I don't know of a thread where this is appropriate, so here's one where we can put all medical ethics questions. Parents of West Point Cadet Fatally Injured in Accident Obtain Order to Preserve His Sperm
Senior cadet at West Point was fatally injured on their ski slope. They put him in the local hospital as a vegetable and before they could harvest his organs for donation, the requested that the hospital harvest and save his sperm. The hospital had never encountered this before so asked the family to get a ruling. They did - and the judge ordered the sperm harvested and stored, at least temporarily, till they can have a full hearing. He is the only male member in that generation in his Chinese family. With him dead, the name dies with him. The parents say he very much wanted to keep the name alive, but alas Peter is dead.
I have some issues with this. Even if Peter wanted kids.. is this something we should allow? It just seems - odd. My personal feelings are that if the sperm hasn't already started the process of becoming a baby by being implanted in an egg at the time of the owners death, then the sperm should probably be allowed to die with them. I may have an exception if they had a partner at the time of death and they had discussed it or something, but I haven't fully thought that part out.