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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. Lawsuit #1 addresses the immunity, but it also uses things like 'Harris County Flood Control District vs Kerr' where 400 homeowners say their homes were flooded because the county apporoved upstream development. Like - the lake draining literally does not actually affect your property (*), it affects the adjacent property that you don't own. From my readings, the plaintiffs went all emotional in their presentation to the court and now GBRA is doing theirs and is just going through the facts of 90 year old dams, 1/3 of which failed within a 3 year period. I think they're gonna have a tough time getting their TRO, but who knows. (*) there are bulkheads etc on Dunlap that are falling in due to not having pressure on them on 1 side after the lake was drained. So land reverting back to being a river. I guess GBRA could do something where they give everyone an easement to the land underneath the previous lake, so that will shut up the stupid shit about them wanting to sell all the land and have other people build on it (not that anyone could get a mortgage for stuff that close to the river). Then if they did that, the bitching would start about other people walking on the land between their houses and the river, nevermind that people used to camp right off the end of their docks in boats.
  2. Yup. They want a temporary restraining order or injunction to stop the September 16th drawdown and then the full hearing to permanently stop it. The problem is - GBRA aint got that money, the state doesn't appear to be coming forward with any money. So the don't drain the lakes. They go on business as usual like before - except I think I read they have deenergized the turbines so they aren't even making the miniscule money from hydropower. So then another gate fails or some shit. Then what? Hearing started 38 minutes ago. I think we should hear something soon.
  3. I think they have those down on page 3. On that lawsuit, I think they were letting anyone who's feelings were hurt sign on as a plaintiff and the lawyer was going to do it pro bono as he owns property on one of the lakes. *goes off to search* "It would be optimal to have as many plaintiffs from all the lakes as possible on the petition for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) to stop GBRA from draining the lakes. Douglas Sutter, a lake resident and attorney, is doing this work pro bono. If you are interested in joining as a plaintiff, please read and consider the attached acknowledgment. Let's see how many new plaintiffs we can add by end of day Tuesday."
  4. Lawsuit 1 Lawsuit 2
  5. Hearing tomorrow at 9am at Guadalupe County Justice Center on a restraining order. Judge Ables out of Kerrville is the judge, the 3 Guadalupe District judges recused themselves. The former chair of GBRA (still on the board), and from all reports a good guy, Rusty Brockman announced he was running for mayor last Thursday. Talk about kicking a hornets nest, the lake residents are now all upset with him though very few can actually vote for or against him since the majority of Dunlap adjacent property is out of the city limits and none of the other lakes come close to NB. Texas Tribune posted an article about the lakes: These dams needed replacing 15 years ago. Now Texas will drain four lakes instead — causing other problems. I'm still not sure what the fix is. The dams were built at a time when there was hardly even any farming around the lakes. Then communities built by the lakes assuming (you know what you get when you do that) that they would always be there. GBRA probably should have better worked with the elected officials to let them know the conditions of the dams and see what the state could do and for all we know, they did, that's just never been discussed and in the Sunset review last session, they were kinda quiet on it. I'm not sure I'm all that exicted about the other 28 million Texas residents paying for what are in practice private lakes - Dunlap has the I35 ramp that's free. McQueeney has 2 ramps - 1 requires a membership to the Ski Club, the other may or may not be open depending and has a charge. And if the residents want to pay for it (none seem to be really jumping for that outside of Dunlap residents), then the new WCIDs should be required to develop future maintenance funding plans, otherwise it's all for naught. I personally don't think turning the lower Guadalupe back into a more natural river is a bad thing.
  6. At least Scalise went to LSU and had some skin in the game. Rafel just sorts team de jour, basically a tshirt, or poorly designed fishing shirt, fan.
  7. He likes the sports balls. Big fan. Hugest.
  8. Ted is on this week's National Podcast of Texas. Looks like the webpage doesn't have it added yet, but it has dropped in the feed.
  9. U.K. Speaker John Bercow Announces Resignation Fuckers. I really like listening to Bercow, he's a god damned hoot.
  10. Holiday, fucking peasant.
  11. Uh, they aren't I'm pretty sure my reaction when I see someone graduated from Liberty is the same as when I see someone graduated from Phoenix.
