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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. At least they've moved on from Black Lives Matter. They're currently on the squad and I guess antifa. It's interesting how the squad became the target. Always gotta have someone else to villify.
  2. That tree done fucked up his head. Eating Bill Miller's "BBQ". What the fuck, Greg? Don't go full retard.
  3. Isn't Sullivan the one with the ethics issues? I swear there is a case currently going on where he didn't register as a lobbyist, which any common sense person knows he is. Fuck Sullivan, Fuck Bonnen, I guess Sullivan came out with this because Bonnen is a RINO (to them) and that's worse than a libtard communist beta cuck (I think I got a bingo there) to them.
  4. Wow, that is crazy. Are we sure it's the same address? Because the article I found has: The article doesn't jump out and say it was the same address, just same block. Edit: Nevermind. The dead girl was Clarisa Santos, mother Clara Santos, stepfather Gio Mitchell. And Gio Mitchell was the one killed by the FBI. Address is 780 E STEGALL DR according to McClennan County Appraisal District. Apparently dead dude's real name was Joshua Steven Mitchell and he went by Giovanni "Gio" Mitchell. Guy that diddled 14 year old was her former stepfather Jose Manuel Gonzalez. So mom has an awesome history of picking winners. First got the diddler, then went with a guy that could be considered a little out there with his politics and had a little bit of a history "numerous charges involving explosives and impersonating police in addition to two counts of child endangerment, failure to identify as a fugitive, fraud, weapons violations and writing bad checks," I think the bad link here is momma, not some FBI gone rogue thing.
  5. He doesn't like me calling out other cross dressers?
  6. They must have strayed pretty far, because that cross dresser was a Republican.
  7. You're not wrong. Their hero was very anti 2nd amendment when he was governor.
  8. Yes, that is in fact what it means. One part of filling out the early decision is that you agree that if they offer, you accept. The only out that I know of is that if you cannot afford to pay. The penalties aren't like they are going to sue you, but if colleges find out that you early applied to more than 1 school, they could yank your application. Or if you decline a binding agreement, they could tell other schools. The schools do sometimes share lists of students admitted through early decision.
  9. Dude, if Ferrari could get some of the strategy shit fixed up, Verstappen in red might be insane. I think right now I would gladly welcome that switch with Vettel who has the tendency to go potato at times.
  10. Yeah, I'm missing how this is hard. Dude grabbed the gun, went to hang out with his BIL and shows him the gun and later they call PD.
  11. They'll figure it out. Where there is a will (government money) there is a way. March 26: The DEA is Searching for Field Test Kits to Differentiate Hemp and Marijuana And then 2 weeks later... April 9: Digipath Files Patent Application for Test to Distinguish Hemp from Drug-type Cannabis That Digipath patent is for field test kits. There may be a temporary lag in them testing, but it will be very temporary. Digipath is targeting commercial availability in late 2019/early 2020. The legislature moved a bit fast, but it feels a bit too much is being made out of the fact that they "legalized marijuana" (ignoring the fact that marijuana is still not legal in a single state in the United States since it's illegal federally. If it was legal - dispensers etc. wouldn't find it damn near impossible to find a bank).
  12. They may have commitments, but auto admit top 6% is auto admit, no vetting required. Which is 75% of the incoming freshmen (at least, that's the law - no more than 75% of incoming freshman can be auto admits). There is no holistic review on auto admit, meet the requirements, in. Holistic review, though, you are correct.
  13. Ugh. Getting so tired of everyone protesting against immigrants.
  14. A bit wordy for a tshirt.
  15. Last year for that. In 2021 A&M will be top 10% auto admit, everyone else holistic.
  16. Who? Blue Origin is proceeding at a snail's pace. I would call SpaceX a traditional contractor at this point, they're hauling shit to the ISS. Who else is even close? You throw someone new at it and you'll just increase the timeline, not shorten it. No, you won't. You won't spend the money required to get there. We won't be back at the moon in his timeline. Guaranteed. We won't do what is required to get there. We can't fucking figure out a coherent space policy that doesn't flip flop every 4 years and then we have this guy who contradicts himself left and right and seems to ramble on. What it appears we may end up doing is killing a few more people rushing ahead like imbeciles.
  17. That's a Charles Kushner type move. His ass ended up spending 14 months in federal bang you in the ass prison in Alabama for it.
  18. Shoulda put it in a Rudy's wrapper, they wouldn't have kept that.
  19. Yup. Non binding referendums treated like they are hard and fast law. And then a very poorly written one at that, of course. "Do you want an extra hour of class time or free ice cream and recess?"
  20. Right now, according to https://preorder.franklinbbq.com/, 8/13 is the earliest you can do.
  21. Negative. They rent the restaurant out after hours. I think its $50/head, 100 head minimum. That is the way to go. Entire restaurant to just your group, all you can eat, and then when they are done, they box up the leftovers and you take whatever you want home. Fucking fantastic. Pickup is second best way to get Franklin.
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