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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. But but but, 1st amendment!!!!!!
  2. Someone needs to order a house and chill.
  3. Ear Hustle is back for Season 3, first episode dropped today. And lord help me if I ever have to go backend fishing, that sounds like a crappy way to get food.
  4. My little music site thing is going gangbusters. Doing daily calendar postings on facebook, gaining followers (slower than I hope but Rome wasn't built in a day). Got the website up and it shows a weeks worth of the calendar in text format, plus has a google calendar you can link to. All of it is run by a db. The google calendar stuff is automagic now. I have a script that can add/delete the next 30 days worth of events from the db. The facebook stuff is manual for now, but that's cool. I also have started thinking ahead and doing a couple of scheduled posts on facebook when I know I'll be away from a computer on a trip, that's worked well. Its become a nice time sink for me.
  5. Unless they are there to shut the door.
  6. Reminder that BBQ Shop Talk with Texas Monthly's Daniel Vaughn is this Saturday in San Marcos.
  7. "I'm upset that we can no longer walk in public in our klan robes"
  8. As long as the state party can utilize it and it doesn't fall by the wayside like what Obama did. To keep it going forward, Beto and the party will have to work together. We'll see if they do.
  9. Just need a few more GOPpers insinuating how stupid they are because they only vote straight ticket due to the names on the ballot.
  10. Ken should talk about the sexual abuse that happened during his tenure in Wacko. Or does that hit a bit close to home, counselor?
  11. Yeah but she's faking being a carpet muncher to get the Subaru votes.
  12. Yes, by definition straight ticket voters dont care about the name. They vote D or R, period. So he could be Lee Harvey Oswald O'Rourke and they wouldn't care. Please explain the thought process behind your above comment because it literally makes no sense.
  13. Kinda like how Beto was Beto in elementary school? Weird.
  14. Its so strange how the low information voters have really gotten hung up on a nickname the guy has used for 46 years. "He's trying to bamboozle them dumb messicans into thinking he's one of them"
  15. So is the argument that Hispanics are stupid enough to vote for someone based solely on their first name, never mind that the ballot will also include last name? I mean, if that's what you want to go with, but I dont think calling them stupid is going to play well.
  16. No, hes not.
  17. That's rich. Literally.
  18. There's a reason he's branded himself as Ted in this election. And it's not because of some childhood nickname.
  19. I doubt she has with Botham Jean. If so, ick.
  20. No. They are lazy little fuckers. Apt to leaving doors ajar.
  21. Meh, unless each apartment has a failproof midget to slam the door shut, I wouldn't put too much stock into it having a closure mechanism. You can still put something between the door and jamb to keep it from shutting. Hell, they have a deadbolt that could be opened while the door was open that would prevent it from closing.
  22. Dead guy aint coming back to life. (I know that's not what you meant, but that is the "right thing").
  23. I broke and entered your mom in my underwear.
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