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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. Why are you trying to pigeonhole-him? Remember your fucking place.
  2. I still don't get it and I'm pretty sure the majority of Beto supporters would be less than pleased with him openly supporting the Libertarian candidate. And that's before that same candidate filed the 'largest ever FEC Complaint against CNN and Beto'. You know, fuck Dikeman.
  3. Wait a minute. This guy thinks Beto should support Dikeman, the same guy that has filed an FEC complaint against Beto? Good luck on that one.
  4. Ted's bus looks like it needs some strippers.
  5. " he’s got positions that are far, far outside the mainstream of Texas." the fuck? He will at the very least get 40% of the votes. Far far out of the mainstream? Just how out of touch does someone have to be to say something like that. Its not like Texas votes 90% R, they are just our louder idiots.
  6. I imagine my german might be worse than my english.
  7. There's times when I've looked at Heidi and thought that it would be fun to ride that ride once. And he's into pr0n.
  8. Wasn't there a darker feller that used to post here that was really into rep?
  9. Its some sort of insult given by fans of thedonald. I really don't get it. Its the same people that regularly throw out cuck, beta, LOL, etc.
  10. No, its a fucking beating. 1 troll was able to completely derail a thread
  11. Oh trust me, its a blast when they knock on your door at 0600. And I was 100% innocent, but man those were some fun times.
  12. Negatory, I believe UNC is still in the ACC.
  13. He'll soon be eating syrup or jelly with his tossed salad.
  14. Sorry, his Tshirt making business is on hold. But he can make you a sweet license plate.
  15. Its some sort of "insult" that kinda proves the ignorance of the one saying it. They learn a new term like beta, cuck, soy boy, etc. and just parrot it over and over. But they are like totally smart.
  16. TMZ might want to hold off on opening their mail for a few days.
  17. <insert Trump I love the poorly educated video>
  18. There really is one for every occasion.
  19. Bad theory. I'm bat shit crazy and I only have 2 no wait 3 oh yeah that one on the windshield 4. Ok, maybe you're right.
  20. Looks like a god damned ice cream truck with stickers of all the products on it.
  21. Piece of shit lawyer votes for another piece of shit lawyer. Don't act so suprised.
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