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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. My office (not government) took on 3 feet of water when the Blano river decided to leave it's banks in 2015. We are ~1/2-3/4 mile from the river, that much water spread out. You'd think disaster recovery would be a big thing around here after we all had to work out of remote locations for a year while they gutted and rebuilt the downstairs. Yeah, that was a discussion for about 5 minutes until numbers were brought up and then it was thoughts and prayers that another flood doesn't happen.
  2. The whole system of collecting shit, that they still use today if the fancy suction toilet breaks down, just seems gross as fuck.
  3. And are Abbott and Perry such great friends that Abbott's guys on the Board of Regents would vote in Perry? If the above poster's rumors are right, we'll probably hear of this move come April 2020, as that is when Michael Young's contract is up.
  4. Was it like this when Texas flipped from Blue to Red? Texas was a longtime conservative Democrat state. Did the Democrats go nuts like this with 1 last gasp before the end? I know a lot of them switched sides when they saw the writing, I really don't see that with the more powerful of this bunch.
  5. Gov. Greg Abbott names new secretary of state months after botched voter roll review Another longtime hotwheels employee. I'm sure she'll fuck it up, too.
  6. I mean you can, but Babe retired in 1935 and A&M won a title in 1939, so you would come off as regarded.
  7. There is a permit fee of $600 (currently being waived) for any construction including ramps, retaining walls, docks, etc. And a $100 annual fee for those. But what GBRA should have done, and should do now, is ask the legislature to give them the ability to tax adjacent property owners and that way the lakes can self fund and go on forever without the now being shuttered hydropower business. What will happen is that lawsuits will be filed - and I think a judge will probably tell the plaintiffs to fuck off as there is no money to operate the lakes, None. Zero. Zilch. Nada. And to boot, the lake users never gave a dime for lake operation, so they should be happy they got to use them this many years for free. People will continue to cry, the legislature will pussyfoot around and maybe figure out a way to tax every Texas citizen to give GBRA the money to repair the dams, in 2 years.
  8. *cough* With what money? The Preserve Lake Dunlap Assocation people are trying to start a water district to raise the needed $30 million by taxing themselves, the water front owners, something like $6-$8 linear waterfront foot per year for the next 30 years. GBRA has said they will sell them the dam for $1. That $30 doesn't cover maintenance, I don't believe, and since that's everyone's big contention, they might need to figure out the funding. What I think probably should be done is the legislature, in 2 years, grant GBRA the ability to tax adjacent property owners and use that money to repair and maintain the dams. SARA is the only river authority that currently has taxing ability. But give GBRA that 6-8/ft/yr, let them get the bonds (as an existing government entitity) and repair the dams and use the money going forward for maintenance since they are shutting down the hydropower side. The legislators involved could have asked hot wheels to call a special session, this all happened toward the end of the regular session, but they were asleep at the wheel and so here we all are.
  9. Yep. I don't really know the answer. The lakes were built to provide hydropower. Over the years, much cheaper forms of electricity have come along. Because of that, the hydro side has lost 2 million a year and GBRA has said that they cannot take money from the water supply side to pay for maintenance of those dams because then the large water supply customers would sue, and they should. Why should those water supply customers pay to maintain some unrelated dams? Over the same time frame, people moved onto property adjacent to the lakes. Those people came to rely and use the lakes but didn't pay a single dime for maintaining them, they just assumed they would always be there. Now that the lakes aren't there, or some of them are soon not to be there, they are mad. But they didn't pay a single dime for those lakes, they just got the benefit of living next to them. Sucks about their home values, but I have a friend who owns *looks at comal appraisal district* a 1/4 acre lot between 2nd and 3rd crossing on the Guadalupe. Beautiful view of the hills on the other side, shitty tubing in front (wide spot in the river, it's shallow), doesn't flood afaik. Has a "house" built in 1959 but the CAD says it's "POOR" and that's being generous. It has no plumbing, the roof has holes, it's really just a shelter. The value of the place is $128k (I need to talk to my friend, his family should be able to lock in their taxes because the owner is over 65). 1/4 acre on river front, no structure to speak of, 128k. Their values are going to go down, but those that have land adjacent to the natural channel of the Guadalupe will be fine. They won't be able to boat on GBRA's lake anymore, but there will always be people waiting to buy a riverfront lot.
