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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. And its still a better place for them than FBS.
  2. Wright was in between Baliff and Fran. And I think they should go back to FCS. But how many teams have ever done that backwards move? 1 - Idaho this year, and that was the best decision they could make. They also had no place being in FBS.
  3. I think even Texas State wants better than 7-28. And they should have done a twofer with whoever hired Fran the Sham and fired em both.
  4. Hmm, I don't think even Ted Cruz is getting primaried.
  5. Wow, every last one of those hillbillies looks exactly like I imagined.
  6. So I wonder if this old man that everyone seems to like will demand that kstate pay out his contract. He just signed it earlier this year and gets $3.45 million/year for 5 years and it increases 300k/year for the first 2 seasons. We'll find out how good a man he is if they do push him out.
  7. Yeah but they love to look at Coach Bro, so they'll keep him around.
  8. Impossible. They have a fake grass field. He won't be able to graze. I just don't see a national championship winning coach that loves to eat grass ending up at a school that doesn't even have grass.
  9. He's running.
  10. #MakeBritainGreatAgain
  11. In theory, yes. It was not a legally binding referendum. But full steam ahead they go!
  12. Who gives a shit? Better place without him.
  13. Oooohhhh, look at that big tv star.
  14. Of course, a grass field can be replaced in under a week, as demonstrated in pictures above (assuming the field was already in the process of being grown). The NFL could have resolved this, they didn't want to.
  15. Paging Mark Geragos to the courtesy phone. The NFL already loves him, what's one more lawsuit.
  16. And then the field was in the process of being repaired, and actually looked much better than those pictures, by the times the pictures hit. Oh well. Pussy players gonna pussy.
  17. Same reason Beto appropriated a mexican name. 4d chess!
  18. relapse98


    He's probably not wrong... see the idiot above in Alpine... they're staying in hotels there.
  19. Kind of awkward when someone doesn't know USC is a private school.
  20. No, but turn off your sig please.
  21. relapse98


    See my comment above about the border patrol. Cut and replace with national guard.
  22. Walk me through it? It seems like grasping for straws to tie the lawsuit, that doesn't include Fox, to this.
  23. Boom the got busted for colluding on advertising pricing? I must be missing the smoking gun on this one that ties twitter silence to it.
  24. Well.. they failed pretty spectacularly on that one.
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