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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. Relapse's rules for life: 1) Shared social media profile means someone's dick was where it shouldn't. Either he got some strange or she had some strange in her. 100%. Never met a single one that didn't have someone who had fucked around, their trust was destroyed and this was the new leash on the cheater. 2) When someone starts posting shit like "Oh, I love my husband, we have the best relationship, *gargle*" - that means someone's dick was where it shouldn't.... I've yet to be proven wrong on either one.
  2. Source? He was supposed to be voted on today, but it looks like that isn't going to happen according to the article. He certainly does have a tough road, thanks to his own fuckup and Danny Goebs.. as I've previously stated so I won't rehash.
  3. I miss Jim and Tammy. And good to see he's still nuts.
  4. I do love Ted's new grandstanding on his Chapo money bill. That's a great idea, I'll fully support it. But... IIRC, they have no fucking clue where that money is. So at this point, it's just a bill entirely for show. Just like it was last time he wrote it.
  5. You're just a bit, right?
  6. Side by Side video of F1 vs Indy 14 second difference, probably will drop over time.
  7. What's really crazy is that 20 years after the vaccine was pulled, there still isn't a definitive count of how many infants received it? I mean - how many doses were sold and how many were returned to the manufacturer or were reliably known to have been destroyed? That would be your total max universe count. </things_that_bother_me>
  8. I was there, and I think I met you if you were with Vance.
  9. Just got back - that was pretty cool. Got there around 9am, found my friend, he had a free ticket, I had to pay $20 (I'll probably be at the race in my normal sponsor RV spot). We walked in and found some seats in the main grandstand and watched whoever was on track at 9am(*), and wondered who was on track at 9am, then wandered under the tunnel to the paddock. You pretty much had full paddock/pit access (not sure if the pit was appreciated, but we went behind the pit boxes. My general rule - don't make an ass of yourself and usually people are cool with you wherever. Looked at all the garages and cars, saw a couple of drivers. Then we went into the paddock building up to the second level and found some seats and they started IndyCar practice. We were down at the very end of pit road at that point. Sat there a bit and then went towards the bridge, friend got a lot of good pictures from the bridge, went down the other side and sat in the Turn 1 grandstands for a good bit and finished the morning practice there. At that point they cleared all the cars out so we wandered back to the paddock and bummed around, then the friend had to leave so I grabbed some food, found a seat towards the middle of pit road in the paddock building and watched whoever was on track around 12:30pm(*). They finished and at 2pm all the IndyCar teams hustled back and watched most of that practice before I had to leave to deal with a work issue. (*) The mystery was Indy Lights. They had maybe 8 cars there. Sounded different, ran Cooper tires. And whoever Marcus Ericsson is currently dating is a cute blonde. She sat in the paddock above his pit. Here's pit road:
  10. I don't think his house in River Oaks is owned by the church - it's registered owner's address is PO BOX 22540 HOUSTON TX 77227-2540 which is where the Osteen's seem to have a number of their companies registered.
  11. Well that's obviously bullshit - Squadron 17 is the best damn outfit on campus. (Every unit says that, it's part of the unit yell. And in the Corps yell, the corps is the best damn outfit on campus) You know - every legislator in Texas should get hell for us still having Confederate Hero's day. However, HB1183 will die on the vine, like it always does because Texas.
  12. Also let him know about the sodium and how your last trip was not good. I mean - if you are going to let him know what people think, might as well be honest so he can fix it.
  13. Anyone else going to COTA for Indycar practice tomorrow, Tuesday February 12th? https://www.facebook.com/events/1970979829687860/ I'm not a huge fan of the $20 ticket, but at least the parking is free. Gates will be open 9am-5pm, 1st session is 10am - 12pn and 2nd session is 2:30pm - 5:30pm. Wednesday they will also be testing but that won't be open to the public. And they will broadcast all 4 sessions live on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. More Info
  14. It would appear swamp draining isn't going so well. Everyone involved with trump seems to end up being a piece of shit.
  15. Oh great, now we're gonna have Pecker in court, refusing to give up his sources in an American Diaper, throwing oranges at the judge ala Larry Flynt.
  16. No way, he's gonna drain the swamp. He's not a politician Get on the MAGA train, prog.
  17. Jeff is smart to let them just sit there on AWS, generating even more money for them as this story drives clicks to National Enquirer.
  18. Speaking as a "length challenged" person (I wonder if I can get handicap plates) - nah. Yep. I mean - I really don't give any fucks about Bezos' marriage. Just keep my Amazon shit working. But I agree how he has changed the narrative. Good job, NE.
  19. Could. But I guess what's the alternative? Lay down when a criminal bullies you?
  20. I don't think I've seen it answered yet. @immamac, what do you mean by this? Are we talking in regards to the pictures or the way he is currently handling it now? Pictures - yeah, fucked up. Handling it now - like a boss.
  21. I think we still need something resembling a TABC to handle the licensing etc. It's just like we need to dissolve our current TABC and come up with a new department. And the laws they are working with are bullshit too, those need a complete cleanup - those laws aren't TABC's fault... Some of it feels to me (and I HATE TABC) like the hatred that gets piled on the IRS, when really the IRS, most of the time, is just working with what they are given. The IRS and TABC both have issues, but the root of those issues is the laws.
  22. Whitley currently getting grilled in confirmation hearing. He isn't coming off very good.
  23. Meh. He's said it before, and no matter his intentions, I agree with him. Edit: I mean, what are we supposed to do? Argue against him because maybe now he's taking his ball? He's right, so let's just agree.
  24. That HAAS car has a very John Player Special feel to it, which I'm sure was their point. And man, I hope I get to meet Gene Haas when I'm up at the Nascar race with one of their major sponsors.
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