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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. Do you read the threads you respond to? Even a low traffic one like this? He resigned minutes before he was going to be kicked out.
  2. Sadly, they could probably get you on Disturbing the Peace.
  3. That was Goeb getting his panties in a wad over Seliger (who didn't have a single bill of his hit the floor - if I heard correctly). At least, I think that's what you were thinking of.
  4. That was a great race. So happy for Simon that he got it. The last 10 laps were amazing.
  5. He'll just go back to working for Hot Wheels, where he was before.
  6. I still don't get how out of it you have to be to miss a deadline for 25 million dollars. Was it ever explained? Like did they really just fuck up that bad on a simple piece of paperwork that seems like it should almost be a copy of 2017 and just search and replace with 2018?
  7. Did buttfumble just out himself as Wayne Mueller?
  8. It MIGHT be a hereditary thing.
  9. Ted Cruz's former chief of staff, Chip Roy, is also a piece of shit Then I'm sure he offered up some amendments to the bill. I mean, someone so fucking concerned about a bill would try and amend it, and possibly fix those problems, right? *searches the bill* Weird. Not finding any amendments. Typical do nothing Ted Cruz wannabe. At least read fuckign Dr. Suess on the floor of the House like your butt buddy Cruz. Be funny or something instead of being a boring piece of shit.
  10. Isn't that like the motto of the gitmo detention camp? Where we have 40 guys who will just end up living out the rest of their days there because once we captured them, we didn't have a plan (and still don't) about what to do with them other than let them live at Gitmo forever.
  11. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and House Speaker Dennis Bonnen are set to address the media soon. We’re expecting some updates on the big issues of the legislative session: school finance and property taxes.
  12. Mario Andretti, the Uber driver. Picks up Mike Tirico at the airport in a 2 seater Indy car and drives him over to IMS. Roughly 13.5 miles point to point, down I70 and I465. Pretty badass.
  13. Holey shit, 44. What ghetto is this? Screenshot that shit, bet it looks like a christmas tree.
  14. Let's play a game (heard this on the radio). Go to Texas Sex Offender registry search, enter your home address and see how many are within 1 mile (I'm fairly certain that is the default box) and give us that count. Mine's 10 and I bet some of yall can quadruple that.
  15. Now that's funny. Let's start with the actual brexit referendum language: That's such incomplete bullshit.
  16. =( What a waste of a milkshake.
  17. Constables targeted for removal in Bexar and Kendall counties Oh happy days. And this will just be more fodder for her good ole boy campaign bullshit, which her voters apparently eat up.
  18. Then a 18 month timeframe is completely doable! Ignore what I said about it not happening, I was wrong.
  19. My son and I had a discussion sort of about this a couple of weeks ago. He was wondering why we don't have a full time legislature and why it's only biennial and I said there's no way we could maintain our focus to keep them in line all the time. I like this 5 month rush and then we get a good long breather before the nuts return.
  20. Holey crap, I didn't realize the mighty McLaren completely potatoed it the entire way through. That's embarrassing. Aren't these the people where you used to be able to eat off the floor of the factory because they were so anal retentive?
  21. Looks like they might have gotten to the legislature in time to get Dunlap (and maybe Wood) added to SB8, which I think was written to help other areas after the Harvey flooding. I Think it's now due to be voted on on the 22nd after being postponed a couple of times. If this had happened 2 weeks later, they would have been SOL unless they could have convinced hot wheels to add it to the special session(s).
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