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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. You know how persuasive those hot 6th graders can be. Wait, what?
  2. I love this actor. And wtf, white castle? Come on, ted.
  3. Handmade? made from scratch? They must be bringing that shit in house because those tortillas are the worst thing there, by far.
  4. Not sure if you know but the chamber has started doing it again once at year at Starcke.
  5. (Hence why i said where the stop was, but you can't buy Q passes online)
  6. Same. Finally pinged my vendor to see if they were doing the tailgate on the back straight again... yep. Can't beat free with bbq and drinks flowing. I'll be getting there earlier this year so I can enjoy it a bit more. I'm sure we'll have the usual rush for parking passes and I'm almost positive we'll be in Q, which is fine because that is far away from any traffic. Strangely, I haven't seen COTA say anything about Q, but its on the map and the shuttle stop moved over outside of turn 7 instead of 11.
  7. They posted a picture yesterday of the Ferrari Club visiting. Was a crap ton of italian cars.
  8. Doh! Though she won't get it because she'll just see 60 and 70 and assume Beto gets more from out of state.
  9. Good lord, what is it with you republicans and your fascination with the Rothschilds?
  10. Yea but Jeb! was low energy. Please clap.
  11. You being trolled, my man.
  12. Wondery just started Legal Wars. The first series is about Hulk Hogan vs Gawker and Peter Thiel's involvement. I like this semi Podcast company war that's going on. Wondery and Gimlet both put out really good content.
  13. Hays County was excellent today. I've finally gotten them to listen when I order burnt ends. The turkey was good and moist and I'm still in love with the hatch mac and cheese.
  14. We could even call it the Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act.
  15. Quoting myself since I waited too long to edit. Its entirely possible Drayton really wanted to do something and there was a city law in place preventing that, but I can't find any evidence. It may be that the Astro's organization was not interested in the steps required to maintain food at the proper temperatures or to cool it down so that it could actually be used. Also - food in the suites might be considered 'already served' since it was passed from the concessionaire to the suite owner and that food may not be able to be sold.
  16. Someone needs to tell Second Servings of Houston, then. They appear to be a bunch of lawbreakers.
  17. There's either more to the story or there is education needed. She most certainly feed it to pigs. The farmer would need to apply for, and get, a max $25/year permit from the Texas Department of Agriculture.
  18. Its amazing the people that think that. There are also those people who will post a map showing all the red counties so and so won, not realizing that some of those counties in Texas have 113 total residents. Its neat and all that you win a county, but these elections are based on the actual vote - we don't have some sort of county electoral college.
  19. One of them takes care of himself. The other is a Canadian Cuban.
  20. You can't just throw that out there. Huh?
  21. Stephen Miller would be on a corner giving handies for $5, instead he gets to implement his racist policies, and give handies to the most powerful man in the world for $179k/year. So I say the win goes to the creepy bald fellar.
  22. So.. I know there's this thought about how all Aggies are die hard conservatives. Yeah. Let's just say that's not entirely true, probably like most sterotyping.
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