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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. fiscal conservatism folks.
  2. I really liked Crimetown and I'm really upset that Season 2 is a Spotify exclusive. I appreciate needing to make money but the fracturing into non standard formats aint gonna work for me. You play in my beloved Beyondpod or you don't get listened to. I'm not smart enough to remember to check different apps.
  3. Those things you put on your feet before you put shoes on.
  4. Smooth moves.
  5. Well that's actually the way it is (*) unless I am misunderstanding your suggestion. Texas Constitution Article 4 Section 14 Governor has 10 days to sign (or fail to sign) or veto a bill unless it's 10 days before the end of the session, in which case he has 20 days after adjournment to do the same. The problem (if there is one) is that the legislature waits till the very end of the session to past most bill. So when they get to the governor, they dont' have the ability to override those vetoes since only the governor can call them back to session. Please someone, tell me again that old line about how our governor is weak. As Texas has been run the past couple of decades - it aint a weak position.
  6. Phrasing.
  7. See: Men running conversion therapy clinics that then come out as gay. They hate themselves so go hard against what they really want. And you do not want pictures of Donna Campbell doing anything with her girlfriend. Based on what I saw driving one of Donna's Lexus SUV's - neither one is a pretty sight.
  8. You would think the party of law and order would want to get to figure out if the state's top law enforcement officer actually broke the law or not. But all I hear from them is crickets. I'm beginning to think the law and order part is a bunch of bullshit.
  9. That was a good podcast on John Scott. I don't watch hockey at all, but I enjoyed it.
  10. Location checks out.
  11. Hey, Texplainer: How do I know if my bill died? Handy guide on how to follow a pet bill through the legislature. Of course, keep in mind that in the end, it could still be vetoed anyways and just die at the governor's desk. (must be a Texas Tribune kind of day for me - but they really are the best news source on our state government)
  12. I was coming to post about that. Harris County GOP draws fire for post blaming "leftism" for the Holocaust How stupid does one have to be to post something like that? We are talking TexasHammer levels of dumb.
  13. Texas Tribune is the go to source for any state government news. They are pretty damn good.
  14. Can't read. The hammer is kinda dumb - that is known.
  15. What began as a lieutenant governor's unusual admonishment of a state senator has turned into something else: A smear campaign. I don't think Danny is being smart in this one. Learn to shut the fuck up, Yankee. Because you don't have the 19 votes if Seliger or a Democrat agree. Which means you are going to have to work with Someone to get shit done. He's sorta been castrated this session and can't go on his little conservative bullshit trips down bathroom law lane.
  16. I'm beginning to think 'fiscal conservatives' might be a lie.
  17. I could see that, although I'd be willing to be Goeb and the Governor are less on talking terms than Hot Wheels and the House. I think the problem with the Senate is a lack of leadership. We have a potato head at the top that thinks he is a leader, but nobody respects except Donna Campbell (R-carpetbagger). Oh, and did yall know she is a lesbian? Interdasting. She's not out, and I would hate to out anyone, but it's common knowledge around the capitol. I just wonder what her very red voters would think about that. Do they keep voting for her because (R) or do they go with their true hatred of da gayz?
  18. I either watched him or a good robot version at the Opry about 18 months ago. Cool starry bro: Watched Charlie Daniels there then we travelled to Branson to visit with my aunt and uncle that have a house on Table Rock and went to one of the shows in town. They had a guy who was supposed to be amazing on the fiddle do Devil Went Down to Georgia. Let me tell you - after having seen Charlie Daniels do that 2 nights before, then watching this guy... I was embarrassed for the kid.
  19. Watched Broner/Pacquaio last night. End of the fight - was Broner concussed? There is literally no way someone with more than 2 brain cells would think he won that fight.
  20. Well that, and the fake number about 63,000 citizens killed by aliens that he overheard in Arizona and they keep parroting.
  21. You know, she's not wrong on the top one. The top of the FBI literally works for him - just fucking ask. If you hate them so much, do something about it. But nope, he needs them as a punching bag and so he continues to tweeter about it instead of, you know, doing his job (if he sees it as such) and fixing the problems, as he and the GOP say they see it.
  22. See, now that's how you spin things.
  23. So - yeah, why would the House vote for this CR, if the end result is he will just declare a national emergency unless they 'see things his way' ? We'll see how much of an agreement this is.
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