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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. It is, it's called a crest gate. There's 3 in the dam, you can see them in the video.
  2. Video of the failure Thing just up and left town. Looks like some of it stayed behind but appears a big chunk headed towards the coast.
  3. I was in their parking lot yesterday, looking at the dam. Their inlets are on the upstream side of the dam, right by it. Sounded like they were running last night, although I would think the turbidity (thank you Austin for teaching me that word) is high right now, so they probably have to settle that water a bit. Their website says they can process 16.4 million gallons per day. There's 7.48 gallons in a cubic foot of water, so that would be 2,192,513 cubic feet of water a day. River is currently flowing something like 1600 CFS out of Canyon and 400 CFS out of the Comal Springs, so 2000CFS coming through what's left of Dunlap - it would take 1096 seconds or 18 minutes for them to get their entire water needs for the day. Even in the summer when it goes down to like 300 CFS going through Dunlap when they turn off Canyon at 909 and the springs slow, there's still a lot of water left for CRWA. I am suprised that they haven't said something either way, though, just to let people know what's going on. I'm sure they have been in contact with the various member companies. And they May have to modify where there inlets are as the lake goes back to the natural channel (it was pretty much there last night).
  4. In the 56 years GBRA has owned the hydrolakes, combined for all years have netted 1.5 million in profit, plus the hydro side owes the water supply side 4.5 million... so actually it's lost money. And of course the people on the lake don't want to hear it, but what is GBRA's responsibility? They weren't created to provide recreation and the water supply customers, which are 98% of their revenue, might not like supporting what is a string of recreation lakes.
  5. Look on the bright side, at least they now have riverfront property.
  6. Maybe they can tax the adjacent landowners who enjoy the lake for free and bear none of the repair and maintenance costs, except under their completely voluntary 'Friend of Lake X' groups that do stump cleanup etc. Farkin shame it's too late to get anything like that created for this legislative session, unless someone can get the governor to throw it into his special session(s).
  7. Lake Dunlap to completely drain after dam failure
  8. Maybe now I can get my wish of seeing the original Clear Springs, which were buried when Lake Dunlap filled up.
  9. Really wish they had a way to watch it without paying for NBC Gold.
  10. At one time, our legislature was big on that. For some reason, the past few sessions it feels like they are fighting cities. I still argue those closest to the constituents know what is best for their locality.
  11. The bought URL should be http://www.gonzalesinquirer.com/stories/gbra-hosts-lake-wood-discussion,584
  12. Guadalupe Emergency Management said downstream flows will be 5k-8k. And the Corps increased the flow out of Canyon Lake yesterday to 1600CFS to get it back down to conservation pool level. (GBRA controls flow below 909, Corps above 909). Edit: GBRA just said downstream flows might be in the 11k range. Looks like maybe the center gate on the Dunlap spillway decided it had had enough and flowed on downstream. I'm not sure the level that the water will get to, I guess there will still be some water left in the lake, but man oh man. And this brings up an interesting discussion. GBRA bought these lakes in 1963. They have basically never turned a profit and have actually cost money from other parts of GBRA - the majority of which is the water they sell from Canyon Lake. The dam at Lake Wood had an issue a few years back. GBRA has a plan to fix it, but it would cost, based on the fact that they have only netted 1.6 million in the 54 years (in 2017) that they have owned the lakes, 200+ years worth of profits to fix just Lake Wood. Not to mention this brand new failure on Dunlap. The property owners on Lake Wood are furious at GBRA. They purchased property on a hydro lake and get to enjoy the lake for free. They don't pay any fees to GBRA for owning land on the lake, AFAIK. And now they want GBRA to fix their dam, so they can fully enjoy the lake again, but GBRA can't afford to fix it. Talk about a rock and a hard place. And I really don't know the fix. I guess maybe the legislature could come up with some sort of tax on the property owners to pay for maintenance of the lake they get to enjoy and I see where the property owners are coming from, seeing as there was a perfectly good lake when they bought property there. But I also see GBRA's side - those property owners just assumed the lake would always be there, when it was never set up for them to actually use it, they were only set up for electricity generation and GBRA's only focus is that generation.
  13. Texas House flirts with eliminating biggest chunk of Texans’ property tax in 2022 Sounds great except for things like: And I think, based on the article, he is trying to start a conversation along the lines of "If you want a change in property tax, where is that coming from". But I think you are playing with fire passing a bill that eliminates the M&O portion of property tax that is used to fund ISDs. You are then relying on the next session to repeal this new law and get a new one passed - and Danny Goeb has now pissed off just about everyone except the carpetbagging lesbian. I don't trust these retards to sharpen a pencil, much less repeal this fire bill. Nuh uh.
  14. The latest episode of The National Podcast of Texas features Aaron Franklin. It's a good listen.
  15. I've heard this sales tax bill is causing a bit of strife in the Senate. Goeb is going to cause less members in his party to support him. The upset people may start voting against every bill.
  16. I watched some of the race. I was definitively entertained, there was a goof amount of passing while I was watching.
  17. I used to have one of these on my car. I grew up in the flight path for Barksdale. After about a month, you get used to your windows rattling everytime one of those things goes over at about 1k feet. Never got old watching them do touch and goes on the weekends when the reservists were flying.
  18. That's nifty. Basically like the lead up to the Gulf War, except we had them based at Diego Garcia. And some of the first bombs dropped in Iraq came from B-52s from Barksdale that flew over to Iraq, dropped shit, and flew back and landed at Barksdale - 34 hour flight, 14k miles, never touched down except at their home base, pretty freaking amazing for a plane older than most of us.
  19. Cheap, basically indestructible, can fly around the world without touching down, carry nukes (Hi Barksdale, where these came from). I think we've gotten our money's worth on them.
  20. Too late to edit, but I need to apologize for this. It was his first time in 4 sessions that a bill of his hit the House floor for debate. That is an impressive stat. There are desks in the building doing more work than he is.
  21. This guy is literally trying to rid the world of neglected tropical diseases - his life mission. And Stickland treats him like shit. It's really amazing. Stickland is a fuck tard of the highest order.
  22. It turns out that the Texas House hates red light cameras more than it hates Jonathan Stickland This guy is a walking turd. He makes Danny Goeb seem reasonable. I do want to congratulate him on finally getting a bill approved the the House. 4 sessions and finally a bill of his they voted out of the House. Must be a big day in GED land.
  23. I think the Beltway is in a county, their excuse is bad.
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