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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. Ok, BBQ boy. How'd you injure yourself?
  2. Outside of the 10 year old, who probably didn't know the risk, but wouldn't be at any future events if their own rules are followed. People may not remember the risk once they are allowed to get drunk on the property one owns. That's going to be his lawsuit problem. Of course, get rid of the alcohol, problems greatly decrease. Get rid of alcohol, customers also greatly decrease.
  3. I can't say outside of some facebook posts that I saw from COTA and Indy that I saw a single word about the race. About 2 months ago, COTA swooped into the McNay Art Museum and then New Braunfels City Hall for a picture op, they seemed to be at each stop for maybe 30 minutes. Do something at those. Make a big announcement splash in each city. Invite people out to come sit in the static display car and get their picture taken. Something. Anything. What promotions did you see? Obviously my experience varied greatly from yours, so that would certainly point to a marketing issue. Its more than just the Indycar fan. Those are gonna go no matter what. Marketing them is obviously wasted money. It's marketing to the average person on the street and convincing them to go and drop some change. I'm not sure what COTA would need to do - but if they don't do something, they will run off yet another series. Cost: Indy for Sunday only was $65 for general admission. Parking in Lot T, $30 (if they remember to charge you. TMS Sunday only, $30 right now on Ticketmaster, parking free. Parking is MUCH better at TMS. Granted you are stuck in a single seat at TMS, but you can bring a cooler in, that alone is worth a shit ton of money since you can pack that fucker with hard shit. COTA - no coolers, maybe no drinks depending on which person "checks" your stuff". As to how many fans showed up, we may never see a real number. Our hill at Turn 1 was decently full, but the Turn 12 and Turn 1 grandstands were bleak. There were people in the grass by the esses, but I doubt (I couldn't see but I'm guessing) that there were many fans past that to Turn 11 and back to Turn 12 because COTA didn't run shuttles down there like they do for F1. Of course, without fans there, no need to. And we can look at the parking lots and see what's up. Lot T was full, but N was turned into camping (almost completely empty) and I'm almost certain they didn't use L or M at all, not to mention Q off of 812. And then they turned C into a .25 USAC Midget track.
  4. COTA does not promote events, that's part of it. And attendance at almost every live sporting event has been dropping steadily over the years, that's another part.
  5. The phrase that pays this week is "track limits". Good heavens. Hardly ever hear it and then bam, all the bitching in the world about it.
  6. That was a fun race. Really enjoyed it and that's what matters to.keep and build a fanbase Sat in the grass in front of the turn 1 stands the full race, good view. Parked at a house off Elroy, well worth the $10 to avoid traffic in T. Of course, had a friend park in T, which should be $30, but crackheads couldn't figure out who was supposed to take money so it was $0.
  7. Fuck yeah, those guys are nuts. And i get to see them again next week. That was a very nice suprise.
  8. Not even I will eat that. Their managmemt practices are/were horrendous.
  9. That black smoke doesn't look very good to breathe in, just a heads up. Good news, though. It appears the ditch is working it's way towards being currently put out. But the water they had spraying on the middle of it stopped.
  10. I think the new one in NB has it. And I know Spec's has it.
  11. Meh, set the ship channel ablaze like the old days, problem solved.
  12. linkie I'm not a lawyer, but allowing a fuckton of drunk rednecks to drive around your property seems like a recipe for a lawsuit(s).
  13. Spill it! It seems like the marketing for this has been approaching zero.
  14. Maybe Kentucky will still have an eye doctor in the Senate they can use.
  15. thems the rules I guess that one was added after the 10 year old drove into the side of a pickup. Or maybe an exception was made.
  16. That's what I was thinking. That's a HORRIBLE track record. I wouldn't be bragging that information to help my buddy Derek, it makes his place look even worse.
  17. I've been saying that for a decade. You wanna "cut the cord"? It's still gonna cost you one way or another depending on what you want to watch. Hulu, Netflix, Amazon on and on.
  18. Really? With lot C being turned into a USAC track, N being used for camping, nothing in L and M. And it looks like the shuttles only run on the western side of the track (Turn 1 and around over to the main plaza). It appears to me they aren't expecting much of a crowd. Which is sad since Indy is a great series.
  19. No way?!?! It's like COTA might be run by crackheads. My vendor that usually has an RV setup isn't doing it for Indy. When I asked about it, he offered me tickets which I took him up on. He got 3 day GA passes and I decided to drive up there earlier this week to pick them up instead of fighting to get to will call on Sunday (too much stuff to go the other 2 days). At first, the brand new guy in the window can't figure out that someone else bought my tickets. Then he printed out these little paper tickets. And I was like.. these are 3 day, do I just show this each day or what? So he called the boss and eventually found the bracelets that they had not been instructed on (or he had forgotten about). It's really amazing how poorly run that circuit is. They are complete amateurs that seem to have to start with brand new staff for every event. As for parking, I'm gonna park at one of those family lots on Elroy. Its $30 cash for T, or I can walk just a bit further for $10 and not have to deal with the crackheads that run COTA parking. And at previous races, I've never seen a single person checking on COTA Blvd that you had a ticket for a parking lot and only about half the time is there someone checking when you enter a lot. Edit: If they had to do anything special to activate my bracelets, I'm pretty positive that didn't happen. So that might end up with more hilarity.
  20. Love that it's for Shell, but not apparently for the rest of Deer Park. ITC gonna be paying money after this fuckup.
  21. I'm pretty sure they discontinued it. Notice that HEB started the Adam's stuff when Blue Bell kilt them people. And once Blue Bell got back up to steam, it seems they got rid of all the flavors except for vanillas. Damn you, HEB. That was some really good ice cream.
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