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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. No, but turn off your sig please.
  2. relapse98


    See my comment above about the border patrol. Cut and replace with national guard.
  3. Walk me through it? It seems like grasping for straws to tie the lawsuit, that doesn't include Fox, to this.
  4. Boom the got busted for colluding on advertising pricing? I must be missing the smoking gun on this one that ties twitter silence to it.
  5. Well.. they failed pretty spectacularly on that one.
  6. relapse98


    What's going on at BP is that they hire a shit ton of people who really have no business being a police officer. But its an easy job to get in parts of the country that don't really have jobs and its turning into another jobs program.
  7. That's their standard go to. Don't believe _____ (and that ____ depends on the day and person), then you are just a RINO. Because that's a HUGE insult!
  8. A guy who has never been a college head coach and has been out of the college game for 20 years. Great pick!
  9. They may not vote for the VP, but they could (and would) vote against that Vice President candidate. John Kerry? Good lord. Its like now we are just throwing old shit against the wall to see what sticks.
  10. Elder statesman being someone not named Bernie. Just too much baggage there.
  11. Who the hell thinks A&M is good? They haven't been watching our "QB" or "defense" play if they do.
  12. Btw, this thread is a great melt. She doesn't have any experience but soon will. This would be that Blue Wave that was talled about. Ol Ed maybe should have seen the wave coming and done some better explaining to the voters as to why they might want to not do straight ticket. As much as you don't understand Ed losing, I don't get how people like Paxton and Miller won, those really weren't the best candidates and it aint even close. But that's elections.
  13. Yeah, but which party has run Texas for two decades?
  14. relapse98


    Yall being trolled. Seriously, see that it's a troll, block it and walk away. See something, say something.
  15. Looks like Vettel had had something really big flying between his legs during FP2
  16. relapse98


    Great question, this is actually defined in the 1951 Geneva Convention document on refugees:
  17. Poor Eric is gonna need a new babysitter if Don Jr. goes to the pokey.
  18. Damn shame they haven't visited Hays Co.
  19. Might want to control those anger problems in the pen or he'll be seeing a lot more of the D.
  20. Meh, stay in the car, call the cops, maybe have your wife call her coworkers. It only even got to a question of self defense because mr anger management issues can't control himself and had to interject himself into a situation that didn't really exist.
  21. Putting aside the fact that it wasn't self defense and this idiot should have never gotten involved. What on earth changed between the 2 trials? That's a huge swing.
  22. Self defense, bro. The wall needed defending. Poor white trash. Gets to live in prison now. Poor white trash.
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