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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. Judge dismisses charges over boy's death on Schlitterbahn water slide God damn, you had 1 job. Oh well, still got the drug and prostitution charge.
  2. I seriously hope they didn't catch George H.W. Bush getting a handy in the past couple of months because dat nasty. I think its the world's worst unexplained cut and paste.
  3. She gets money and he gets.. to go get hand jobs in the hood?
  4. Not to cloak room it up, but maybe this is why his buddy was defending him so hard.
  5. He's cheating on that for some cheap ass asian parlor? WTF, man.
  6. Hah. 5.5 would place the future in serious doubt? I bet 20 million really really places the future in serious doubt.
  7. Sure. There are 2 choices. Once you've hit 'share info' on 23andme/ancestry, and found a link. 1) Keep the information to yourself. Once you've hit that button, they can also see that they are linked to you. It's a 2 way street. I don't think there is a way to see a connection without the other side seeing it. 2) Contact them. I chose door #2. Everything you're saying, my wife and I wrestled with. I sleep well with my choices and would have, no matter the consequence. I don't get to choose how someone else handles information. You want to know how I know you aren't adopted? Edit: and with the crap about "selfish to surprise people with information they may not want after all these years". You know what I didn't get to choose? To be adopted. So forgive me if I care a tad bit less about the possible outcome.
  8. You do. And then what do you get? Their crappy ancestry information that has proven to be a little suspect. And maybe the medical info.
  9. I did. Every message I've ever sent someone on Ancestry or 23andme (or through facebook/other after finding the relation through the other sites) has started with something along the lines of "I'm sure this is a suprise. I had the choice to contact your or not, I took that choice from you". Believe me, I hemmed and hawed over what to do and in the end said F it - I can't help how others react to information. We're gonna have all sort of fun in the coming decades with people who were born through sperm donors or who the mom wasn't sure who the daddy was - finding out who the real daddy is.
  10. Peg Leg! Loved their ribs and their mac and cheese was good. My daughter was nuts over the pork rinds in Tennessee and they didn't disappoint there.
  11. A friend of ours, her and her brother are both adopted. The brother did one of the DNA tests and found his mom and sisters who lived near him when he was growing up in Dallas - it's possible he ran into them around town. Our friend, his adopted sister, is probably never going to do it. She just doesn't want to open that can of worms because there is no getting them back in the can once its open. Once you do the test and share the result or find a relative - you can't go backwards.
  12. I thought I had shared this story somewhere on here. Maybe it was the other site. I've always known I was adopted. I figured I was some sort of Mediterranean, I have fairly dark skin that tans easily, dark hair, brown eyes. Wife got us 23andme kits for Christmas 2017. In January 2018, we finally spit in the tube and sent it in (you don't realize how much saliva it takes until you go the required time without eating or drinking and then have to try and fill up a tube. Took a few weeks, they had to reprocess the samples etc. but we finally go the results. First off.. I'm purely northern European, mosly Irish/Scottish/English. Aint no lick of greek or italian in me. =( Then - it found my birth grandma. The percentages matched up so I found her on facebook, did a bunch of snooping and contacted her. At first, she was like, that's impossible we live in Michigan and have never been in your part of the country. Then she talked to one of her grand kids who is a "scientist" and they explained it all to her. Based on the DNA, we knew she was my paternal grandmother so she had to talk to the 2 (i think) living sons and ask if they had sex around X year with someone that may have run down this way. And when it wasn't them, we figured out it was the son that died a few years ago. He didn't have a real great life - so that's exciting. Since then.. I've talked to my adopted parents about it, they're cool. I've talked off and on with grandma on the phone. Various relatives have done 23andme and Ancestry (I later did Ancestry) and I match up with all of them at the expected percentages. It's... different. I wasn't really expecting to find anything when we did it other than my ancestral home. Certainly not grandma. I need to go up to Michigan to visit her some day because an 85 year old woman isn't going to live forever. And I'd like to find my maternal side but that's proving a bit more difficult and I'm sure mom is going to be as much fun as dad.
  13. I love Todd Snider. I've been going to Devil's Backbone Tavern where he got his start and donated a light up Shiner sign to them. The owner, Robyn (sister of Charlie and Bruce Robison), loved it. They've been hinting that Todd will be playing their Labor Day. Todd Snider at Devil's Backbone Tavern? Uh yeah, me and ole Miss Vergie will be there.
  14. fixed. https://www.bbc.com/sport/formula1/47284267 If true, Jesus.
  15. First has to get through nominations. 7 members - 4 republicans 3 democrats, needs 4 votes to get out of nominations. Seems easy except the 4th republican is Seliger.
  16. That was a fun race to watch - first time I can remember in the last decade the wife and I watching most of a race on TV. That accident that took out 18 cars - holey crap. And then they just couldn't really put together a string of green laps after it.
  17. Only 1 of those was born in Texas. Why does the GOP love carpetbaggers so much?
  18. "Beto tried to be a fake mexican to get elected" low information Johnny Sack voter
  19. I know, It'$ just $o weird that he would get involved with them. I ju$t can't figure out why.
  20. Biedermann is a complete disaster. 73rd District longs for the day of sane people like Casteel and Miller.
  21. "Powerful enough to bring down the mainstream media like these larpers have managed to do" Which mainstream media have they brought down?
  22. Aww man, you missed out on the hatch mac and cheese. It's fantastic.
  23. (not sure where else to put this one) Looks like the NFL settled with Kaepernick Mark Geragos always said that they had a strong case, apparently he was right. Enough to make the NFL settle and keep it a little quieter than if it had come out that they were forced to pay X million to Kaepernick. Now they can quietly pay him probably fewer X million.
  24. Who is paying for the ads? Facebook ads aren't exactly cheap.
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