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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. That would be 563, that seems manageable.
  2. So - what's the right number? To me, it seems we are basically close to the size of a somewhat manageable meeting. You can go up, but it gets more and more unwieldy, the members know each other less and less and you just run into physical plant restraints. If we did 1 per 100,000 - that would be 3250 representatives. That sounds a bit strange. Found some data. In number of people to representative, we are currently third behind India and the EU. Following us are Bangladesh, China, Pakistan and it just keeps dropping slowly. We have the 26th largest representative body (just looking at the house), and the house is the 19th largest of the bicameral bodies. So - based on just what other countries are doing, I could see us doubling the number of representatives, but I stated my reasons above for not going too big.
  3. So, they are going to be exiting from brexiting?
  4. Or, as I saw a thread on an article yesterday: "It's their own fault, they joined the easy branch". And that was from an Army Veteran. It's great when Vets don't even stick up for currently serving guys.
  5. Beats me, I guess they have their reasons for not pressuring the turtle in bringing the bill up for a vote. So get their input on what it would take to get them to vote for it, again. Currently they are all being shielded by one person and don't really have to take a stand. So invite them into a discussion and get it recorded that more than McConnell don't want to discuss - if they don't come.
  6. Eh. Listen to Barbara Jordan speak. People were drawn to her and she could get them past their differences. There was something about what she said and how she said it that had some sort of magic. AOC.. man, I just don't get that vibe, AT ALL, from her.
  7. That would be the daring the senate not to work with them.
  8. I'd really like Nancy and the House to announce that they are going to work around the hamberderler in the white house and work with the senate to come up with a bicameral bill that is veto proof and then create a committee or something, invite the senate and then dare them to not work together with the house. Where the fuck is our modern day Barbara Jordan?
  9. I don't believe that's true. I do believe congress could work together, cobble together a bill that could pass both houses with a veto proof majority and send it to the idiot, let him veto it, override that veto and voila. So yeah, do your job, turtle. If the orange retard won't lead, pull your head out of your shell and be a leader.
  10. Did that happen in THIS senate or THAT senate? HUGE difference, HUGELY!
  11. Ah ok. Gotcha. I misread, you're saying they didn't try hard enough, and I concur.
  12. I've said it before, this guy has the anti midas touch. Everything he touches turns to shit. Its actually amazing.
  13. The sooner you realize the fucking US of A is a 3rd world shithole, the sooner it all makes sense. We have people who can't afford medical treatment that use GoFundMe as their insurance - that's 3rd world shithole level.
  14. So strange. Iconoclast wants to overthrow the Iranian government. But doesn't like how it ended up for people in Arab countries that tried to overthrow their government. So strange.
  15. The SEC is also currently working with a skeleton crew - so if you wanna go that route, you can go all out.
  16. Sounds like a noble goal, but you might want to talk to Congress and the President - it seems like they might want to remove some of the duties/laws first.. we might be going about this bassackwards. Also, call me crazy, but this seems like pretty poor employee relations and if you ever hope to hire anyone decent in the future (yes Margaret, the government will still need employees no matter what that idiot Grover thinks) we might need to treat our employees better than forcing them to work without pay.
  17. Haney won, unanimous. He pretty much just out boxed the other guy every round. Other guy threw a lot of punches but rarely landed any. If it had gone to 11, he would have been knocked out because at the end of 10, Haney wss pummelling him at will but time ran out.
  18. Showbox tonight main card should be good. Haney and Ndogeni, both undefeated going in. I watched Haney the other day and I was impressed, that was a fight from earlier in the year against Menard. Haney danced around well, got in a good number of punches and Menard gave up after the 9th round.
  19. Well, actually, with the various people not being paid - federal prison guards, TSA, Coast Guard, ATF, FBI, US Marshals, DEA... he doesn't seem to be trying very hard to keep us safe.
  20. So I assume in some past shutdowns they did not receive back pay for furloughed time? I agree that agree that with his quick analysis, it appears bad policy, but if he could at least point out 1 single time where they were did not receive back pay.. they maybe he has a point. Everyone knows that everyone eventually has always (please look that up but I'm 99% certain on that, I'd like to be proven wrong so we all know) gotten back pay - so we are already operating under the assumption that each time we shut down the government, everyone gets paid in the end - its just sucks ass until then.
  21. So the 1 armed wall dude. It's also interesting to me that he formed a 501c4 and not a 501c3. I'm sure that was on purpose because 501c4s can: I think this guy might be a con artist. Just a hunch. Hopefully he doesn't have Kobach handling information.
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