  12. The owner of Liberty "University" is Jerry Falwell, Jr. They don't care.
  13. Vettel is done. Something happened to his brain. Passed by a freaking Renault on the first lap, then spins off on his own later and takes out Lance Stroll.
  14. I still want to see some home sales. I think the Guadalupe County Judge really screwed up when he said they would drop 50%. River property is still very highly valued around here. So while they may not be on a lake anymore, and the current homeowners might not necessarily like what's happened, there are some people who do like what's happened at Dunlap - it's made it a lot quieter and they no longer have wake boats blasting music right outside their docks all day long. I think there will still be a pretty hot market once it's deteremined if the lakes are going to be refilled or not.
  15. I'm told there were 6 dams built at the same time 90 years ago and that 1/3 of them failed within 3 years of each other and that the projected lifetime for the dams was 50 years. Anyone saying McQueeney, built at the same time as the others by the exact same people using the exact same methods and materials, such as the pot steel that failed on the Dunlap gate.. is out of their gourd. They may not want their lake drained, but calling it sound? That's a fruitcake.
  16. Is that judge one of the 3 District judges in Guadalupe that just recused themselves? I'm going guess... yes. At least one of those judges lives in a neighborhood adjacent to Dunlap, his house is across the street from the former lake. Judges probably aren't going to take reduced property valuations into account - I mean, it makes a neat emotional story, but that's not all that relevant to the safety issue. Edit: And what deal? Are they going to form that water district? The Dunlap one is going for 30 million over 30 years and get bonds based on that. But I haven't heard a word about dam maintenance funding mentioned - remember that's the thing that got everyone into the current situation. If they don't come up with a sound way to maintain the dams after they are rebuilt, then it's doomed from the start. And that's not even taking into account that at least some percentage of people won't want additional taxes from the water district. Or they somehow bamboozle the state to pay for the dams on their private lake (there are 2 ramps the public could use on McQueeney - one requires an expensive membership to Lake Breeze, the other requires a membership or possibly day use fees to the marina). For all intents and porpoises, it's a private lake, unlike Dunlap with it's dam under 35.
  17. 2 lawsuits were filed today (why they don't pull resources, I'll never know). Both want a temporary restraining order to stop the drain. Hopefully these 2 lawsuits didn't say that any deaths and injuries from dam failure would be the fault of the GBRA board - that's what got them into this drain pickle in the first place.
  18. https://gvlakes.com/ Drawdown of Gonzales starts on 9/16. Something like 3 days per lake moving upstream. I hope the adjacent property owners are paying attention and pulling boats out. Dunlap didn't have that advance notice and it's been a bitch getting some of those boats out - some dude has this boat thing with a ramp that he gets close to your lift and then pulls the boat onto it... much easier to get boats out now than when there is no lake and just mud to drive on and the natural river.
  19. The fact that they got enjoyment of a lake, for free for decades, without paying anything for the upkeep of said lake = getting bent over.
  20. You need to look at it through his eyes. Oh nevermind, that's all I got. Fuck this guy. Elected because of hero worship, plain and simple.
  21. Letterboxes? Oy. This shit stain is on the Tories, they elected that coastal New Yorker elite their Prime Minister, now they get to live with it.
  22. I guess he's trying to pull a Joe Paterno - he coached from the press box a time or two. Maybe Freeze will end his career in shame, too.
  23. Negative. Wake Forest was founded by the Baptists. Demon Deacons is the mascot... methodists have deacons but it's not really a big thing like baptists.
  24. The fall of Liberty "University" is gonna be great. Founded by that piece of shit Falwell. Hired that rape cover upper Candadian Iam McCaw from Baylor. Hired Hugh Freeze, remember he's the one that hired an escort using a State of Mississippi paid for cell phone and ended up getting Ole Miss hammered by the NCAA. Run by cuckold Falwell Jr. I cannot wait for that fake school to go boom. Flames indeed.
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