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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. I'm actually impressed. That bill got 100% of those present when it was voted on in the house. And the committee hearing had a single witness. Andrew Weber, For, COTA.
  2. Things I think and discuss with my wife but do not bring up in polite company because everyone wants to support the vets. I could scream about it until I'm blue in the face, but it does no good. Another one that I can scream about. You know who else lives on a fixed income? Most of us.
  3. He's a bug man. Something about elected bug men - they always seem... off.
  4. Good article. Page 25, 2-1, "Consolidate or rearrange duties between Sheriff and Constables." covers the overlap and provides some options of getting constables back to what they were originally envisioned as doing.
  5. U must be backing up that GOOD OLE BOY NETWO4K! Step Off, I was elected.
  6. Someday homeowners are going to figure out that commercial property cannot currently be properly assessed by appraisal districts and maybe start screaming about that. Until then, enjoy.
  7. I like to use other states as experiments. Everyone's current punching bag, California, tried this in the late 70s and it went bad, bad bad. You know those million dollar 500 square foot homes you hear about? You can thank prop 13.
  8. Bullshit, at least in the places I've lived and travelled. Every last one of them has expanded their duties. I follow a few on facebook, such as Comal Precint 4 who's big thing appears to be 18 wheeler interdiction. The also do a fuckton of traffic patrols. One way to rein them in is for the Sheriff's departments to keep pushing back on the Commisioner's Courts to reduce funding for constables, like they did in this bitch's precinct in Bexar. Tell the fuckers to do the job they are constitutionally required to do and leave the other policing to arguably better trained organizations. This rant brought to you by: The constable that pulled me over on 130 on the way to COTA a couple of visits ago.
  9. I was wondering her qualifications. Doing some searching. She was a reserve deputy in Precinct 2 before deciding to run. I wasn't sure if she had a peace officer license before being elected because after the election she posted about having to qualify at the range.
  10. " if the democrats would have run literally anyone else, I would have voted for them "
  11. In a surprising turn, Texas House opts to delay consideration of sales tax swap legislation until 2021 Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead. Who knows what the governor will do, we may have special sessions till the cows come home. I can't wait to ask my guy in the know.
  12. They would royally fuck that one up. 2 of the brothers are no longer talking to each other after their fuckup in Corpus - which is now owned by IBC Bank and has a new name. I wonder what ever happened to Jeff's giant private plane - there's some stories with that one , too.
  13. Kansas Schlitterbahn where boy died appears unlikely to open Only the Henry family could fuck up the Schlitterbahn cash cow.
  14. So I wonder how that works. I would assume one could still be arrested in Harris by a department that doesn't follow Harris County's polite asking of LEO not to arrest or ticket.. say maybe DPS or Game Wardens. So - they've sorta, kinda decriminalized marijuana, as long as the officer belongs to a department that follows what the DA asks.
  15. I'm sort of the same way with decriminalization, as was done in HB63. Get caught with less than an ounce, you no longer get arrested but would still get put on deferred adjudication probation. Complete that and no more than 1 offense in a year, expunged. But you still have to deal with cops. You still have to go to court. You still have to deal with a lot of the bullshit. Possession of more than an ounce to two ounces - class b misdemeanor.. year in jail and/or 2000 fine. I mean, it's not as bad as before, but still. And then anyone selling weed is still going to be doing it illegally unless the entire supply chain is operating 1 ounce at a time. And there's still that pesky illegally federally issue.
  16. Wasn't our fight. We shouldn't have been there to start with.
  17. He will. He won't. Because... They won't. They see R next to name. It's like a monkey with a lever. It's crazy that we changed from Straus to Bonnen and the House just keeps rolling along, acting like the adult side for the most part. Which is 100% backwards of how it is supposed to be. I bet there will be an uproar from Goeb's fans that Bonnen is yet another RINO in charge of the House.
  18. We are here to bring you joy.
  19. Just as hurricane season is starting. Suprised, I am not.
  20. That flatbread.
  21. Grander RV 400 starts now (11am Monday) on FS1.
  22. Conference rooms must be the suites on the front straight. That or the paddock.
  23. In regards to "oil company", are you talking about a pipeline operator? Because they most certainly do have the power of eminent domain. Since you replied to a post that said "Protesting an oil company declaring eminent domain to seize private property for their pipelines to export oil/gas out of the country?" then I would assume you are talking about pipelines, as the post you replied to was talking about pipelines.
  24. If that your feeling or based in law? Because I guarantee you that in Texas pipelines have the power of eminent domain.
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