right?
  25. Ack. If that's their best argument, they are fucked.
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