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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. Did some searching. WHQ is sitting on TCAD property ids 188623 & 188624. They are appraised at a little north of 10 million, combined. Looks like the monthly property tax on them is around 18k. That's some damn valuable land he's using. And 40k/month straight off the top at a restaurant, ouch.
  2. As far as we've seen, that she was just underage. We'll have to wait for more evidence to see if she ever said her age. Affidavit. She told her counselor who in Texas is required by law to report suspected child abuse. He's a "big deal". There are reports she looks younger than 16 rather than older. So this guy probably knew what he was shopping for and purchased it.
  3. From the pictures, minimum age to vote for Ted looks to be about 60 or 70?
  4. He had an event indoors at the Dixie Grille in Seguin a few weeks ago. There were less than 100 people there. Such excitement surrounding the Canadian.
  5. Weird. You would have thought after the demise of AWH, Eddie would have stopped being a renter.
  6. I'm not going to quote #141, but really should spoiler that shit (pun intended). My taco is definitely not as good as it was before I opened this thread.
  7. Not sure if I've mentioned it before, but I've really gotten into the National Podcast of Texas from Texas Monthly. They just had Ray Benson talking about how he hooked Willie up with Beto and the history of his band. TM also does Daniel Vaughn's Fire & Smoke podcast.
  8. They'd have to strap it to him since it doesn't actually fire that well.
  9. The Drinkin/Donation Game for tonight's debate from Beto's campaign. They got some good ones in there, the light blue shirt, talking about Ulysses, Ted saying liberal and socialist, stage wispers, Ted trying to make a joke.
  10. He's having to google translate to russian.
  11. He's "just asking questions". He doesn't want to know the facts.
  12. Need to get that one added to the Truthbrary.
  13. The power of actually being a senator? Let us know when he decides to do something with that power.
  14. That's such bullshit. It was a sting. They forced him into fucking her.
  15. Oh yay, more federal charges. I guess the pew pew plastic gun business is over.
  16. Sovereign Citizen, bro. Your laws don't apply to me. Game, set match.
  17. Put that way, probably wouldn't suprise me, and good on em for busting him.
  18. Wish I'd known he was flying to Taipei, I had some modems he could have taken back to the manufacturer for RMA.
  19. Hope that helps. And you could have just said that our largest university is Texas A&M and been correct.
  20. Oh, and nude photos of her - that could also give him a federal charge. Rut roh. I'd say Cody is gonna have some fun times in bang you in the ass prison. Hope he likes salad.
  21. Oh boy, she's gonna claim it was a giant mushroom head and then it'll end up being someone else.
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