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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. Needing Democratic support, Texas' secretary of state faces a rocky path to confirmation Hah. HAHA. HAHAHAHAHAH. Man, Abbott really rolled over Whitley in this one. I wonder what Abbott promised Whitley in return? "You're gonna look like shit for a few months, and let's pray to god that you get confirmed (Seriously - has the SoS ever been anything but a rubber stamp.. before this incident?). What a cluster fuck these two have created.
  2. Daniel Vaughn (OH NO, A BEST OF LIST!!11!1) likes Guess. He's called it the 51st best in the state.
  3. From Yarborough to Cruz. What the fuck happened, Texas?
  4. Being from out of town, what we've done is stay in a very nearby hotel and walk in. We've stayed at the Raddison there at the loop and some suite one on Main. Made our lives so easy - just walk over, enjoy ourselves, then walk back to the hotel after. We can pregame, don't have to worry about the crazy traffic and paying for onsite parking.
  5. The Texas GOP loves them some carpetbaggers. Danny Goeb = Maryland Donna Campbell = California Ken Paxton = North Dakota I don't get it either, but they love people coming in from other states to tell us how to run Texas.
  6. Man, who was it, I think Daniel Vaughn or someone else on his podcast (don't hold me to that, but I have heard someone say it) that said that the 4th BBQ joint in Lockhart, Chisholm Trail, has gotten their shit together and is supposedly putting out good meats now.
  7. Palomas My margaritas (ducks) honey whiskey wine - I'm not very discriminating. Big fan of Moscato and Trader Joe's has a suprisingly good Nouveau that went up in price to $2.99/bottle. It doesn't compare to a $120 bottle, sure, but it's not bad and I can get drunk 40 times more than that $120 bottle would get me.
  8. Schlitterbahn defense attorneys want charges dismissed, say Kansas AG abused grand jury words words That's interesting. It's common as hell around here. Also, while searching for other Shitterbahn (that's german a water park run by incompetent people that will kill you) Schlitterbahn Water Park won't say whether it plans to open this year My guess is that all of Schlitterbahn is having issues, having overstretched themselves opening the new parks. And the one in Corpus now under new ownership and Kansas well, Kansas.
  9. I bet there is tape of Fox & Friends talking about all of that this morning.
  10. Hot Wheels is trying to soften just how bad his long time employee, David Whitley, fucked up on this. But why didn't they talk to some of the larger counties and get their input before going full steam into the press release? Also, from hot wheels' tweeter last week: I kinda wonder about that. What made Whitley do this? He's only ever worked for hot wheels, so I'm assuming the mandate came down from the man in the chair. There's no way this guy thought of it himself after being in office less than 45 days. 'Self, you know I should evaluate the voter rolls and throw some preliminary shit out there to get everyone riled up before I talk to the actual boots on the ground and maybe clean the list up a bit first'. I don't buy this kid doing that. He was told to do this. And as I've repeated for weeks - Goeb done fucked up and probably lost Selinger's vote to move some legislation forward. So you have to find at least 1 Democrat to move this promised legislation forward for a vote in the Senate. Good luck on that one.
  11. God damned our new Secretary of State is incompetent. And yet, even after the Texas Tribune dropped their original update, and it was discussed on the Tribcast live taping yesterday, not a peep from the SoS, the felon (indicted) AG, hot wheels, potato head at 1600 Pennsylvania. So weird that they jumped on it initially and now crickets. Let's check the SoS website , nope nothing. Maybe he put it on their facebook page that so proudly called out the original 95,000? Nope. Come on David Whitley. We know you're a partisan hack, but at least have some dignity and provide an update. As your undergrad and law school says... take the loss, pussy. (I'll be nice and not note that this chucklehead has never worked outside of government. He has been employed by the state since getting his J.D. The only boss he has ever been paid by is hot wheels)
  12. Negative on that one. He's a fucking retard that can't ke.. SQUIRREL!
  13. So - if he's already building it, then obviously he wouldn't need to declare a national emergency (since it's already being done) and he no longer needs the money so we don't need to worry about the government being shut down in 3 weeks, right?
  14. Who? What on earth reputation did this Liz Crokin have before? I've literally never heard her name before, so it doesn't seem to be some sort great reputation that's been lost. And sacrificed what? She worked yourself all up into a lather over some bullshit like a pizza joint fucking kids in the basement? Jesus woman, calm the hell down. Drink some booze and just go through life like the rest of us.
  15. Texas State has announced their 2019 National Signing Day Dinner will be on Wednesday February 6th at 6pm at Embassy Suites.
  16. Explain? I thought you were required to purchase using Tesla.com in Texas. They don't have independent dealerships so the salespeople at their stores can just tell you about the car but cannot assist you in purchasing it but you go to tesla.com to order.
  17. Better workers? That implies that those that they have working in the future, if Sunday sales were allowed, would be not as good. At a liquor store? I mean, yeah I sometimes get recommendations but generally it's just a cash register monkey.. not sure how far the workers could fall. And using their logic - why don't we also require grocery stores and fast food places to be closed at least 1 weekend day - so they can attract better workers. That doesn't really make any sense when they put down the shot glass and step back a bit.
  18. Completely and totally off topic - but have you been to Chick's Meat Market in Bulverde yet? If no, I suggest it. They got some pretty good meats. We went to check it out and picked up a southwestern stuffed pork tenderloin - good heavens.
  19. In doing research, our SoS, who has been on the job about 45 days, was appointed by hot wheels (that's a no shit, obviously). "Previously, Secretary Whitley served as Deputy Chief of Staff and Appointments Director for Governor Abbott. He began working for then-Attorney General Abbott in 2004, serving in various roles including Assistant Deputy Attorney General. " So he's worked for hot wheels for 15 years now. I'm going to guess the order for this came from hot wheels himself, I would imagine that Paxton isn't very well liked up there and is pretty much ignored so I don't think he had them do it. Edit: if I see my friend on the inside Thursday I'll ask him what's up with this.
  20. Texas quietly informs counties that some of the 95,000 voters flagged for citizenship review don't belong on the list God what a disaster the GOP is. I think Kris Kobach might be running our Secretary of State's office. At least the SoS picked a perfect time to fuck up - while the legislature is in session. Idiots. And yet, all the special needs kids like TexasHammer and RealDonaldTrump just ran with the shit.
  21. I guess since there was a 2018 one, there should be a new one for 2019, even though the 2018 thread didn't even make it to page 2. Got notice today that my sales guy was able to get us tickets for their suite at the March 31st race at TMS. Will be interesting now that Daniel Suarez is on a new team and see how they run their guest stuff - the team they had doing it when he was with Joe Gibbs was great. Here's me hoping that we get to do a meet and greet with Tony Stewart, although I'd take Gene Haas as a suitable replacement.
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