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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. Too late to edit my post, but I pulled up their Connected Device Plans That's even worse. Let's go middle of the road - $335/month for 50GB. That's like horribad. As currently priced, the cell companies really don't want you to cut a cord and replace it with them.
  2. Well, why don't we take a look at Verizon They have 3 "unlimited" data plans. Go unlimited for $40/line, Beyond Unlimited for $50/line and Above Unlimited for $60/line. Go says "Unlimited 4G LTE Data" Beyond says "Premium Unlimited 4G LTE Data (22GB)" Above says "Premium Unlimited 4G LTE Data (75GB)" So - they sell it as "unlimited" but what that means is when you hit that listed cap, you get throttled. I seriously thought this was common knowledge that the cell companies got away from actual, really unlimited data like a decade ago. I'm suprised there are people out there that believe they have "NO cap" but that's how good their marketing departments are - they sucker you in. I guess I could agree that it's "NO cap" but if my 4G LTE is throttled down to the point where its not usable - it's the functional equivalent of a cap. And remember - we are talking about this being a replacement for a hard wired line. That means everything in a house is coming out of a hot spot. Oh wait, their FAQ actually happens to list hotspots - I wonder what the limit is there with their most expensive "unlimited" plan. 20GB? Oh boy. If you are streaming anything and plan to run your house of a cell hot spot with a 20GB monthly limit? Good luck. The cell companies may increase their data limits. But until they do, cellular delivery isn't a replacement for hard wired connections unless you are 80 years old and still reading email via AOL.
  3. Potentially. Do we really see the cell companies going to higher usage caps? Nah.
  4. It's amazing how quick trump got them to turn on McCain.
  5. Really? You do read secrant politics, right? That guy fits in well with most people that wear lsu shirts.
  6. Ok, I thought from the side that might a cute chick. Uh yeah, I was wrong. The pics on her tweeter *shiver* Also - I can't figure these people out. They are pro military etc. but then post shit like this: So which is it? Are we going to start a GoFundMe for the military or are we going to agree that at least some taxes are good? So confused.
  7. Conservative "humor". They fail every single time they try to be funny.
  8. Having watched the lines of traffic that went on for hours and the accidents.. I feel we were much safer walking the .5 miles back to the hotel.
  9. Really? I kinda thought it would be like the time I flew a private jet around San Antonio (the story is a WHOLE lot less la di da than it sounds when you say private jet). We drove right up to that fucker and walked on, no scan, no ticket, no nothing. It was like heaven.
  10. It's amazing to me how a lot of motorsports survives. You either have to get sponsor dollars which seem to be harder and harder to come by or you have to get a pay driver, which a lot of times end up being shit but pay the bills. If I added it up right, NASCAR gets 1.3 Billion/year from TV rights but that's going to pay for all the NASCAR bills alone and then some to the teams.
  11. Please run. Please Please. Best case, we get a few laughs, again, at your expense. Worst case, you win but we get years of laughs at your expense. Either way, we win.
  12. My goal is 1 year seats above the paddock and then the next year Snake Pit.
  13. Anyone else going to the Blancpain GT Word Challenge America at COTA this weekend? I think I'm going to drag my laptop out there and do some "work" on Friday during their practices. Friday looks to be free with access to Main Grandstand, Turn 1, Turn 15, Paddock. Saturday and Sunday are $30 each or $50 for both.
  14. And those ministers would have had charges filed on them, even before GC2019. I can count on 2 hands the number of same sex marriages that have happened in the UMC. Val Rosenquish performed 1 wedding. Was brought up on charges, the resolution was sealed so we don't know the punishment but we know she was not defrocked. Frank Schaefer officiated at the wedding of his son to another man and was defrocked. Retired minister (when he did it) Larry Sonner was not sanctioned. Bishop Melvin Talbert (amazing man who I got to hear at UUMC in Austin) was sanctioned after he performed a wedding. I'd love to hear of these 'quite a few ministers that would have married them' because we've already seen that there are very few. And half of the ones documented above were retired when they did it, meaning they won't have a loss of employment, and Bishop Talbert sort of had the power of being a Bishop - the bishops are very wary about doing anything to another bishop. Yeah, we'll gladly allow you to come in, take your money, but you want to maybe dedicate your life in service to the denomination as an ordiained minister? Slow your roll. Want to marry the person you love that happens to be the same sex as you? Woah. Supportive and welcoming - not. Gays are treated as second class citizens in the UMC. It's really amazing how many have stuck around this long. Edit: What gray area is that? The only possible gray area was the punishments. That's pretty black and white.
  15. And if they now wanted to get married, assuming they are still members, they could not get married in that church. Good job, Methodists. Nailed it.
  16. <soapbox> "Supportive" except they cannot be married in our churches or by our preachers. "Supportive" except they cannot be ordained. "Supportive" except we cannot use funds to any group that 'promotes the acceptance of homosexuality' Forgive me if I find our support to have been a bit... lacking. That whole 'love the sinner, hate the sin' is a slap in the face of people who do not choose to love they way they do. And it's even more aggravating when scripture is used to defend it but we just whistle on by Matthew 19:9 without nary a word.
  17. To be fair, it was most US jurisdictions vs Africa and the Southeastern Jurisdiction. Thanks, Africa.
  18. Change. Same reason people get so worked up about roundabouts. It's not the way they've always done it and they are afraid to try something new that might actually be more efficient.
  19. Delete
  20. And yet, the post office does deliver on Sundays. I get Amazon packages delivered via USPS on Sunday all the time.
  21. Must not be losing that much - otherwise they would stop doing the projects, no?
  22. I remember liking Central a couple of years ago, did half wet half dry. I was also shocked when walking up, I was like... that's the Lorraine Motel, we need to check that out. I just hadn't researched that Central was right next door.
  23. was being the key word, now.
  24. Maybe https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article226632094.html
  25. Necro reply. Tailgating experience is solid. Game production inside the dome is a piece of shit. If you enjoy constant commercial gimmicks during every time out, then you will enjoy it. And we won't discuss their new "cannon" and come and take it flag.
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