People are... slow.
Sort of related, our city outlaws fireworks. Couple of years ago I had to educate the guy across the road that he lived in the city. He had no clue. I mean, I guess if you never vote in municipal elections, or get a library card, or use any of the benefits our city gives residents, or ever look at your tax bill.
And then there's the clown that setoff some sort of roman candle type thing while we were all on the muncipal golf course to watch the city sponsored fireworks. Up come 2 guys on bicycle, I told the wife here come the park rangers. Oh no, it was 2 police officers. Who wrote the first ticket I've ever seen them give out for violating the fireworks ordinance. The police explained how they are illegal in the city. And the clown tries to argue that can't be right because the guy at the fireworks stand sold them to you. Well he did.. just not in the city limits. And of course he's not going to tell you where you can't take them, he just wants your cash.