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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. You're undervaluing Publix. I really enjoyed shopping in the one by our hotel in Destin, very nice store.
  2. Champ - how do you do it? Black magic? Meaning - how are you running lunch/dinner service and also smoking meats for the next day, plus all the other prep. When Michael at Hays County did Big & Bright Festival he talked about the serious bags he has under his eyes from basically sleeping with his pits.
  3. Dang. Wasn't even with Mack for a month.
  4. Do it then, pussy. When people aren't able to get their interest free loans they make to the government each year (Tax Refund), they will be screaming bloody murder and that's when things will get really fun. Right now there's a whole lot of "well,it doesn't affect me because blah di blah". But as it affects more and more, buckle in.
  5. That's exactly why he's pushing the generic WALL! so much.
  6. Nope, not your use. The use of conservative by "conservatives".
  7. "conservative" That word isn't currently generally used as originally defined.
  8. Well I guess this is ol Ted's last term in the senate. I wonder what he plans to do in 6 years? Oh wait: Figures. Piece of shit. Edit: Piece of shit had this to say: Uhm, isn't voting the ultimate will of the [voting] American people? (I'm against term limits).
  9. Here is the briefing that DHS secretary Brigitte Nielsen wanted to give at the white house meeting earlier this week. GOPers, what does this mean: Are there any specifics? I need something more to go than (paraphrasing) I need $5 billion to build the wall. How is that 5 billion gonna be spent? What exactly are we doing with it?
  10. (because it has never been about actually securing the border)
  11. I agree. I know they are both called football, but the difference between college and NFL is HUGE. It's strange how people that are fans of both forms don't see the difference. It's the same thing with players - just because someone is good at college ball doesn't equate to good at NFL, and vice versa.
  12. Nah. Chicks will be all over that hire. They may suck on the field, and in the locker room, but chicks love Coach Bro.
  13. Michael Sam might make a comeback?
  14. I thought he had medical issues that kind of prevented him from coaching.
  15. See: Department of Energy. I know they want to drain the swamp, but getting rid of the nerds isn't the right idea. We are setting ourselves back a few years.
  16. We have a large surplus thanks to the current drilling. The fight is going to be (and this involves school finance) the rainy day fund and not pumping much to it this time.
  17. As I am sure you are aware, one of the requests(?) that the legislature is going to have is that certain districts (Hi AISD) strongly consider consolidating schools. I know AISD has started down that road again, but I think the legislature is looking for more consolidation. They are also working on a way to get those teeny tiny districts like Prairie Lea with 225 kids to strongly consider merging. They want to more even out the size of districts so we don't have districts ranging in size from Divide with 11 kids to Houston with 215k kids. Look for a lot more incentive based pay to come from the leg this session. The legislature is, but some of the staff is as smart as can be. If they will follow the staff's guidelines, it will work out.
  18. Starts next Tuesday, kids. Buckle up. My guy that is in the know says school finance is gonna get a MASSIVE overhaul this session. Like, this may be one of the biggest changes since robin hood started.
  19. Funny thing is - if that happened, it would be the first coach that has willingly left A&M for another job since... Bear Bryant went to Alabama in 58. Full circle and all that.
  20. Boy, that's a hiring search team that I would not want any part of. Replacing a guy that's won 5 national championships (6 overall) for your school and is in the championship game again this year and is pretty much indisputably the best coach in college football right now? Yeah, there's so many ways you could fuck up that hire it aint even funny.
  21. From the Diaz coaching tree. And not a bad hire - he actually did pretty well at LaTech last year... for a small school that maybe should be in FCS, they were in the ~30 range in defense.
  22. Except they have coaches hired away every year? Kirby Smart, Jeremy Pruitt, Lane Kiffin, Mike Locksley. On and on.
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