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Everything posted by relapse98

  1. Are they also discussing about how ol Ted violated federal election laws? I mean, they Are for law and order so surely they have a problem with that, right?
  2. Heard an ad for the new podcast from Wondery Dr. Death today. Listened to the first 2 of 6 episodes - I'm hooked. Its by the same people that did Dirty John. Its about a neurosurgeon in Dallas that's a fuckup and killed/maimed some people.
  3. It was rhetorical. He was just asking questions.
  4. Beto has them all sorts of scared.
  5. Once again,the GOP is trying too hard to be funny.
  6. Jesus, what kind of fucked up school did Raphael go to?
  7. Well look who is coming back around these parts. Texas State University Town Hall with Beto O'Rourke
  8. Texas GOP seems to have the same playbook as Rafael Edward Cruz: Try too hard at being funny.
  9. https://www.texastribune.org/2018/07/27/orourke-cruz-debate-senate/ Lord, this shit again? Welcome to the thread!
  10. The difference in these 2 pictures says it all. Bunch of pissed off old people versus some kids excited to be with their candidate. Its amazing how one campaign seems to be run by complete novices and is going all negative and the other one is starting to run like a well oiled machine and has people excited and is staying positive.
  11. Its defined in the bill and California law. Linkie So, with the knowledge now of what is violent crime, can you explain why you think this is a fake news story, other than the fact that the AP didn't fully explain the bill in its tweet?
  12. I'm voting for Tippetts or not at all, because fuck hot wheels and lupe.
  13. Aye. It'll just feed the 'Beto wants to make Texas like California' tired line.
  14. I don't drive a truck.
  15. Its all about the money money money (apologies to Jessie J for scrambling the words).
  16. Well, in the 2016 Florida Congressional Primary, he came in 3rd place with 17.39%. 2014 Maryland Congressinal General, he got 48.2%. 2012 Maryland Senate General, he got 26.66% (Jesus, dude, how on earth do you only get 26.66% of the votes as the nominee from 1 of the 2 major parties - like, that's really not good.)
  17. Holey, shit. Florida gets that MILF as Attorney General and we have the lazy eyed thief? We got out whataburgered.
  18. I think Lt. Dan might also have some brain damage from the war. And does Cruz have anyone working on his campaign staff that can vet people before they post shit? Maybe see if Lt. Dan is cuckoo ca choo before wanking him off?
  19. Definition of a carpet bagger.
  20. So, apparently Neal Dikeman (Class of 98, whoop!) is the libertarian candidate and we also have the independents Carl Bible, Jonathan Jenkins and Bob McNeil.
  21. Apparently he was watching whatever Lance Armstrong was up to at the time, because Lance Armstrong's endorsement matters... to 1 person.
  22. Lord the last 50 posts have been completely retarded.
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