  10. They sort of asked for it. With the proposed class action lawsuit, the plaintiffs did say: I mean, they put GBRA on notice that they would be held responsible for the potential loss of life. What else was GBRA to do?
  11. I guess their 2 biggest hurdles are the change to Chevy engines, that will probably be pretty significant, and the fact that they've bought into a 2nd or 3rd tier team that doesn't regularly win races and has never won an Indy level championship.
  12. I hope so because aren't they just partnering with SPM? It's not like they are starting a team from scratch.
  13. Dude is a fucking retard. May be legal to carry, may also get your ass killed. Doing this days after the El Paso and Louisiana incidents - yeah, real genius move. Even his family recognized he ain't all there Based on any common sense person's learning about the previous incidents, at Walmarts, and then this regard going into a store loaded for war, he met both definitions of the Missouri Terroristic Threat 2nd degree law: 1. Yep - he knew it would cause a problem. He knew a common sense person would freak the fuck out seeing his dumbass loaded up with a tactical vest and guns in a Walmart so soon after the other vents. (1) Uh uh, that was an implied thread to cause an incident involving danger to life. He's lucky nobody shot his ass. It'll be plead down to disturbing the peace or some shit. And please, keep this up 2nd Amendment guys. Like the retards in Texas that carry long guns into Starbucks etc. You are Definitely helping your side, no doubt about it.
  14. Maybe - but remember this whole hubbub also involved Bonnen asking Empower Texans to specifically target certain Democrats. So, fuck Bonnen.
  15. Basically - the recording is legal because the dickhead, Sullivan, is a party to the conversation.
  16. I noticed that too. Can you imagine how much cheaper it is for them to not have to deal with getting robbed for the cash on hand, having to either take it to a bank or get a Brinks truck. Even with the credit card service fee, it's gotta make financial sense.
  17. I'm with her on getting a fiber connection to every house. Then we differ. I think the free market should be able to provide the services on top of that fiber. So everyone gets a wire, then they choose if they want Spectrum, texas.net, etc to provide internet and other services on it.
  18. Expand on why you don't think it would withstand constitutional scrutiny? Is the cost and time for poor people the only problem? I think we can work around that. We already have requirements for NFA that poor people cannot afford, in order to exercise their second amendment rights. Edit: And of course this is ignoring the fact that various states like Connecticut already have a license law or California requires a firearm safety training. I haven't heard of any of those hitting the Supreme Court and being ruled unconstitutional. Further edit: I think every single one of my ideas is already implemented by a state, sometimes all together, except mandatory liability insurance. I know that has been proposed in a number of states but I don't know that it has been passed.
  19. Please. They fucked up school financing and declared victory. He isn't as bad as the other 2 slow kids, but he aint great.
  20. 1) Education. Should have to pass a class before owning a gun and demonstrate that you know how to operate it. You'll then get a license. 2) Requirement of getting that license is a background check. 1/2 B) License will be renewed on a somewhat regular basis - kinda like some other license most of us have. Require updated classes every few years and updated demonstration of safe operation. 3) Registration. Every gun should be registered. Every sales should go through the same procedure. 4) Insurance. Should be required to carry some amount of minimum liability insurance as a condition for maintaining your gun license. That's a start. But then here come the "oh the second amendment" - the second amendment isn't absolute, we already have some rules in place, we would just expand these. And there will be the "if we have laws, only the good guys will follow them" then what do we do? Throw our hands up and declare anarchy and get rid of every law or create laws and enforce them and those that choose not to follow them will be dealt with, like we do day in and day out already?
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