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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. Is that the pirate that went on SNL to make nice? Only to come off as a complete retard on his twitters? Yeah. I think the right wing media wants him to be their darling, but it's only going to work with some of the slower constituents.
  2. Also - grown men wearing jerseys and everything in their life invested in a football game. Ugh.
  3. The super bowl hasn't meant anything since it was stolen from the Hawks back in 2006 anyways.
  4. I disagree, 100%. Every news organization has a death file ready to go on a ton of famous people. I 100% guarantee CNN has an RBG one, including an hour long video already done that they just update every so often. It's stupid that they posted that image - screwup my ass - but it's not stupid that they have a death file for her.
  5. I mean, they aren't. Right now they are working under a promise of getting paid when it's all over. Who knows how long that will be.
  6. He reportedly flew commercial. I think it's bad optics meeting with that guy (I mean, his bodyguards did in fact assault protesters on american soil). But his flight was out of the pumpkins control.
  7. It's one of those cognitive dissonance things. "People" get upset about teachers that are just there collecting a paycheck and pass students onto the next grade that aren't ready, giving athletes As that don't deserved them, etc. and then "people" go absolutely bat shit crazy over "high stakes testing". To cut down on the former, we have to have the latter. I just don't see how we can avoid it. You want to pay the best teachers, this is how we determine who the best (admittedly, that's still going to be a subjective decision somewhat) teachers are. We need a way to track student progress from the day they enter the school system until the day they graduate, and possibly beyond to see if it worked. But don't dare say that to people that are anti "high stakes testing" because oh lord their kids cry, the teachers teach the test, blah de fucking blah.
  8. Man, I know Saban loses coaches all the time, but this year seems more than normal.
  9. We have no idea what they are paying, though. It could be a shit ton.
  10. You gotta get in on compounding that shit for the Texas death row. </no cr>
  11. Define enough votes. Enough to pass, or veto proof. Because those are 2 different things.
  12. I think it maybe has to be about how Bev Kearney (you know, won 6 national championships in chick's track Bev) got fired for banging an athlete but Major fucked a trainer on a bowl trip and was allowed to keep his job, with some counseling. And it ended up costing the university over a million dollars between lawyers and settlement to Bev. It's not Major's fault that they got treated differently for basically the same thing, but he's the fall guy and isn't welcome because of it.
  13. Chris, you are free to go. You can walk out that door if you want.
  14. Various EU people have said that they can back out of brexiting and that they can have more time. And a re-referendum is just re-stupid. A non binding referendum do over, its getting more and more regarded.
  15. Did Bev Kearney die? Then there's your answer.
  16. I don't normally condone violence, but if someone went all Charles Sumner on him, I wouldn't cry.
  17. I personally believe the EU will give Britain the time they need to come to staying, if it appears they continue moving in that direction. No deal exit is the worst of all ideas, for everyone involved. Its just a BOOM out of it, band aid ripped off and a whole lotta uncertainty and businesses LOVE uncertainty (which we are obviously at right now with Brexit but ripping that bandaid off in 1 day, that's worse).
  18. (I will note in post 335 you said an extension was unlikely) Haha. Yeah. She isn't going to revise shit. It will end up being a no exit. No way parliament does a no deal exit. That would be the worst option imaginable.
  19. Personally, I wouldn't have had a non binding referendum to begin with. What a fucking shit show. Ask the (admit it we mostly are) uneducated populace if they want to do A or B and not give them all the details of A (leaving) because those details weren't developed at that time. I think Brisket said it, it's like asking kids if they want recess every period. Of course they fucking do, because they are stupid. But now that they've gone down this road, I would ask the EU for more time, which I believe the EU has said they could have, and call another referendum. Or just call the whole fucking thing off, which the EU has said they can, because it was retarded to do a non binding referendum to start with. Don't get me started on referendums and initiatives, they are for the most part a very bad idea.
  20. But they could have brought up the bill for a vote in both houses and put it squarely on the shoulders of the guy that said he would take the blame but suprise, once again, he lied.
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