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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. I guess this is appropriate. SIAP. $20 million raised in GoFundMe for Trump border wall to be refunded This Kolfage guy is amazing. I'm sorry that you got 3 limbs blown off, but that doesn't allow you to be a con artist the rest of your life because of it. He also has another website, https://www.fight4freespeech.com/, that he started because he was upset over a private company shutting down some of his accounts. I just love how all sorts of people pop up these days to separate people from their money. It's like modern day snake oil salesmen. Edit: And I forgot this is the same dude that apparently stole money destined for a veteran mentorship program. This guy is a regular 1 armed bandit.
  2. I'd like to meet the person that wouldn't eat Champ's food because he is using, and giving credit to, John Mueller for his recipe. That would be one strange cat. And it really would be a rare person that would see JM listed and then go 'fuck that guy' because how many people have followed the saga as closely as those here. There can't be that many.
  3. But we don't need the federal government to tell us how to act! These people are literally proving why we have certain federal employees. Keep it up guys.
  4. Dan Crenshaw does not look like a hit man in a porno movie. But he is turning out to be just a run of the mill piece of shit republican.
  5. It's nice that they voted to take down the plaque. I'll patiently wait to see the plaque actually taken down. 2 different things.
  6. He sure does hate him anything related to Obama and pretty much the entire state of California. I've never seen such infighting between coastal elites.
  7. That sounds great. But currently - we can't build new breweries or release labels. So I may agree with you in principle, but it's currently not working.
  8. "Slaves had it better than if they had been left in Africa" WTF is it with Republicans and always having to decide what is better for someone.
  9. Was refreshed on something last night. A few years back, the Texas Senate had a rule that required 2/3 of the Senators to vote to move a bill forward - 21 senators. Then they changed to 3/5 required to move a bill forward - 19 senators. Currently - there are 19 republican senators. So it takes every one of them to move a bill forward if no democrat wants to. I wish I was listening closer, but apparently there is a republican senator that has his panties in a wad and is pretty much going to refuse to vote to move anything forward. I Think it was Creighton. Due to whatever, the senator is going to lose his chair and possibly vice chair (or not reappointed when the lt gov makes the appointments). So - unless they change the rules, it will take at least 1 democrat to agree to move any bill forward, which means we might have a somewhat clean session - no fricking whining from Goeb etc. However, my friend is also quite concerned that because of this, he'll probably be working in Austin all summer as the governor calls one special session after another. tldr; bipartisan in austin or nothing is going to happen.
  10. Hang out at his house at Lake Burton and eat Little Debbies all day.
  11. Texas drinkers beware: Government shutdown hits beer, wine and spirits production Ok, fuckers, now it's on! Fuck TSA and all, but don't dare touch my booze.
  12. Dude. Dude. 1st overall on Kyler? That midget is going to get creamed the first time he scrambles.
  13. Seriously. What is up with this giant baby of a man always running away from things? Such a puss. Most wonderful and beautiful puss every seen.
  14. Picked up The Earl Campbell Tyler Rose Award tonight.
  15. Well now I have to find out where Spav lives. Maybe he is neighbors with Jason Washington.
  16. Good news, Spav tweeted this 21 minutes ago: I gotta assume that means he isn't currently leaving.
  17. Good lord, if Texas State loses Spav after like a month and basically have to start over from scratch, Larry Teis might want to have someone else start his car each morning - they gonna lose their mind.
  18. Not renewing till Dabo is at the helm? I think he's going to be waiting awhile. Unless something really drastic happens at Clemson, I don't think Dabo is going home to mama.
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