Wow, that is crazy.
Are we sure it's the same address? Because the article I found has:
The article doesn't jump out and say it was the same address, just same block.
Edit: Nevermind. The dead girl was Clarisa Santos, mother Clara Santos, stepfather Gio Mitchell.
And Gio Mitchell was the one killed by the FBI.
Address is 780 E STEGALL DR according to McClennan County Appraisal District.
Apparently dead dude's real name was Joshua Steven Mitchell and he went by Giovanni "Gio" Mitchell. Guy that diddled 14 year old was her former stepfather Jose Manuel Gonzalez. So mom has an awesome history of picking winners. First got the diddler, then went with a guy that could be considered a little out there with his politics and had a little bit of a history "numerous charges involving explosives and impersonating police in addition to two counts of child endangerment, failure to identify as a fugitive, fraud, weapons violations and writing bad checks,"
I think the bad link here is momma, not some FBI gone rogue thing.